And, let’s be honest, this is China’s fault. What could Biden have really done? Of course, he ran on shutting down the virus, not the economy, and has done neither. Meanwhile, imagine this NY Times piece if Trump were still president. Heck, it’s not even the top story. Whining about January 6th is
U.S. Covid Death Toll Surpasses 900,000 as Omicron’s Spread Slows
More than 2,600 Americans are dying from Covid-19 each day, an alarming rate that has climbed by 30 percent in the past two weeks. Across the United States, the coronavirus pandemic has now claimed more than 900,000 lives.
Yet another, simultaneous reality of the pandemic offers reason for hope. The number of new coronavirus infections is plummeting, falling by more than half since mid-January. Hospitalizations are also declining, a relief to stressed health care workers who have been treating desperately ill coronavirus patients for nearly two years.
Those are the workers who had to work more because their unvaccinated coworkers were fired and no longer allowed to work in hospitals and such, right? Because of mandates by Biden and other Democrats, right?
All that has created a disorienting moment in the pandemic: Though deaths are still mounting, the threat from the virus is moving, for now, farther into the background of daily life for many Americans.
Patrick Tracy of Mundelein, Ill., has seen the disconnect up close. In his county, new infections have fallen in recent weeks as the highly infectious Omicron variant has begun to recede nationwide. But as those case rates were dropping, Mr. Tracy’s wife, Sheila, died from Covid. Ms. Tracy, 81, a native of Ireland who was devoted to her grandchildren and the roses she tended in her front yard, was vaccinated, but also had underlying medical conditions.
“The people that don’t get vaccinated — you tell them that almost 900,000 have died, and they say, ‘They’d have died anyway,’” Mr. Tracy said. “We have very little consideration for our fellow man.”
Funny, more unvaccicanted are dying now than before. Joe might want to talk to China about this. Oh, right, he’s buying huge amounts of masks and tests from China. And there’s literally no relevant mention of President Biden, as if he has nothing to do with this. The guy who said he had a plan had no plan.
At this point (Friday late night), the Washington Post has no article. Nor does CNN. Nor CBS News. ABC News has a lower priority article, and NBC News has one way down the page. The focus is on Jan 6th and Pence rebuking Trump. The LA Times leads with the China Olympics, and a small story on 900k Americans dying from the Chinese coronavirus

The number of new coronavirus infections is plummeting, falling by more than half since mid-January. Hospitalizations are also declining
This is likely because previous covid exposure and past coronavirus exposure to colds(colds that come from a version of the coronavirus) are offering protection against a variant that is attempting to enact self-preservation to itself by becoming less deadly and more infectious.
Fauci continually pushes the narrative that those who have had the virus in the past is insignificant as opposed to having had continual Vaccinations. I am getting threatening letters that Since I was vaccinated with a double jab and then forced locally to take Moderna’s booster, I now need a second booster despite having had Delta and now Omicron.
You watch. The left and the White House will declare They single-handedly have defeated the virus as promised. Because most people don’t know the science and don’t follow it. That is apparent by their TERROR and panic that Wyoming and Colorado will be covered by the ocean in 100 years.
Why is it that most of thecdtstes with the highest per capita death rates are Red dtstes? Could this be a sinister conspiracy if the left ?
Cali and Texas have similar total deaths by Cali has 10 million higher population? Why is the per capita death rate in Texas 1/3 higher especially when NY had its highest number of deaths early on before we even had masks to wear and essential workers were told to wear cloths as thete were only nough masks for Healthcare workers? 8 out of 10 of the highest death rates are Red 8 out of 10 of the lowest death rate states are blue.
Teach are you sure lockdowns don’t work? Are you ?
Hairy: “Why is it that most of thecdtstes with the highest per capita death rates are Red dtstes? Could this be a sinister conspiracy if the left ?”
We don’t know why, if true that is so. Perhaps weather, the obesity of people in those states, the professions, the average age, the number of elderly, or any number of other considerations. But you being a giant brain blame it on the color of that state on a map? Or you naturally assume that state has fewer vaccinated people?
The point is Hairy, the “vaccine” has been proven to be a fake. It is not a vaccine since it neither protects the recipient form getting nor transmitting the Covid. At best (and the facts are not yet in) the best is the shot (made for original Covid, not the current strain over which it has no effect) may, may reduce the effects of the virus if you catch it.
BTW, how come the numbers of people, especially younger people, who contract problems, ailments and die from the shot are not being proclaimed? Why is the junta keeping that a secret? Why have they not yet clarified and published the actual number of Covid deaths rather than the ridiculous 900,000 figure anybody with an IQ over 70 has known is bullshit since they started that crap?
Let’s go Brandon, you retarded followers await more lies to believe.
Brandon: the “vaccine” has been proven to be a fake
That’s not true. The vaccines reduce the spread of Covid and GREATLY reduce the rate of hospitalizations and deaths resulting from Covid. The mortality RATE in the unvaccinated is much greater than in the vaccinated. One can reject the vaccine if they wish but it’s immoral to lie about vaccines and to discourage others from receiving a potentially life-saving vaccine.
Brandon: how come the numbers of people, especially younger people, who contract problems, ailments and die from the shot are not being proclaimed?
Brandon could help by linking to this information, evidence or data. That he can’t or won’t is an issue.
Why is it that most of thecdtstes with the highest per capita death rates are Red dtstes? Could this be a sinister conspiracy if the left ?
Pure and unadulterate Misinofromation from Hairy.
Blue vs a semi-equal red-state population-wise.
CALIFORNIA which has been in perpetual lockdown, Vacinations required to take a shit and masks inside, outside has had 81,000 dealths
TEXAS which has avoided lockdowns, does not mandage masks or Vaccinations has had 80,000 DEATHS.
NEW YORK which as been insanely lockdown, vax mandating people into oblivion including wearing masks to take a shit, have had 66,009 deaths.
FLORIDA which has opposed lockdowns, vax mandates and masking has had 60,001 deaths.
ILLINOIS 35,000 deaths. Georgia 33,000 deaths.
MICHIGAN 32,000 deaths. North Carolina 23,000 deaths.
NEW JERSEY 32,000 deaths. Indiana 21,000 deaths.
Maryland 13,000. Oklahoma 12,000.
John Hopkins has already told you Hairy. Lockdowns and mandates and apparently masks DONT WORK. That is why the world is begining to emerge from the Pandemic and replacing fear with cautious optimism. You should try it, instead of stealing election in the dead of night, cloaked in fear and panic from a virus used for political expediency.
The number of cases per population constitutes the concept of RATE.
California has more trump voters than any other state!! But the percentage is lower. See?
Over 99% of all doctors sre vaccinated
Over 90% of all nurses are vaccinated
Misinformation is most often believed by the least educated
Kroger Dunning
As you so aptly demonstrate with each comment.
Is this the same thing as 99.9 percent of all scientists agree that AGW is real? While ignoring the 100,000’s of thousands of scientists who disagree?
The facts are clear. The Biden Administration is FIRING NURSES and DOCTORS for refusing to be vaccinated. So if you replace the 100,000’s of thousands of doctors and nurses who have been fired and then you still only have 90 percent vaccination rate. You have an issue. Why are ANY DOCTORS or NURSES not being vaccinated if they deal with this daily?
Authoritarianism is such a powerful drug addiction by the left. They are believers in the collective. And just like their comrades in China and the former Soviet Union they do not question anything that comes from science.
81, with underlying medical conditions.
900,000 deaths from Covid? Not so fast. That font of all medical knowledge, the assertive Jim Hoft, owner/operator of the Gateway Pudendum, has proved that only 6% of the so-called Covid deaths were actually caused by Covid. So only 54,000 deaths, not 900,000. Just another flu season!!
Of course, this leaves 846,000 families with no clear explanation of their loved one’s death. And despite Dr Hoft’s extensive and thorough research, there is no clear explanation for the correlation between Covid infections and what the so-called public health “experts” call ‘excess deaths’, i.e., the over 900,000 deaths above and beyond the yearly averages.
Theories abound.
Communist China may have paid off the CDC and WHO to cook the books on deaths. This includes the sub-theory that, at least in the US, 846,000 families have either been lied to or paid off by the CCP/US medical community.
Big Mask (especially in China with US support) has fooled/bribed the world medical communities.
US Big Pharma, collaborating with Fauci, the CCP, Wuhan Virology Inst, introduced the laboratory created virus to make billions for Big Pharma with their novel vaccines and “new” antiviral drugs. Dr Hoft and other less qualified medical men have proved that generic drugs such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and Vitamin D cure the Covid that Dr Hoft previously proved doesn’t exist. The vaccines may contain tracking devices and /or neurologic-controlling “time bombs” to be released by a global signal (possibly a “key word”, a second drug or a hidden drug added to common foodstuffs). This neurologic switch is designed to turn “the people” into “the sheeple”.
“The Gateway Pundit has proved that only 6% of deaths are from Covid. Nice try-the CDC said that, and GP merely reported it.
No. The CDC didn’t say that.
Thought “did not” wasn’t a valid rebuttal.

Oh, that’s right we’re dealing with Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Teach: Funny, more unvaccinated are dying now than before.
Teach blames President Biden rather than the unvaccinated. If there had only been ways to encourage people to get vaccinated.
Anyway, the number of dying unvaccinated will drop soon enough (provided no new variant arises in the unvaccinated). Those families of dead, unvaccinated Americans can derive some comfort that they stood up for freedom.
The reason so many people are dying right now of covid is because there has been an intentional severe shortage of drugs to fight the pandemic and of couse no self respecting doctor would prescribe Ivermechtin and Z-pac, Steroids for anyone that was sick.
Dec 28, 2021,08:28pm EST FORBES.
There’s A Shortage Of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments For Covid-19. Here’s How They Work.
Sai Balasubramanian, M.D., J.D.
Sai Balasubramanian, M.D., J.D.
Florida closes monoclonal antibody sites following Biden administration decision
Experts say two monoclonal antibodies won’t work in patients infected with omicron.
UVA Medical Center
By Dryden Quigley
Published: Dec. 13, 2021 at 4:15 PM MST
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) – Getting vaccinated is the strongest defense against COVID-19, but what if you can’t get vaccinated?
The FDA issued an emergency use authorization for monoclonal antibody treatment which can be given to those who are immunocompromised or have had severely adverse reactions to a vaccine.
BLUE state VIRGINIA is getting Monoclonal Antibodies for those who cannot receive the shot. Now tell me how does this treatment work as a vaccine but not as a treatment for those infected with Covid.
Again the Biden Administration is playing politics with lives so they might make states look bad if they DONT TOE THE LINE. Authortarianism is such a power leftist drug.
Although the mortality of Omicron is lower than Delta, the increased transmissibility of Omicron means many more are infected, and more, especially the unvaccinated, will die.
Rimjob: …increased transmissibility of Omicron means many more are infected, and more, especially the unvaccinated, will die.
No it doesn’t, dumbass.

You’re stupid.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Fellatrix of dogs: No it doesn’t, dumbass. You’re stupid.
Strong rebuke from the one where ideas go to die.
Weak Minds Gossip About People,
Average Minds Discuss Events,
Great Minds Discuss Ideas.
The Fellatrix of Dogs is working up to being weak minded. You go girl!
by your reasoning then we are all going to die since vaccines do not prevent you from dying nor contracting omicron, therefore you are eventually going to be killed since Fauci says that only In VITRO does having natural immunity matter. Actually having the virus and gaining resistance to future infections is only for the:
Weak Minds Gossip About People,
Average Minds Discuss Events,
Great Minds Discuss Ideas.
Only great minds on the left can give you the authorization to not do what they demand you do in their authoritarian world.
IDBB: by your reasoning then we are all going to die since vaccines do not prevent you from dying nor contracting omicron
We apologize, but your reasoning is hard to follow.
The vaccines reduce the likelihood of dying by some 20 or 30 fold. They reduce the likelihood of contracting Omicron several fold. There is no reason to think everyone is going to die from Covid-19. Note too, even in the unvaccinated the mortality rate is low (except to the families of the dead from Covid).
in vitro is from the Latin meaning “within the glass”, that is, not in the living body. These are experiments conducted outside of laboratory animals or humams.
People don’t trust Biden due to his stealing the election and doing everything possible to kill our country.
Dowd: “Those families of dead, unvaccinated Americans can derive some comfort that they stood up for freedom.”
We guess that the families of dead vaccinated Americans will derive comfort to being lied to and depending on a fake vax, denied therapeutic drugs and being used as guinea pigs by big drug companies. The people who have been crippled, deformed or murdered by the fake vaccines can also derive comfort in knowing their families cannot even sue because the Democrats are protecting the big drug companies from law suits. And in 5 or 6 years the children who were injected with these unknown and untested drugs may derive some comfort in knowing their sterility, cancer, blood clots and brain damage was just an unavoidable side effect of untested drugs forced on kids against the will of their parents by the deraigned Democrat authoritarians. Thalidomide was an error, this is an atrocity.
Democrats have morphed into political communists and medical fascists. Either way they live strictly to have power over us.
Let’s go Brandon, you corksucking killer.
Brandon: The people who have been crippled, deformed or murdered by the fake vaccines can also derive comfort in knowing their families cannot even sue because the Democrats are protecting the big drug companies from law suits.
Two points. First: Brandon has yet to show evidence that people “have been crippled, deformed or murdered by the fake vaccines”. Why? Because it’s a fat, bloated right-wing lie.
Second: The laws (we’ve already gone through this, by conservatards famously never learn anything) protecting vaccine manufacturers from adverse events from vaccines since 1986 (Reagan R-CA). This in no way exempts manufacturers negligent acts.
Now, why did the federal government grant a liability exemption to vaccine manufacturers? Capitalism!! Vaccines are low margin, and manufacturers made the business decision not to research, develop, manufacture and market vaccines because of crippling lawsuits.
Said Supreme Court justice, that radical leftist Antonin Scalia, “For the last 66 years, vaccines have been subject to the same federal premarket approval process as prescription drugs, and compensation for vaccine-related injuries has been left largely to the states. They (vaccines) had been so effective in preventing infectious diseases that the public became much less alarmed at the threat of those diseases and more concerned with the risk of injury from the vaccines themselves.”
So Dems were no more complicit in exempting manufacturers than conservative Republicans.
Please stop repeating every lie you hear.
The New York Times wrote:
Someone doesn’t understand statistics. The number of new infections is a leading indicator, while the number of deaths is a lagging one. The death rate numbers will start to fall in roughly two weeks if the number of new infections continues to fall.
Not sure how that demonstrates that someone doesn’t understand statistics, rather than the writers not pointing out that deaths are a lagging indicator. They did point out that hospitalizations are falling. Logically mortality will fall as well.
You should not talk about statics. Remember, you destroyed your corporation with your lack of knowledge of stats.
FOR EVERYONE COMMENTING WITH JEFF, he has minimal to zero knowledge of infectious disease. You would be better off asking the garbage collector.
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