Many leading Warmists, including ones like Michael Mann, have advocated for the use of nuclear power to help wean the world off of coal, oil, and natural gas. However, most Warmists are irrational boobs and loathe nuclear
Federal regulators reverse decision to extend nuclear plant license in Florida. Turkey Point station near Miami would have been permitted until 2052.
The environmental group Beyond Nuclear argued that climate change risks were not taken into account.
— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) February 25, 2022
From the article
Federal officials have reversed a decision to allow a South Florida nuclear power plant to continue running for another 30 years by ordering a new review of potential environmental risks, including those posed by climate change.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued an order Thursday to reverse a 2019 decision by a previous, Republican-led commission to extend Florida Power & Light’s operating license for two reactors at the Turkey Point nuclear power plant until 2052 and 2053, respectively. The reactors have been operating since 1972 and 1973, respectively.
The new decision shouldn’t immediately affect operations at Turkey Point, which is south of Miami along Biscayne Bay. The NRC, which oversees commercial nuclear power plants, had previously granted FPL a 20-year extension that will allow the reactors to run until 2032 and 2033.
The reversal gives environmental groups a chance to reiterate concerns that federal regulators didn’t adequately consider the risks of climate change and flooding from sea level rise when granting the last extension. The NRC plans to hold hearings after staff completes a new site-specific environmental impact statement.
Oh, please, they don’t care about ‘climate change’, they just despise nuclear. It makes you wonder: how many of the people in these enviroweenie groups actually live in Florida? How many will see their power rise in the future if the licenses are denied? One of the groups mentioned is Beyond Nuclear, which, from their website, seems to be rather hysterical (not the good way), and is also based in Maryland. Attorney Diane Curran, also mentioned, is based either out of D.C. or Connecticut, and seems to work for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. And is taking the side of the Warmists.
Besides the reversal at Turkey Point, the NRC also reversed a license extension for the Peach Bottom nuclear plant in Pennsylvania. Days after taking office in January 2021, President Joe Biden named Democrats to take over the NRC and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The agencies have been reevaluating decisions made by Republican-led panels under former President Donald Trump, including the 2019 decision on Turkey Point.
Seems rather childish to reverse the licenses due to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Teach it generally takes about 10 years after the first concrete pour to finish building a nuke.add another 5 years for permits designing insurance on the construction bonds. Close to q5 years. Teach do you envision any solar cell improvements in the next 15 years? How might thst affect nuclear power here in the USA?
John-if you’re still really scared of CO2, you would most likely embrace nuclear.
Hairy the article was about a Nuke plant ALREADY RUNNING. Not buidling a new one.
Lord. Repeat after me A B C D E F G……H I J K LOMENTOPPPPPP. Q R S, T U V W X and Y and Z. Now you know your ABC’s, I wonder whats next for our Haireeeeeeee. HA HA HAHA. Cool one Bevis.
That post was about an already built nuke that now needs to be reticence. My post post showing thst any NEW nuke plant that anyone wants to build is at least 25vyears into the future.
FM needs more practice on their ABCs…
Given the regulatory sloppiness and ideology of the trump admin, a second look won’t hurt. It would hardly be surprising that trump admin regulators would not adequately consider the impacts of global warming on potential flooding. They may reach the same conclusion as the trumpists. They may conclude the site needs remediation, e.g., flood walls.
We heard once that elections have consequences.
By trump Derangement Syndrome do you refer to the fact that trump is deranged??
We also heard that assertions about “climate change” need some kind of causation factor, not just a correlation factor. Surprisingly, we’re still waiting…
Perhaps you are willing to share with us an ternativevtheory about why the Earth is warming if not from greenhouse gasses
CO2 has been known to readily absorb infrared length radiation for 120 years.
It’s warming for the same reasons it’s warmed and cooled before: NATURE.
NATURE! He says. Might as well say GOD! Or MAGIC! Or undiscovered SPACE RAYS! Maybe the Chinese opened PORTALS into another dimension, a parallel universe. Or Russia drilled holes to the center of the Earth allowing CORE HEAT to escape.
Perhaps you would be willing to not ignore papers like these that answer your question and you’ve been shown many times. Don’t, worry, John, we won’t let you forget..
Perhaps you would be willing to ponder this..
Trump Derangement Syndrome is when the only thing you do is reverse your predecessor’s achievements without regard for the consequences and think you are accomplishing something.
Elwood P. Dowd, You truly show your ignorance with your childish statements. The same buffoons who claimed Manhattan and much of the coast would be under water over a decade ago I still pushing “Sea level rise”, yet it has never happened. The conman Obama is so concerned about it that he has a house on the water in Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii. Manmade “Climate Change” is a scam and has made people like Al Gore and others very wealthy but isn’t a real thing. Pull you head out of you hindquarters
JC typed: Pull you head out of you hindquarters
Move your lips first.
It’s just Obama all over. Foreign leaders just laughed at him and his “red lines” so Obama came back and took it out on voters. I believe Obama was at war with the State of Texas and “The Koch Brothers” back then.
Biden is taking his global losses out on Florida and has for a year.
Nuclear power doesn’t produce any carbon emissions. It is the cleanest and most efficient producer of electricity of all types of energy, much better than the toxic and inefficient Solar Panels, Windmills and Lithium batteries.
The current estimate of building a new nuclear plant indicates extremely high kwh cost for consumers.
As for nuke power being “clean” itvis not.
Nuclear power doesn’t produce any carbon emissions. It is the cleanest and most efficient producer of electricity of all types of energy, much better than the toxic and inefficient Solar Panels, Windmills and Lithium batteries.
You truly show your ignorance with your childish statements. The same buffoons who claimed Manhattan and much of the coast would be under water over a decade ago I still pushing “Sea level rise”, yet it has never happened. The conman Obama is so concerned about it that he has a house on the water in Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii. Manmade “Climate Change” is a scam and has made people like Al Gore and others very wealthy but isn’t a real thing. Pull you head out of you hindquarters.
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The personal behavior of 1% of the U. S. population results in their CO2 footprint being 50 times that of the average of the other 99%. Were this small group to only emit 25 times the CO2 of everyone else, overall U. S. CO2 emissions would immediately, not over years or decades, decline 17%. Oddly the people are never informed of this fact. Maybe because so many of this small group are AGW scammers?
Citation is needed for thst last post.
That post about the top 1% IF it came from the BBC article refers to the wealthiest top 1% of the world’s population
In order to be classified in the top 1% it requires an income of 68,000 dollars per year
MichMike, does that include you? It does not include me.
The environmental group Beyond Nuclear argued that climate change risks were not taken into account.
Sounds like Liberal Logic (Pat. Pending) to me – fight climate change by shutting down power plants that do NOT emit CO2.
Therefore, either CO2 is NOT an issue, and the Green Weenies opinions may be ignored, or they are simply ignorant on every subject…and their uninformed opinions may be ignored.
I’ll take option three alanstorm, it’s all bogus.
The license wasn’t being revoked. The regulators were going to re-evaluate the potential effects of global warming on the long term safety, you know, from flooding.
alanstorm typed: Therefore, either CO2 is NOT an issue, and the Green Weenies opinions may be ignored, or they are simply ignorant on every subject…and their uninformed opinions may be ignored.
Beyond Nuclear is entitled to their opinions. You assume they speak for the world. They don’t. Even with its problems nuclear power can be a valuable resource. Your conclusions are your opinion but are not logical.
Please point out where I said that it was, child.
Please demonstrate any logic, and I might take you seriously. Not holding my breath based on your comments so far.
No, I do not. I assume they represent a good number of painfully uninformed opinions – much like yours. Try again.