CBS News is on the ball, you guys!
U.S. has intel that Russian commanders have orders to proceed with invasion
The U.S. has intelligence that Russian commanders have received orders to proceed with an invasion of Ukraine, with commanders on the ground making specific plans for how they would maneuver in their sectors of the battlefield, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reported on “Face the Nation” Sunday.
The orders don’t mean a invasion is a certainty, as Russian President Vladimir Putin could still change the orders if he changes his mind, the official said.
So yes? No? Interestingly, I’m getting two different versions of the article, one with the second paragraph being the above, and the other with the 2nd being
The intelligence indicates that “they’re doing everything that American commanders would do once they got the order to proceed,” Martin said.
and leaving out the part about it not being certain.
After weeks of warning that an invasion of Ukraine was imminent, President Biden told reporters on Friday that he was “convinced” Putin had made the decision to invade Ukraine and said the U.S. believed Russian forces intended to attack in the “coming days.”
Surprisingly, Biden did not head to Delaware for President’s Day. His original schedule called for him to leave Saturday, which was then changed to Sunday, and then was cancelled. Perhaps that’s a sign that the invasion is ready? Or, perhaps he was just too tired to walk to the helicopter, because he sure hasn’t cared about optics so far.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken told “Face the Nation” that the U.S. believes Russia is “moving forward” with plans to invade, despite denials from Moscow that such action will be taken.
“Everything we’re seeing tells us that the decision we believe President Putin has made to invade is moving forward,” Blinken said. “We’ve seen that with provocations created by the Russians or separatist forces over the weekend, false flag operations, now the news just this morning that the ‘exercises’ Russia was engaged in in Belarus with 30,000 Russian forces that was supposed to end this weekend will now continue because of tensions in eastern Ukraine, tensions created by Russia and the separatist forces it backs there.”
If Putin really wants to invade Ukraine, me bet is that he’ll wait till next weekend, after Joe gets to either his home in Delaware or Camp David.
BTW, remember when Democrats made fun of Romney for saying how dangerous Russia was? And then Russia went and invaded Crimea. Then Russia stopped getting frisky under Trump, but, is back to frisky because Biden is weak.

“Wag the Dog!”

Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s wag the dog time once again in American politics as the left tries to distract the citizenry from the dismal failure they are on every front. They F’d up the Covid response deliberately to oust Trump and it worked but now they are trying to not get caught holding the bag for all the deaths their policies caused, the economic destruction both national and in small business (big business made billions cause after all they are the Democrat donors so they couldn’t hurt them). The young adults maimed and killed by the vaccine that isn’t a vaccine and the children dying by same and we have yet to see the long term destruction this “tested on the children of America” crap produces among us all but especially the kids.
Not that it matters since the leftist Democrats formed an unholy alliance with Big Pharma giving them a blanket liability protection for any and all damages by the vaccine that’s not a vaccine in perpetuity. That means unlike thalidomide we never have a recourse for all the death and destruction these Democrats and their patrons at Big Pharma have caused. That probably also means we won’t hear about most of it because their friends in Big Media and Social Media will black out and censor any mention of it. We are getting used to how that works. I refer you to the stolen and never investigated election. To the blackout of Covid info on all media social or Fake News about anything contradicting the leftist narrative. Same with most climate stuff.
The Ministry of Truth and Propaganda has spoken.
Let’s go Brandon, just a few more freedom killing mandates and you can steal 2022.
BrandOn: the leftist Democrats formed an unholy alliance with Big Pharma giving them a blanket liability protection for any and all damages by the vaccine that’s not a vaccine in perpetuity
That is an outright lie and we’re surprised Mr Teach promotes such obvious falsehoods.
This lie has been rebutted multiple times here. The liability protection has been in place for decades. The Trump administration increased the protections during the pandemic.
If the commenter means The Bush II and Trump administrations by “leftist Democrats” he/she would be correct.
Would Teach or a conserva-con-menter here please acknowledge that it was not ‘leftist Democrats’ who enacted protections for vaccine manufacturers. We tire of having to re-refute reactionary nuCon lies.
We understand that wingers are allergic to facts, but your refractoriness to repeated facts borders on pathology. It’s as if you’ve been vaccinated against truths.
Rimjob word of the day: “refractoriness”.
Guess it makes him feel “smart”.

Bwaha! Lolgf
If Shitlips had any self-respect he would feel as dumb as we all see that he is.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We guess BrandO is not man enough to defend his own arguments. We already know he’s not smart enough.
Russia/Ukraine is a distraction, watch China.
The increasingly unhinged Teach: If Putin really wants to invade Ukraine, me bet is that he’ll wait till next weekend, after Joe gets to either his home in Delaware or Camp David.
Teach never criticized trump for his frequent and expensive trips to his compound in Florida. Evidently trump was squirreling away Top Secret government documents there. Probably so he could share them with his boyfriend, Putin.
By giving Putin everything he wanted and needed, trump kept Putin a happy man.
Didn’t see Putin threatening invasion of Ukraine when President Trump was running the country.

Don’t remember Trump begging Putin to release more oil.
Bwaha! Lolgf