It just goes to show that no matter what happens, the Cult of Climastrology will drag their doomsday cult beliefs into the subject
The link between Putin and climate change
Not now, climate change scientists. Don’t they know there’s a war?
On Monday, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the second part of a major report, five years in the making, that paints a stark picture of the impact climate change is already having on the world.
Yet, amid the urgency and desperation of the war in Ukraine, the report is unlikely to get the attention it warrants.
Given the timing of the release, the IPCC is inadvertently conducting an experiment proving its most crucial new finding: Whatever disorder we make in the world will ally itself with climate change and deplete our ability to respond to either.
The war in Ukraine is tied to the climate crisis in multiple ways. The aggressor is a petrostate whose long-term economic future depends on slow action to cut emissions. Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas is driving rival conversations about accelerating clean energy and exploring new, alternative sources for fossil fuels. Ukraine is a major grain and corn producing country, and the invasion may create a food shock that exacerbates climate-driven hunger in parts of Africa.
Yeah, it pretty much continues downhill after that, dragging in Putin, Ukraine “climate scientists”, and Doom.
The other doomsday: Climate change isn’t as flashy as war, but just as much of a threat
At this point, the language of scientific warnings about climate cataclysm has familiar characteristics, even as it gets more dire: The climate is changing as a direct result of human activity; the change is accelerating due to our inaction; some of the consequences are now unavoidable; and it will wreak havoc on our society, plunging billions into food insecurity, storms, fires, heat waves, floods and other assorted mayhem.
Ukraine war upends Biden’s agenda on energy, climate change
As Russian troops move deeper into Ukraine, President Joe Biden is taking steps to rein in rising energy costs even if those moves run counter to his agenda for addressing climate change.
Biden announced on Tuesday that he is releasing 30 million barrels of oil from U.S. strategic reserves as part of a 31-nation effort to help ensure that supplies will not fall short after Russia’s invasion of its European neighbor. The release follows ones ordered in November that also were coordinated with U.S. allies.
This is all just sooooooo inconvenient to the cult forcing their beliefs on Other People while refusing to practice what they preach.

A characteristic of global warming is that it’s global. It’s in the name!!
The right doesn’t ‘believe in’ global warming, but science doesn’t depend on your feelings.
Our only Earth is warming, a result of greenhouse gases we’re adding to the atmosphere, principally CO2 from burning fossil fuels. It’s real, with no scientific reason to expect it to stop.
Righties argue that not one prediction has come true. Other than the predicted warming, the predicted drop in ocean pH, the predicted increase in ocean volume, the predicted loss of ice from the Arctic, the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, and glaciers, the predicted cooling stratosphere. Ice sheets, thermometers and the stratosphere must not read WUWT or the Cove,