…is an area turning to desert from Permanent Drought, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the Green New Deal in action.

…is an area turning to desert from Permanent Drought, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the Green New Deal in action.
F https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2022/03/climatistas-officially-declare-themselves-brain-dead.php

Bwaha! Lolgf
The Week reported on the DC court’s decision to drop charges against a BLM/Antifa thug who punched a DC cop in the face injuring him. I presume it was decided by the judge that attacking a Republican and his wife is a form of “peaceful protest”, while walking through the velvet bank line at the Capitol is “INSURRECTION!”.
We have without a doubt a dysfunctional and unconstitutional two-tiered system of justice.
Then in the Russia/Ukraine war the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, told the United States on Wednesday, “We have found your biological weapons!” This comes after State Department official Victoria Nuland admitted in her testimony on Tuesday that the US has biolabs in Ukraine. But wait, Brandon has more: https://twitter.com/i/status/1501185437901082629
Meanwhile in Colorado: Tina Peters, who was mercilessly attacked by the Soros-backed Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and the state media, recently released a report on the hard drives of the Dominion voting machines used in the Colorado 2020 Election. This report released on March 1, 2022, had several findings.
Tina Peters is the Election Clerk from Mesa County Colorado who backed up the voting machines in her county when the corrupt Secretary of State demanded that all voting machines be altered in a manner that erased election data (which is against the law) after the 2020 election. Ms. Peters was attacked for her actions. The FBI raided her home instead of investigating her claims.
Recently in early February Peters was interrupted at a local restaurant by police and arrested on some garbage charges. What are the chances that Peters is being harassed and attacked because she knew too much?
Not to be outdone the Democrats in Florida (yeah, there are some):
A black Dunkin’ Donuts manager was sentenced to 2 years house arrest, 200hrs. community service and one anger management course after killing an elderly, white customer who reportedly used a racial slur against him. Now tell me, what was the Capitol Shaman sentenced to for killing nobody?
27-year-old Pujols fatally punched 77-year-old Vonelle Cook for using the word “nigger” last May while complaining about the poor customer service. Pujols punched Cook in the jaw and knocked him to the ground. Cook suffered a fractured skull and brain contusions and died three days later, an autopsy said, according to CBS News. I guess if meant Tweets are subject to censorship nasty words will get you the death penalty.
The Squad had to get into the act when Democrat moral leader Rashida Tlaib, an open communist and Jew-hater claimed there was no inflation but only corporate “extortion” during the US House Committee on Financial Services on Tuesday. Reports indicate she learned this from a fellow named Hairy of unknown origin who also insisted she buy an EV.
Here is a graph proving the conspiracy of Big Corp:
The very idea of what the USA is has been corrupted by these criminals running it. The Democrat party since allowing itself to be taken over by communists, fascists, anarchists, Islamists and every faction that hates America and wants to destroy us has become de facto the enemy of the republic.
We cannot allow people who believe men can have babies in charge of our nation. It’s insanity. When the best female swimmer is a male the country is lost to stupidity.
Lets go Brandon, more biolabs, more dead children, more war . More men “being” women.
Lets go Brandon, more biolabs, more dead children, more war .
Brand0: more biolabs
Brand0 and the far right (including Putin and QAnon and Brand0, oh my) are pushing the gaslighting conspiracy tale that Putin invaded Ukraine to destroy Fauci’s bioweapons labs there.
Oy vey… the stoopid…
Is Brand0 a Russian bot like The davebot9000?
Komrade Brand0 needs to be reminded that his courageous hero, Vlad Putin, started a war and is killing children. Brand0 and Putin, sitting in a tree…