Another U.S. military organization being forced to go Woke, which means they will soon be worthless in protecting the U.S. and her citizens
Marines need nearly $5B for integrating boot camp, fighting climate change
The Marine Corps will need nearly $5 billion throughout the next 30 years to upgrade buildings at both Marine Corps recruit depots in the wake of increased gender integration and climate change, according to documents the Marine Corps shared with Congress.
The Corps estimates that it will need $198 million over the next five years for immediate upgrades to make possible boot camp gender integration at both San Diego and Parris Island, South Carolina, according to the documents.
Beyond gender integration, the Marine Corps said it needs more long-term money, “to address resiliency concerns, modernization of facilities, and sustainment of overall recruit training.” (snipping past the gender stuff)
With a rising sea level and the precarious position of Parris Island, South Carolina, in the middle of swamp on the edge of the Atlanta Ocean, the very existence of the Corps’ historic boot camp site may be at stake.
By 2050, parts of the base would be underwater nearly a third of the year, a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists predicted.
The topographic map shows that Parris Island is not as low as you would think. It jumps up in elevation into the range of 20+ feet above sea level quickly. NOAA shows sea level rise of 1.10 feet per 100 years, which is not accelerating. Even if part of that rise was not attributed to sinking land, it’s still slightly below what’s expected during a Holocene warm period, and, there’s no way that the base will be inundated.

Why would they need money for “possible boot camp gender integration,” when the Starship Troopers shower scene told us that, in the future, there’d be no separate facilities?
I guess the Joint Chiefs didn’t see the movie.
More likely the Commandant of the Marine Corps and the Secretary of the Navy.
FIVE BILLION DOLLARS!! OMG, that a big number!
FIVE BILLION DOLLARS divided by 30 years = let’s see… carry the 2… $167 million a year.
OK, the defense budget is around 1,000,000 million dollars a year, and going up over the next 30 years!! So 167/1,000,000 x 100 (%) yields 0.02% of the defense budget a year!!
Lately, trump-type right-wingers like Teach have become very anti-military and anti-police.
Billions spent on a hoax are concerning to responsible people.
Your comments are getting dispirit. Do you need attention or have you finally had a break with reality. I would advise that you read your comments to your wife, if she is still around, and have her comment on the level of crazy you are showing to the public.
To the programmer of davebot1619,
Your robot has a virus and it is spewing word salad.
Military budgets are only 5 years. Anything in year 6 or later is considered fantasy money. So this has zero real impact. And all mil construction comes from congress with no discretion by the services. So… just fantasy, like global warming itself.
Well you try to find size 12 Manolo Blahnick pumps with 4 inch stiletto heels in camouflage for less than a grand!!!
Go ahead and try, haters.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Tim Merritt
not going to happen…..woke is going broke as in being annihilated…..WTFU
Teach please remember 2cthings
1 sea level is not level, the same everywhere. If it was we wouldn’t beed locks in the Panama canal
2 the rate of sealevel rise is definitely increasing. Cite something contrary if you think it is not.
Sorry John…
Who’s John?
Who is he ? Some climate nutter…….
Who’s Jill?