We can fix this with a tax and forcing all of you to take out 10 year loans for an EV, you know
Western drought fueled by climate change is the worst in 1,200 years, scientists say
The megadrought gripping the American West has generated the driest two decades in the region in at least 1,200 years, and human-caused climate change has fueled the problem, scientists said on Monday.
In their research, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, scientists analyzed droughts in southwestern North America dating back to the year 800 and found that conditions during this century are more severe than the megadrought in the late 1500s.
Researchers also warned that the conditions will likely continue through 2022 and persist for years. A megadrought is defined as a prolonged and severe drought spanning two decades or longer, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Interesting. They have direct measurements to compare from 1,200 years ago, right? Can you also guess what was happening 1,200 years ago? That would be the Medieval Warm Period. What caused that, and why can’t nature by mostly responsible now? Regardless, the Talking Points Memo to Blame Mankind went out
As of the time of writing, there are 7 pages at Google News for this, all pimping the same thing
While researchers said the U.S. West would be in drought regardless of climate change, they calculated that 42% of its severity can be attributed to higher temperatures due to human-related causes, citing greenhouse gas emissions trapping heat in the atmosphere.
OK, so, just 42%. Everyone who believes in anthropogenic climate change should give up their modern lifestyles to stop it.

Thanks to my eidetic memory, I can recall how miserably hot and summers were in the San Joaquin Valley around Antioch in the 1950s.
The house in which I lived up through the second grade now has a pool, but it didn’t back then. I can remember the shade of my grandparents’ apricot tree. Once you get away from the coast, California’s weather isn’t that great.
I read up on this drought and found out that this is why the Mayans ceased to exist.
When a drought is going on for 1200 years and the AGW Nazis blame the last 150 years on us evil righties we know they are beating us senseless with the HOCKEY STICK.
Those Sciency Guys in suits who went to college and are better than the rest of us know what’s best for us.
The weather on earth is shitty most of the time. It rains, snows, blows or swelters somewhere around the world. Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Droughts. They all happen every day of the year, somewhere in the world and have for billions of years.
The earth was at one time a molten ball of lava. It cooled. Life formed. Rudimentary life but formed, and then the earth became a snowball for a billion years. Then it had warm periods in which life flourished. Then it returns to cold and frozen.
We are living in the last third of a warm period if history is any indicator. And the AGW crowd fearmongered by Russia, China, and those that would destroy the western way of life are doing their damnest to invent more reasons to be miserable in a warming world that is conducive to humanity and mammals.
And they wonder why we don’t respond to being bludgeoned with Mann’s hockey stick.
Really? Not 44%? Not 40%?
Sorry, kids, the game is given away at the beginning:
“The megadrought gripping the American West has generated the driest two decades in the region in at least 1,200 years”
…which means it’s happened before, without SUVs.
Are posters suggesting that what caused the regional not global medieval warm period 1200 years ago are also occurring now thus causing our present? Teach youbfo realize that during the MWP most of the globe was cooler than it was during thst period?
Not necessarily so, Johnny…http://pages.science-skeptical.de/MWP/MedievalWarmPeriod.htmx
Try that again.. http://pages.science-skeptical.de/MWP/MedievalWarmPeriod.htmx