…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on more school idiocy and misunderstanding student rights.

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on more school idiocy and misunderstanding student rights.
Nicola is safer indoors and out of the harmful rays of the sun that Joe Rogan’s dangerous disinformation says give vitamin D and immune support against covid.
Mesa County CO count clerk, Tina Peters, was arrested for illegally recording court proceedings involving her Deputy Clerk, Belinda Knisley.
At her arrest, Peters is shown resisting and trying to assault an officer. Fortunately, Peters was not shot or suffocated during the arrest. She wasn’t even forced to the floor. White “Karen” privilege.
Mitch McConnell on the Republican National Committee (RNC) risible remarks that the Jan 6 insurrection was merely “legitimate political discourse”:
“We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election from one administration to the next.”
The RNC wants to curry trump favor. McConnell wants to win.
The RNC remark was contained in a resolution censuring GOP Reps. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Liz Cheney of Wyoming for standing up for America.
The only people standing up for America are the ones protesting a stolen election and the fait accompli of your illegal coup. And Ashly Babbitt BBHN.
We’re comin’ for you dOwd. And all the commies and evil fascists like you. Get your affairs in order.
Let’s go Brandon, get the steal in for 2022 while you can.
That’s a bit over the top, even for Jeff. You aren’t “coming for Dowd”, not even in a metaphorical sense. So why write something like that?
The simple fact is that communists flourish in the USA because NO ONE is “coming for them” not even when they burn American cities, steal elections and kill police on the streets. No one else is, and neither are you.
I condemn your remark and ask you to retract it.
Professor Hale, I did mean it metaphorically as in at the ballot box but I can see after rereading it the phrase is totally wrong. Therefore, unlike dOwd who never retracts anything even calling a commenters wife “a whore”, I retract that statement.
Thank you for the forceful yet courteous request. Glad to be of service. You made me realize in a world of dOwds and leftist censorship I should be happy and thankful to have a blog like The Pirate’s Cove and an owner like Teach who truly believes in free speech and practices it daily.
I also thank you for pulling me back into line before I became one of the filthy, tyrannical fascists I so deplore.
And thank you for your courtesy and willingness to listen to opposing views.
Brandon: I also thank you for pulling me back into line before I became one of the filthy, tyrannical fascists I so deplore.
So we made you the way you are?
This wasn’t the first time you threatened me. Recall you said if I gave you my name you would use your government job to track me down and meet me in person.
There is no doubt the Jeff or Elwood, is a piece of shit. Ask yourself why he is here. Part is to try and chase off commenters and in his mind hurt the blog. But the main reason is that Jeff is a sociopath and really gets a kick out of hurting people (likely sexual as well). If you get emotional in exchanging comments with the puke then he has won, in his mind. Best to try and avoid him if possible, it is tough as he does have a way of irritating people, but that is the nature of this mental illness.
I’m sad to say I am well aware that what you say is true david7134 and I get sucked in all the time. I’ll be trying much harder to skip his comments from now on. Frankly, they have noting of any value or intellect to offer and just tend to piss me off. So rather than give him his jollies I’ll just pass anything over that starts with dOwd says:.
Besides we have enough idiots and traitors to deal with without giving this clown mileage.
For example:
“Happy negro history month. Have another hoax, please.
Illinois law enforcement announced Friday that Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins, a black female college student, will be charged with three counts of disorderly conduct for filing a false police report.
Kevin Schmoll, the chief of police for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, made the announcement on Friday. The College Fix had started asking questions about the investigation last week.
The notes said “DIE BITCH” and “BLACK PEOPLE DON’T BELONG” ”
Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.
In my best Columbo voice: Just one more thing, dOwd.
“This wasn’t the first time you threatened me. Recall you said if I gave you my name you would use your government job to track me down and meet me in person.”
That wasn’t a threat and only a person deserving of a threat would think it was. Meeting in person would be an honor. For you. There should be no threat taken by just meeting someone. Or do you feel you’ve said or done something that would mean meeting me would constitute a threat? What did you do you should be afraid of? What are you hiding? Why are you ashamed to meet me?