Monthly Archives: January 2022

Brandon Is Super-Tired Of All These Unvaccinated Getting Omicron

He’s learned that shutting down a virus isn’t easy, which is why he heads to his Delaware home or Camp David almost every weekend Biden tries to rally COVID-weary nation: ‘We’re all tired and frustrated’ “Folks, I know we’re all tired and frustrated about the pandemic,” President Biden said on Tuesday ahead of his meeting […]

Surprise: Investigators Point Towards Shed Fire For Colorado Fire

Remember how Warmists were blaming it on ‘climate change’? Drought, heavy winds, and recent warm weather created the conditions for Colorado's historic Marshall fire to flourish, say climate experts and meteorologists. — Climate Signals (@ClimateSignals) January 4, 2022 How many homes need to burn down in a blazing fire in Colorado on New Years […]

If All You See…

…is a perfect spot to put up a bunch of wind turbines, far from the big cities where they can’t be seen, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is neo-neocon, with a post on the invented coup living on.

Why Are So Many Vaccinated And Even Boosted People Getting The Chinese Coronavirus?

It’s official per the Associated Press: the “vaccines” are basically flu shots Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? A couple of factors are at play, starting with the emergence of the highly contagious omicron variant. Omicron is more likely to infect people, even […]

Surprise: California Rules Will Make Solar More Expensive

It’s already expensive, and the state of the People’s Republik Of California is requiring more and more be used to replace all the reliable, dependable, low cost oil, gas, and nuclear. So, let’s make it more expensive Tesla Fights California Law That Could Make Solar Energy Costs Soar In an announcement issued in late December, […]

Biden Comes Up With A “Plan” To Combat High Meat Costs

Up till recently, my Walmart and Lidl have mostly resisted the rising cost of foods, including meats. So, I was kinda shocked at how much pre-made burger patties had gone up. Probably around $2 from normal. Fortunately, #LetsGoBrandon has a Plan I'm sure going to war with companies responding to market cost pressures will solve […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Beverly Hills enjoying armed robberies.

Who Would Have Guessed That Cloth Masks May Not Provide Protection Against Omicron?

Or, really, just about any version of the Chinese coronavirus Cloth masks may not protect against omicron, report says Single-layer cloth masks may not provide adequate protection against the very infectious omicron variant of COVID-19, according to a recent Wall Street Journal report. Many infectious disease experts noted people prefer cloth masks because they are more […]

Bummer: New England Is One Cold Snap From Energy Doom

This is all your fault….oh, wait, no, this is the fault of all the climate cultists who keep voting to do away with reliable, dependable, affordable energy New England Is One Cold Snap Away From An Energy Crisis (skip through a bunch of paragraphs that are weird) Consider Boston, Massachusetts, the unofficial capital of New […]

Progressives Super Worried About “Rights” They Will Lose If The GOP Takes Control

First off, even if the GOP regains the House and Senate, Biden will still be able to veto everything he doesn’t like. Second, they’re really letting the cat out of the bad on the way they think The Rights Blue States May Lose If the GOP Returns to Power At the moment, the two major […]

Pirate's Cove