It’s so weird that the people who believe in climate emergency doom want to pay for it about as much as those who don’t believe in it
Climate change will be expensive. Who should pay?
Global efforts to combat climate change will require trillions of dollars, and a lot of people want companies to bear the cost.
A POLITICO Morning Consult Global Sustainability Poll asked people in 13 countries who should pay — governments, taxpayers, consumers, other countries, or the private sector. In every country but one — India — respondents singled out companies.
That finding dovetails with an anyone-but-us sentiment reflected in the poll. Respondents in every country surveyed were united against increasing costs to taxpayers or consumers. In the U.S., 15 percent of adults said climate change costs should be borne by consumers through higher prices. Eighteen percent said taxpayers should pay a lot of the cost.
Among U.S. respondents, 41 percent said corporations should fund “a lot” of the costs associated with combating global warming. Nearly 70 percent of people said the private sector should pay “a lot” or “some.” No other group came close.
The sentiment was particularly marked among high earners, 54 percent of whom said companies should shoulder a lot of the burden.
Well, high earners won’t have to worry about all the costs being passed on to the consumers like the middle and lower earners. I’d almost like to see this happen just to see the shocked faces of the Warmists when they realize that they will, in fact, be paying for it themselves. Does anyone think that skyrocketing costs will really affect Obama, Biden, Senator Whitehouse, Hollywood celebs, and so forth?
The sentiment isn’t limited to the U.S. More than 40 percent of respondents in the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa also said companies should bear a lot of climate change’s cost. In Brazil, the number shot up to 56 percent.
See, That Guy needs to pay.
The poll is here, but, it’s a formatting mess, and really long.

Okay, in The Pirate’s Cove pool “ridiculous crap biden will pull in February to distract from his failed “presidency” who had give out $30 million in free crack pipes?
I have biden will require rainbow dildoes be handed out in K-5 grades. I lose.
Let’s go Brandon, you still have time to kill kids with “vaccines” before election!
More pipes will go to red states meth heads
Teach corporations are owned by the wealthy elites. These are the same corporations raking in record high profits while you are calling it “inflation” while others call it price gouging. The price to extract oil from tge ground bhas not gone upbdignificantly but retail prices have skyrocketed. But you keep blaming the greenness! Why?
Hairy: “More pipes will go to red states meth heads”
Where the hell do you leftists get your information? I guess you have neither seen nor read the stats on where “the pipes” will go. BLUE CITIES! Get off your ass and educate yourself.
Hairy: “Teach corporations are owned by the wealthy elites.”
your ignorance of economics is eclipsed by your complete lack of knowledge about business.
Corporations are OWNED BY SHAREHOLDERS! Some are your “wealthy elites” like Nazi Pelousy and other Democrat hypocrites are shareholders but most are owned by Mutual Funds where the common working man invests in his IRA and such. Your ignorance is stupefying.
Hairy: “These are the same corporations raking in record high profits while you are calling it “inflation” while others call it price gouging. The price to extract oil from tge ground bhas not gone upbdignificantly but retail prices have skyrocketed. But you keep blaming the greenness! Why?”
That entire wad of gobbledygook has been explained to you before. If you don’t get it by now you are an unteachable moron. “Profits” are not inflation, devaluation of the dollar is. It has nothing to do with any of the crap you mentioned except in the abstract.
Let’s go Brandon, lot’s of money to print and American savings to devalue!
You can Outlaw things you find morally reprehensible but that won’t stop them. All it does it make them unsafe, and more costly
If corporations bear the costs of whatever programs are set up to fight
global Warmingclimate change, don’t people realize that they’ll simply pass those costs on in the costs for their products?The economic ignorance of people is astounding: any business must pass along all of its costs of doing business to its customers, or it loses money and goes out of business.