I’m sure they went into the labs and checked, right? It’s absolutely no surprise that a far left outlet like the U.K. Guardian would champion these “studies”
Coronavirus came from Wuhan market and not Chinese lab, twin studies say
International scientists on Saturday released two major studies which one participant said made it “extraordinarily clear” a market in Wuhan, China was the source of the coronavirus which fueled the Covid-19 pandemic – and not a Chinese government laboratory, a theory championed in the US by rightwing campaigners, columnists and politicians.
The question of where Covid-19 came from and how it spread has proved divisive. (snip)
In August last year, a US intelligence review of the issue proved inconclusive.
The New York Times first reported the new studies, which it said had not been published in any journal.
Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona and a co-author on both studies, told the paper: “When you look at all of the evidence together, it’s an extraordinarily clear picture that the pandemic started at the Huanan market.”
The one-sentence summary of one study said: “Geographical clustering of the earliest known Covid-19 cases and the proximity of positive environmental samples to live-animal vendors suggest that the Huanan seafood wholesale market in Wuhan was the site of origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
In the abstract to the other study, scientists said: “Understanding the circumstances that lead to pandemics is critical to their prevention.”
So, none of the studies have actually gone through peer review and been published? Huh. Anyhow, neither of the studies actually spent any time investigating the actual lab, which has had previous releases, and was, in fact, playing around with coronaviruses. We know this. It is a fact. The studies are simply putting together some data and “analyzing” it. It doesn’t even appear that they spent time in China.
It’s cute how this is a right wing thing, saying it was a lab leak, when you’ll find that plenty of Democrats, and left leaning folks in countries around the world, have serious reservations that this happened because someone ate a bat or pangolin or something in a we market that just happened to be right down the road from the Wuhan Institute of Virology which just happens to have a poor record of security and was working on coronaviruses. A lab which the Chinese haven’t let anyone into since this all started.

Other studies have shown that the easily mutatable covid virus has been endemic in bats in Laos.
Ebola is also believed likely to have been transmitted to humans from Bats
And yet communism and left wing moonbattery has been shown easily transmitted by uninformed spreaders of misinformation to promote a police state. Not from bats.
Which is contradicted by the recent finding that the virus has some DNA sequences patented by Moderna.
We’ve seen no hesitancy by various biased scientists claiming the lab origin was not true. But it turned out most were lying corrupt and had conflicts of interest.
Well there you have it. First thing I would do is see how much CHINA is paying the Arizona Professor under the table.
But that aside.
that the pandemic started at the Huanan market.” AND “Geographical clustering of the earliest known Covid-19 cases and the proximity of positive environmental samples to live-animal vendors suggest that the Huanan seafood wholesale market in Wuhan was the site of origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
If you break down this sentence YES. Someone gets bitten at the Wuhan lab. Visits the Market before getting sick himself and voilla you have the perfect storm. This has always been what most of us believe and 1000’s of doctors have looked at the original virus and suspected it had been altered genetically to militarize it.
We will never know. What will be the response of the left the next time the EVIL Chinese who killed 100 million of their own people to cleanse the country, claim when that new pandemic rolls around???
We all know it will be TRUMPS FAULT.
There is no convincing evidence either way. By default, reasonable people assume the virus, like all other viruses, derived from natural sources.
The SARS-CoV-2 causing the COVID-19 pandemic has 96.2% genome sequence identity to bat coronavirus RaTG13.
While numerous point mutation differences exist between SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 only one insertion and dissimilarity exceeding 3 nucleotides (nt): a 12-nt insertion coding for four amino acids (aa 681-684, PRRA) in the SARS-CoV-2 S protein has been discovered. This polybasic FCS (furin cleavage site) differentiates SARS-CoV-2 from other b-lineage beta-coronaviruses or any other sarbecovirus. An FCS addition enhanced the infectivity of SARS CoV-2. The absence of this FCS results in attenuated SARS-CoV-2 variants. This FCS is vital for human transmission, expands viral tropism to human cells…
The question is, From where did the FCS originate?. Some insist it could only have come from manipulation, others argue that it’s most likely due to recombination in other mammals (e.g., humans… we are animals, too… mammals, too… and awash with all sorts of viruses… 380 TRILLION virus particles EACH… but not disease causing… whew!). Animals are laboratories for viral recombination that occasionally spews out a more infective version.
And what’s the friggin’ deal with bats?? They harbor coronaviruses, Ebola, rabies, Marburg and more, all deadly to humans but not a bother to bats. Scientists specializing in bat viral infections are trying to determine why bat’s immune systems tolerate these deadly viruses.
Anyway, the origin of SARS-C0V-2 is currently unknown. Our advice is to follow the science and not the bloggers.
I don’t think any reasonable person considering the odds can believe the Covid virus just popped from a bat-out-of-hell which just coincidentally happened to be located next to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That would really require a complete suspension of all reason, logic and observation.
It would be like a huge case of wide spread food poisoning broke out in the area and instead of blaming that “wet market” they blamed the Wuhan Institute. Makes no sense.
But I guess when they tell those big lies often enough and get enough moonbats to buy them they just keep on doing what works.
I ask, how many bullshit stories from MM global warming, to Russia, Russia, Russia to covid to masks to lockdowns etc and now Ukraine will these Democrats swallow before they realize they’re being played?
Let’s go Brandon, you’ve proven all it takes to screw the dOwdists is a senile fake president who lies, launders money and abuses the office.
That’s one opinion!
Yet Rimjob, dipshit that he is, still promotes the bat fallacy.

Stupid as as stupid does.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Yet ShitLips, pup-puffer that he is, still ignores research, preferring to do as he’s told.
This is hardly surprising.
Science is tyranny, they squeal! LOL.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Rimjob: There is no convincing evidence either way.
Dipshit can’t even remember his own quote.
Yet he still promotes the bat fallacy.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Bwaha! Lolgf
ShitLips can’t even remember what he’s arguing about.
ShitLips lies within a lie! That takes talent and effort! We’re so impressed!!
Lying is as lying does.
Bwaha! Lolgf
BTW ShitLips,
Are you absolutely, completely convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Chinese/Fauci scientists constructed the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or are you saying you find the evidence supporting that hypothesis to be overwhelming?
All anyone has to do is read your quote.
Already copied and pasted.
Dipshit caught by his own stupidity.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So… your evidence that SARS-CoV-2 came from the Wuhan Virology Lab is Russia, Russia, Russia!?
How is Ukraine related to SARS-CoV-2?
Sound logic.
dOwd: “How is Ukraine related to SARS-CoV-2?”
We never stated that Ukraine was related to SARS-COV-2. Never used the term. We said: ” MM global warming, to Russia, Russia, Russia to covid to masks to lockdowns etc and now Ukraine” are all LIES fostered by you leftists to instill fear and panic in the American people.
So yes, very very sound logic. Dumbass.
Let’s go Brandon, create more panic and push inflation higher.
So, since you imagine that Covid, global warming, masks, lockdowns, Russia’s links to elections and Ukraine are all lies that that somehow is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was developed in a lab. Got it.
Hey, what is the Ukraine lies you’re worried about?
Teach suggested the studies were linked to the liberal Guardian. But it’s all about the science…
Here are links to the two unpublished papers so you can do your own research.
The debate continues!
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