This is pretty damned wild. You have people engaged in their civil right of peaceable protest, as allowed by their Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but, since they are protesting against government, Fuhrer Trudeau doesn’t like that
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared a national emergency over ongoing trucker protests, allowing the nation’s government to temporarily override civil rights.
“The scope of these measures will be time-limited, geographically targeted, as well as reasonable and proportionate to the threats they are meant to address,” Trudeau said at a press conference on Monday.
The far-reaching Emergencies Act gives the Canadian government the ability to prohibit public assembly, restrict travel, and force businesses — such as towing companies — to act, with compensation.
Trudeau said Canada’s 1998 Emergencies Act will be used to “strengthen and support law enforcement agencies at all levels across the country.”
You good with this, Canada? Could it be your Rights suspended next? What do you call it when the government takes away rights because people are using those rights?
Last year when 56 churches were set on fire or vandalized, Trudeau said Antifa's reasons for doing so were "fully understandable." Canadian truckers peacefully convene to protest tyranny, and it's an "illegal occupation."
— Joseph Massey (@jmasseypoet) February 15, 2022
But, see, those protests were asking for more government (and other stuff), they weren’t against government tyranny.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association wrote
The federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: the Act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. This standard has not been met. 1/3
The Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation “seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada” & when the situation “cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.”
Governments regularly deal with difficult situations, and do so using powers granted to them by democratically elected representatives. Emergency legislation should not be normalized. It threatens our democracy and our civil liberties.
Might this create more protest?
More under the more tag
All the people cheering this are the ones who called Trump an authoritarian.
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) February 15, 2022
(Breitbart) Several Provincial Premiers have come out against the implementation of the Emergencies Act, including Saskatchawan conservative premier Scott Moe, who publicly stated he was opposed to the measure.
“Saskatchewan does not support the Trudeau government invoking the Emergencies Act. If the federal government does proceed with this measure, I would hope it would only be invoked in provinces that request it, as the legislation allows,” Moe said on Twitter.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has also stated his opposition, saying, “We have the legal powers that we need. We have the operational resources that we need to enforce, and I think at this point for the federal government to reach in over top of us without offering anything in particular would frankly be unhelpful.”
In Manitoba, where a blockade was set up at the border in the town of Emerson, Premier Heather Stefanson released a statement saying that she did not support the use of the act either.
“In my view, the sweeping effects and signals associated with the never-before-used Emergencies Act are not constructive here in Manitoba, where caution must be taken against overreach and unintended negative consequences,” Stefanson said.
Francois Legault, premier of the French-speaking province of Quebec, has also come out against the Emergencies Act, saying, “I think that I was very clear with the prime minister that the federal Emergencies Act should not, must not apply in Quebec.”
Trudeau and the Fascists do not care. They see freedom as a bad thing, and the use of civil rights as Wrongthink when they’re used against the government.

Teach the church burnings were done by Canadian Indigenous people not antifa. 90% of all Canadian adults are vaccinated.
2/3s of all Canadians believe the truck strikers protest is offensive and inappropriate. Their blocking of one of the busiest commercial bridges linking tge 2 countries has created food shortages driving up prices in Canada. That bridge should not be closed by a tiny minority. Would you approve of antifa closing a bridge? I wouldn’t
Antifa? No. Canadians fighting against tyranny? Yes.
Don’t forget, this self-imposed Martial Law by a single person, also allows them to cancel trucker’s vehicle and business insurance coverage, seize all finances including of those who gave to GiveSendGo or directly to the truckers. This would declare that all the truckers and their supporters are terrorists!
Why is it that the leftists who decried fascists over the last 5 years are the first to implement fascism?
Should a nation allow 1000 citizens’ protests to harm 10 million? “Patriots” call any action to secure the rights of the majority as fascism or tyranny. Real tyrants such as trumpian heroes, Putin, Xi or Kim would have cleared the bridge in an hour by “all necessary means”. PM Trudeau and provincial leaders used available law to resolve a serious issue. No one was beaten or shot.
What would be the “patriots” response if BLM protesters completely blocked the LA ports or JFK airport? What if they block workers from entering a train-to-truck facility? What if First Nation Canadians blocked arterial rails between the US and Canada?
Kudos to the truckers for blocking a bridge needed for major trade between the US and Canada!
Grow up. Masks and vaccinations are not gas chambers, firing squads, labor camps and gulags.
Masks and vaccinations are the modern version of gas chambers, slower acting and less obvious. The “vaccines” (which do not meet the textbook definition of a vaccine) are designed to weaken the immune system, leaving vaccinated people more vulnerable to disease as has already been shown with cancers recurring from remission. Young athletes falling down dead on sports fields was unheard of before Pfizer, Moderna etc started cashing in.
Poor quality whataboutery, Elwood.
You grow up. Masks and fake vaccinations are means of control. As even you can see they stopped nothing. Hitler and Stalin et al didn’t start off with gas chambers, firing squads, labor camps and gulags did they? They started small and grew. Our government has overstepped its authority and needs to be reeled in. Canada right now is literally a dictatorship.
Is there ever a time you side with freedom? Ever? You are always on the side of oppressive government, more regulations, more rules, more laws and we are at the point where we don’t own our own bodies. Where do you think this should stop?
dOwd: “What would be the “patriots” response if BLM protesters completely blocked the LA ports or JFK airport?”
I guess the same as when the filthy commie joggers burnt down 26 cities, murdered at least 50 people and caused $4 billion in damages. What did you do then? NOTHING! You’re a big fat hypocrite. You only bitch when the working man has a protest or demonstration but when your fascist and commie joggers burn and loot you say NOTHING! You hate the working man because you don’t control him. You are siding with big tech, just like you side with big pharma against people who don’t trust the fake vaccine.
The perfect description of dOwd and his leftist pigs:
“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.” ~ Ayn Rand
Gentlemen I give you the “trans” movement, CRT and the 1619 project. Oh, and biden “won” the election. Scratch a leftist, see a fascist.
Should a nation allow 1000 citizens’ protests to harm 10 million? The answer is no and always should be no to this ubiquitous( wide-ranging, far-reaching) question.
However, we all know that Truckers blocking bridges that constitute commerce is hardly a concern for leftists. Who is more affected is the big businesses who depend on this commerce in order to fill orders and shelves. I find it disconcerting that the left is aligning themselves with Big Business rather than your average working man or woman who sits in a truck and has almost NO contact with people on a day-to-day business.
Elwood asks. What would be the “patriots” response if BLM protesters completely blocked the LA ports or JFK airport? What if they block workers from entering a train-to-truck facility? What if First Nation Canadians blocked arterial rails between the US and Canada?
We have seen what would happen with BLM. They burned cities, are currently smashing and grabbing everything in sight and the news is silent. Nothing would happen because the police in those states would be dispatched to protect them from their misdeeds.
Saul Alinsky’s tactics were used in Chicago in the ’70s to take over the bathrooms at O’Hare Airport. The powers that be gave in to their demands within an hour to keep the flow moving.
Again you show your propensity to gravitate to the opposite side of whatever stand the right takes even it if is fundamentally against your own professed beliefs.
Kudos to the truckers for blocking a bridge needed for major trade between the US and Canada!
Remember you were nodding in agreement with the lockdowns back in the day that destroyed commerce and trade and people’s lives and careers. You were not standing up for small mom and pops, many of whom were Women, Hispanic, Black, and in poor neighborhoods when they went out of business because of Masks, mandates, and lockdowns.
Grow up. Masks and vaccinations are not gas chambers, firing squads, labor camps, and gulags.
Depends on where you live in the World Elwood. In some parts of the world, they are indeed what you describe. In the USA, they might as well be since you cannot travel, go out and eat, go to the grocery store which in the end will see you wilt away and die. In Australia, a democracy they actually did set up gulags for people who were not vaccinated.
New Zealand has been doing that very thing since the beginning. When people do not stand up and fight, they end up herded in cars to places they choose not to be.
“Even if you are a minority of one it does not make you wrong.” ? George Orwell