Bless their little indoctrinated hearts
Youths suing Montana over climate change will have their day in court
Sixteen youth plaintiffs are suing the state of Montana for their right to access a clean and healthful environment in a case scheduled to go to trial next year.
Attorneys for the Oregon-based Our Children’s Trust, the Western Environmental Law Center and Kalispell-based McGarvey Law representing the kids announced the trial date this week. The group says in Held v. Montana, that the state’s support of fossil fuels have contributed to climate change.
According to University of Montana law professor Anthony Johnstone, broad climate change challenges like this one are rare, but they have become more common in recent years.
“Almost all of them have failed for one reason or the other, so this would be the first one in Montana, and possibly the first one in the nation, to get as far as a trial.”
The problem with going to court is that they will actually have to prove their assertions and Beliefs. This is not the news or a climate conference where they can just make wild prognostications and never be forced to back them up, nor can they claim future doom, especially when they cannot prove past doom from anthropogenic climate change.
Further, when the defense, and possibly the judge, starts asking questions like “what are you doing in your own life to practice what you preach?”, what will they say? This will be interesting to watch, but, really, I wouldn’t be surprised if this astroturfed lawsuit is dropped before trial.

Never underestimate the over-reach of a leftist activist judge to help the cause by making a symbolic ruling.