I remember back when I was in grade school and high school all those years ago: parents were involved. They met with teachers, they saw administrators, they spoke to the school boards and the boards listened. None of the schools or employees attempted to hide the curriculum, nor did they tell the kids all sorts of crazy stuff. They just taught. Now
Indiana teachers predict mass exodus over CRT-inspired bill granting parental oversight
Teachers in Indiana are predicting a mass exodus from the profession if a state bill restricting how educators teach critical race theory-related lessons is passed.
“I cannot imagine that we’re going to have anything other than a huge exodus of teachers if this legislation goes through,” Jim Lang, a journalism teacher at Floyd Central High School, told the Indy Star. “And I think the problem is going to be, you’re not going to have enough people to fill the positions, or some of the folks you’re going to bring in aren’t going to be qualified.”
The bill passed largely along party lines in the state House last month and was referred to the Senate Education and Career Development Committee to progress.
House Bill 1134 would prohibit educators from promoting “certain concepts as part of a course of instruction” that “compel a school employee or student to adhere to certain tenets relating to the individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, or political affiliation.”
The Star described the bill as one that would ban educators from teaching that any sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin or political affiliation is superior or inferior to another, or that any individual should feel psychological distress due to their sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin or political affiliation.
Why are they teaching this stuff in the first place? This has no place in K-12. It’s no wonder so many kids are coming out of the 12th grade unable to truly speak, write, do math, or anything.
If the bill is passed, parents could file complaints if teachers break any of the restrictions, which in some cases could lead to lawsuits against schools. Additionally, the bill would allow the state’s secretary of education to suspend or revoke teaching licenses if educators “willfully or wantonly” violate its provisions around promoting divisive concepts, according to the Star.
Teachers do not like this. They do not like parents or anyone else having influence on what they’re teaching someone else’s children. And, in fairness, most teachers are probably not the crazy. They’re just trying to do their job. But, hey, if the crazies want to quit? Like the ones who keeps showing up on Libs Of Tiktok
Let them quit. Most actually won’t, because they do not want to give up their above private sector salaries or their benefits. Though, if they do, it would be a great time for Republicans to get into teaching.

This is a double-edged sword. If a teacher leaves, what does he/she have to hide? Accountability is such a horrible thing when you have had none of it prior to the new boss taking over.
In this case, the new boss would be parents who have decided that they must take a role in their childs education rather than leaving it to the communist teachers unions around the nation.
The second part of this equation is that these departing teachers will be replaced by Communist-trained lefties coming out of college who have no clue how to teach but have had an agenda banged into their heads since at least High School.
My son got a degree in education. He was not taught how to teach. He was given a brain full of information but did not have a single class in college on the actual job of imparting that knowledge to students. The only practical teaching experience he got was his student teaching which consisted of a teacher sitting in the room with him for a couple of weeks before literally leaving him alone for the next two months.
I give kudos to people who want to teach but they are inadequately prepared to teach and bad habits just get magnified because there is no one to ever step in and show them the right way. They arrived at their new job, someone shows them their shiny new room, and when the students finally arrive they best hope they are ready to start mouthing someone else’s ideas because the mush in their head is not their own but something put there by someone else until they have had a chance to develop their own ideas.
Kudos, Facts. For raising a son who would choose to enter this modtbimportant but lowxpaid and often disrespected profession.
Apparently not many righteing parents are able to do this thus the result it has become a profession filled with “communidts” did he teach in a private school? They of course do earn less than public school teachers. Do you consider tax supported public schools to be a firm of socialism? Many of us like don’t have children but under the current socialistic government have to pay taxes to support the children of others! As Trump would say “very unfair”
Especially when I end up paying 6 times the 750$ tax thst he did
More than 1/2 of all teachers quit in less than 5 years.
I predict thst will decrease
There is currently a nationwide shortage of teachers including in NC
Indeed job site says NC starts as low as 22000$
TEACH Please consider quitting selling Chinese plastic and instead joining one of THE most important of all professions.
As for your high school didn’t you go to Blaine? A very expensive prep school? Their tuition is currently over 55000 per year. You must have had excellent ell paid teachers
There is currently a nationwide shortage of teachers including in NC
Indeed job site says NC starts as low as 22000$
TEACH Please consider quitting selling Chinese plastic and instead joining one of THE most important of all professions.
As for your high school didn’t you go to Blaine? A very expensive prep school? Their tuition is currently over 55000 per year. You must have had excellent well paid teachers
It’s not surprising that conservative Republicans want to dictate what is taught in school.
Does Teach really object to teaching that no sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin or political affiliation is superior or inferior to another?
We get it. Teachers in public schools are usually union members. Worse, they are gubmint employees! Some are Black! And women! And educated! What if in science class they teach science! There will always be a minority who believe the Earth is 6000 years old, or that the Earth is flat, that the Koran or Bible are history books, who believe in magic, that biological evolution is false, that global warming is a hoax, that Covid-19 is a scam, that masks don’t work etc.
Can Teach or a commenter here briefly explain Critical Race Theory and/or offer any evidence that it’s being taught in public schools?
Conservatives want to build a bridge to the 19th Century.
Funny that Rimjob wants to plagiarize Paul “Enron” Krugman (from 11 years ago) without attribution.

Hard to Blame him though since the liberal Krugman has always been wrong too.
And Rimjob is not very smart either.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Pathetic that Shitlips wants to make up stuff. Liar. Hard to blame Shitlips though since he’s always wrong.
And Shitlips is not very smart either.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Pretty original retort from Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
This is why public schools should be restricted to teaching basics, and keep out of areas that are open to opinion and political ideology. Teach kids how to think, not what to think. Unfortunately, that is beyond the capabilities of most of today’s public school teachers. Because a large number of public school teachers are NOT educated, they are indoctrinated.
Parents are tired of their children being indoctrinated instead of educated.
There is plenty of proof that CRT is being taught. It was on state DOE websites, e.g. Virginia. Anyone who tries to argue that it wasn’t is just dishonest. Those people think they are on the “winning side of history.” There is no such thing. Progress is not always forward, and what we are seeing from the Left is a retreat to the history of the worst parts of the 20th century, where Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and their acolytes killed millions.
LOL. So public school teachers are the vanguard of the American commie plot “to retreat to the history of the worst parts of the 20th century, where Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and their acolytes killed millions”.
Not the vanguard, as this has been happening for decades. But now very willing participants and co-conspirators.
No. That is why public schools should be shut down entirely. Public education is a failure. People should pay to educate their own kids and choose what they learn. As long as there are government-run schools, the political winners will abuse their power to choose curriculums and reward some students at the expense of others.
Good luck with that plan. Perhaps the minority, anti-democracy forces of the American right can seize power and eliminate public schools, altogether.
BTW “professor”, did you ever profess at a public college?
Anyway, can you believe that American governments FORCE children to go to school!?!
That’s tyranny at an early age, conditioning children to be subservient to the state! The entire principle is corrupt at the core. You worry about masks or mandatory vaccinations, but the real problem is the entire system!!
Fascist communism if you ask us. Parent should be able to determine if their children should EVEN go to school! Perhaps they could get the children a good job instead (once the right gets rid of those onerous, commie, child-labor laws!). Maybe kids are better off learning a trade.
Come now, jeff. I’m sure even you have heard of libertarians. The “right” as you say, is perfectly happy with public schools. Why play dumb?
Come now, nutty perfesser. Yes, we’ve heard about the libertarians, quite the movement.
The young teacher in the video states truthfully that the parents are not her bosses. Can you imagine having to answer to 24 bosses, each with a different idea of what constitutes science, history or English?
Conservatives have for decades wanted their Christian beliefs taught in public schools. They’ve wanted their beliefs about evolution taught in public schools, their beliefs about geology, astronomy and geography taught in public schools. Now they want to whitewash history because discussions about slavery makes their little snowflakes uncomfortable.
Conservatives are in a palpable panic because of their perceived loss of privilege and hegemony. Trump was your hope. My god, girls, negroes, muslims, mexicans and homos are getting the same rights as REAL Americans!! And the numbers of non-christians in America is skyrocketing!! So of course you feel devalued, even threatened. After all, it was white christian men who conquered the red man and used negroes to build America!!
As dOwd regurgitates his usual bull shit and hyperbole about preople, things and even history he obviously does not know jack shit about he should remember that the parents are the boss. No, not each and every individual parent but the whole community of parents working for the practical education of their children. After all dOwd, who do you think cares more about the kids well being your indoctrinated teachers or their mommies and daddies?
Finally dOwds narrow minded and bigoted opinions about white people and Christians notwithstanding, once again he speaks out his ass. Teaching about Christianity, the single most important and influential religion in the history of mankind is not forcing anyone to believe in it. Your unbridled hate for all things white, American and Christian eliminate you from having an opinion on whether they should be taught or whether you should be allowed to live here.
The fact that you hate American, all it stands for and all those who built it (BTW negroes did not “build America”. They picked fukin’ cotton and dried bloody tobaccee.) white mostly Christian men built America and white fascist heathens like you destroyed it.
Let’s go Brandon, time to steal another to keep this banana junta going.
BrandOn: Your unbridled hate for all things white, American and christian eliminate you from having an opinion on whether they should be taught or whether you should be allowed to live here.
And it’s the liberals who are fascists? LOL!
So our criticism of conservatives eliminates that I should be allowed to live here? LOL. And it’s liberals who are fascists! LOL!
We thought you were going to use your government job and government connections to come and teach me a lesson? Second thoughts? And it’s the liberals who are fascists! LOL!
Listen, we get that you are apoplectic and potentially violent. We get that you perceive you’re being forced to share the world that “you built” with other Americans. But get over it snowflake. Now, we’ll leave you to your stewing.
Have a nice day!
Aww, settle down sweetie. You are fascists. Conservatives even with all your false accusations, assertions and lies are not freezing people’s life savings, threatening to take their children and even pets, stealing their trucks, their livelihoods, or forming kangaroo courts to prosecute peaceful protestors they call “insurrectionists” , holding citizens without bail for over a year, and all the other inclinations of fascism. You are. You and your fellow nuNazis call protestors terrorists because they aren’t democrats.
dOwd is siding with big pharma against the children, with big tech against free speech, big government and fascists like Turdeau against the working man. Which do the Canadian people need more Turdeau or truckers? They can always elect another spoiled communist bitch for Fuhrer by the food don’t deliver itself. Unless you are going to force people to work against their will. I guess a slaver like you would actually try it.
BTW I never threatened you with anything. I told you what I could do not what I would do. You should thank your ass you’re too cowardly to face me. Any time asshole, any place. You’re a coward dOwd.
Let’s go Brandon, your loser followers and worshipers are crying from fear of losing the next election. Get that steal going again.
A palpable panic indeed!
Bwaha! Lolgf
And those that can’t teach become salespeople.
Never wanted to teach. But, I do mentor lots of new folks. Let me know when you want a car. I’d say I’d hook you up, but, hell, I barely got anything on car I’m waiting for
“Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.”
— Aristotle
Teaching is hard work, asshole. – Anon
Here’s a short list of teachers…
Albert Einstein
Richard P. Feynman
Golda Meir
Robert Frost
Julius Lilienfeld (transistor)
J. R. R. Tolkien
W.E.B. Dubois
Lavoisier, Dalton, Seaborg (Periodic table)
Marie Curie
Booker T. Washington
Stephen Hawking
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Noam Chomsky
J. K. Rowling
George Washington Carver
It seems as if great teachers DO and TEACH!
Take it up with Shaw. He wrote it.

However, there are always exceptions.
Noticed at one time Rimjob claimed to be a teacher.
So there’s that.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Feynman is the only one on that list who was a great teacher that we know of.
The rest were great theorists, researchers, scientists, etc. But teachers? Meh.
You fail to understand the distinction between teaching and discovering.
You are ill-informed or lying. Given your history, we suspect you’re lying.
Do you know what “teacher” means?
The school system that needs to worry is Chicago Public Schools. I bet a lot of teachers would love to teach in Indiana with the added bonus of being able to move out of Chicago.
We need to reform our school system. Let the money go with the kids. So people who want to out of the public schools aren’t paying double. We also need to ban teacher’s unions from political contributions.