Seas only rose 8 inches during the entire 20th Century. Sea rise is not accelerating. To have a one foot sea rise by 2050 is simply scaremongering, but, that’s what this cult does best
Seas could rise up to a foot by 2050, posing ‘a clear and present risk’ to U.S.
Sea levels along U.S. coasts will rise by as much as a foot in the next 30 years as climate change accelerates, leading to a “dramatic increase” in millions of Americans’ exposure to flooding, scientists warned in a federal report published Tuesday.
Climate change driven largely by burning fossil fuels will raise average sea levels adjacent to the U.S. shoreline as much in the next 30 years as they rose in the previous century, according to the study led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Even more certain is the projection that melting ice sheets, heavier rainfall and higher storm surges from rising temperatures risk lives and billions of dollars of property and infrastructure, the scientists wrote.
Tens of millions of people already live in areas of the U.S. at risk of coastal flooding, with more moving to the coasts every year, the report noted. This population migration, combined with rising sea levels and other climate impacts, will increase their vulnerability and the risks of flooding for critical infrastructure affecting sectors such as transportation, energy, water and the military, according to the report.
While coastal cities such as Charleston, S.C., and West Palm Beach, Fla., are likely to experience an increase in damaging high-tide flooding as sea levels rise, the report also warned cities further inland such as Camden, N.J., are increasingly vulnerable to flooding that could overwhelm sewer systems.
“This is a global wake-up call and gives Americans the information needed to act now to best position ourselves for the future,” NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad said in a statement.
Warmists are more than welcome to act in their own lives. Yet, so few do more than minor, token actions in their own lives. This is a call for more Government control and more taxation. Nothing else. And the talking points went out.
There are about 5 pages of links about this bit of scaremongering at Google News. None of them ask relevant questions, such as
- Can you prove this?
- How is this different from previous Holocene warm periods, caused all by nature, where one would expect a foot or more of sea rise per century?
- Why is there fudging of the numbers? You say up to 1 foot: can you be more specific? What’s the low number?
- Who is held responsible if this doesn’t happen?
They won’t ask any questions
The federal government report said high tides and storm surge heights will increase, propelling damaging waters further inland, increasing flooding rates and turning once-dry places soggy.
“Sea level rise driven by global climate change is a clear and present risk to the United States, now and for the foreseeable future,” the report said.
And there it is: the notion that government must take more power and authority to Stop This.

Well, my house sits at 630 feet of elevation, so I ain’t worried!
Sounds like 40 million Americans need to move to Kintucky.
They have 28 years to build a three-foot sea wall all around the USA. A great program for the millions and millions and millions and millions of illegals you are bringing into the country.
There now everyone’s got a job and the USA is protected for at least 200 years which I am certain by then we will be using Nuclear Fusion or all be dead because of the vicious asteroid that keeps flirting with hitting the earth.
The cited article stated, “Tens of millions of people already live in areas of the U.S. at risk of coastal flooding, with more moving to the coasts every year, the report noted.” If that’s the case, ‘twould seem that they aren’t too terribly worried about
global warmingclimatechangeemergency.And Obama’s Vineyard Housecis at elevation 20feet.
Teach is sea level rise constant or accelerating?
Does sea level rise uniformly across the globe? Or might it rise at different rates in different areas. Like say NJ?
Scientists have identified many reasons that Temps ho up such as volcanic eruptions and changes in tgecEsrth’s orbit. Are you suggesting that these are what are causing tge current rapid warning? Has the current rate of warming been constant or is it accelerating?
2050? Who amongst us will still be alive? So from a narcisstics perspective it wouldn’t matter.
Why don’t you answer your own questions hairy?
Hairy do you think the Settlers worried about global warming in the 1800s? Were they more interested in feeding their family and not dying to Indians and bandits all across the fruited plain?
Do you think people that travel to Mars will be interested in Earth’s global warming or will they more likely be interested in their own survival?
The point is simple. IF your living in low-lying areas and believe that the oceans are going to sweep you out to sea, then build a freakin wall. Not moan and cry and carry on like a terrorized moron in a horror movie.
Johnnie hitting the pipe a little early today.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Or be really forward thinking and embark on a 2000 year program to reclaim land from the oceans.
Being wrong every single time throughout my lifetime; one would think crooks and manipulators would shy away from making predictions that later make them look like complete asses.
But other people have short memories; and crooks rely on that.
No offense, but to claim that every prediction was wrong is lazy.
Atmospheric CO2 increase was predicted from the fossil-fuel burning. Check.
Warming was predicted from the fossil-fueled increase in atmospheric CO2. Check.
Ocean acidification was predicted from the fossil-fueled increase in atmospheric CO2. Check.
Melting of the ice sheets and polar ice was predicted from the fossil-fueled increase in atmospheric CO2. Check.
Ocean warming was predicted from the fossil-fueled increase in atmospheric CO2. Check.
Changing weather patterns were predicted from the fossil-fueled increase in atmospheric CO2. Check.
Changing distributions of fauna and flora were predicted from the fossil-fueled increase in atmospheric CO2. Check.
Everything jeff just listed as fact is wrong.
That’s all Rimjob knows.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Of course Elwood gets his basic science wrong again, to no surprise. “Warming was predicted..” But you fail to realize that the CO2-warming claim is still only a correlation, not causation. Check-wrong. Ocean acidification predicted”. Same thing-correlation not causation, as oceans have warmed in the past absent CO2 increase. And the oceans aren’t acidic, they’re still alkaline. Acid or not is irrelevant-it would be the alleged effects of that happening. Check-wrong. “Melting of the polar ice caps was predicted”. Actually, the disappearance of the polar ice caps in summer has been predicted for a long time, but these people have no shame on being continually wrong. . Check-wrong. And maybe the funniest one “changing weather patterns predicted”.. Gee, weather patterns always change so if that happens it proves our point! Actually, more extreme weather was predicted, but that hasn’t happened. Check-wrong. “Changing distributions of flora and fauna predicted”. Wow-thanks for being so specific in your predictions, climate nutters! Check-wrong. The main change in in that category has been a greening of the earth-thanks CO2. Also note that the “hiatus” was never predicted. nor was the global cooling of the last 6 years predicted, even as CO2 rose. Great job, guys!
jl moves the goalposts. The criticism was that ALL the predictions were wrong. Warming was predicted. It warmed.
Do you not understand the meaning of the word “prediction”?
Acidification means becoming more acidic, that is decreasing pH.
Oh noes, you’re not starting with another “pause”, are you? You were the last person to accept that the Earth was warming – are you reneging now?
Deny, deny, deny, move the goalposts, deny, deny. Great job, guy.
Teach asks, threateningly: Who is held responsible if this doesn’t happen?
If global warming is a hoax and we humans end up with cleaner air, a more stable climate and healthier oceans, than so be it. Perhaps Teach would propose that Republicans pass a law holding the estates of “warmists” responsible. Or maybe the children of “warmists”.
A more relevant (and likely) outcome is that science-deniers are wrong and we do nothing. Who is held responsible for that?
Sorry you deranged climate lunatic there has never been a prediction, prophesy or even an educated guess of any climactic catastrophe proven correct. Ever. Not even your “expert” Al Gore’. That’s the problem with you. Even when faced with overpowering proof you just ignore it, move the goal posts and double down thinking you proved something. Well, you did. You proved you’re a self-licking ice cream cone. You go girl!
Let’s go dOwd, many more lies to propagate and mis information to pass along. Looks like Hillary might have to Arkancide herself. Hahahaha. We watched the “news” last night as the leftists heads exploded over the Durham revelations. They either whimpered like bitches or totally ignored the news. That’s the leftist way you know.
If global warming is a hoax and we humans end up with ***********cleaner air, a more stable climate and healthier oceans, than so be it.**************** Perhaps Teach would propose that Republicans pass a law holding the estates of “warmists” responsible. Or maybe the children of “warmists”.
Check. 100 percent on board with this but Co2 is not responsible for dirty oceans, smog, pollution or a bad environment. This is the bait and switch always used.
The USA is one of the cleanest countries on the planet. Go protest China, India, Russia and a 150 other countries.
Ever Been to Brazil lately? Hundreds of millions of tons of garbage thrown into the ocean yearly. Same in China and India. Go over there. That has NOTHING to do with AGW or Fossil Fuels.
I am 1000 percent on board with cleaning our oceans and having a clean, healthy environment. 1000 percent. But stop with the oceans are rising are causing trash to collect in the oceans bait and switch narrative.
Clean air, clean water, and environmental preservation are White People’s problems. Stop being racist and implying rest of the world should do anything about it.
They protest in the USA for the same reason bank robbers rob banks… it’s where the money is. The USA is also a great place to earn a living as a communist or “socialist”.
“Sea level rise driven by global climate change is a clear and present risk to the United States, now and for the foreseeable future,” the report said.
So what? Most Americans don’t live near sea level. Seems like the responsible thing to do would be to forbid government insurance and rebuilding programs for anything in the prospective “flood zone”, and let the rest of us be. Let flood insurance companies underwrite policies according to their own comfortable levels of risk and reward and LET THE REST OF US BE. Stop pretending a 1 foot rise in sea level is the end of civilization as we know it.
Oh and Venice is not our problem, but if they need a recommendation, I recommend they go full Disney on it. Large sea wall and concrete lined lagoon with filtered pool water in it. All their sewage pumped somewhere else and treated. To be paid for by people who live there. All electric land and sea vehicles.
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