Why would the Cult of Climastrology need to do this if their science was so sound?
Climate activists spend millions for friendly Associated Press ‘news’
When climate activists called for more coverage, the Associated Press went green.
No, it didn’t dive into environmental activism. The news agency had already done that. It dove into a pile of cash — more than $8 million.
AP just announced it sold its gold-standard journalism for 20 bright, shiny new reporters under the benign headline “Climate grant illustrates growth in philanthropy-funded news.” The announcement was adorned with a photo of a polar bear (of course) because journalists do love their cute, man-eating predators.
AP noted it’s “the news organization’s largest single expansion paid for through philanthropic grants.” But the groups ponying up millions aren’t value-neutral benefactors.
The five climate partners include left-wing groups such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation and Quadrivium. Walton and Quadrivium both fund the radical, eco-leftist Environmental Defense Fund. The pressure group pushes everything from massive pollution regulations to Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which it calls “a long-overdue step to address environmental injustice.”
Nice to know that the news media can be bought, eh? Just what kind of coverage are you getting from a news organization these days?
Indeed, the “news” organization has had its hand out to rich people for years. Journalism used to be about who, what, where, when and why. AP is adding “how much.”
“It’s the most recent of a series of grants the AP has received since the mid-2010s to boost coverage in health and science, religion, water issues and philanthropy itself. Some 50 AP journalists have jobs funded through grants,” the article noted. Add another 20 focused on climate.
Maybe the better question is: How many AP staffers aren’t for sale?
Good question. The AP is pushing climate cult propaganda for pay, and rarely letting us know the real information.

I call it journolism. The spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity.
They aren’t “spending millions for favorable press”. Climate change scam is all about redistribution of wealth. Paying the press is just their cut of the payoff. They would get this even if they didn’t write a single word. Like the old democratic party book deal scams.