Gotta love when a rich elite disses the not so well off .@StephenAtHome: "Today, the average gas price in America hit an all-time record high of over $4/gallon. OK, that stings, but a clean conscience is worth a buck or two. It’s important. I’m willing to pay $4/gallon. Hell, I’ll pay $15 a gallon b/c […]
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- Doom and Gloom on NY Times Freaks Out Over Signal Kerfuffle, Links To Defeating The Houthis: “This bullshit of using the INTERNET to have top secret conferences is beyond ludicrous. The stupidity of doing this is…” Mar 27, 15:05
- Professor Hale on NY Times Freaks Out Over Signal Kerfuffle, Links To Defeating The Houthis: “David, So far, there is no reason to believe that the Atlantic’s editor has broken any laws (this time). Being…” Mar 27, 15:00
- drowningpuppies on NY Times Freaks Out Over Signal Kerfuffle, Links To Defeating The Houthis: “They have no other stories… Kaitlan Collins, the VA secretary refused to answer a question about Trump officials using the…” Mar 27, 13:42
- Jl on NY Times Freaks Out Over Signal Kerfuffle, Links To Defeating The Houthis: ““Hegseth kicking himself for not just getting 13 soldiers killed and giving 80 billion in weapons to terrorists.” BB” Mar 27, 12:15
- david7134 on NY Times Freaks Out Over Signal Kerfuffle, Links To Defeating The Houthis: “This is easy. Just arrest the reporter for accessing a secured communication and send him to Getmo. End of discussion.” Mar 27, 11:59