See, extreme weather never happened before CO2 went above 350ppm
Climate change: Extreme weather warning systems for all ‘in five years’
Early warning systems to protect the entire world from extreme weather and climate disasters should be rolled out within five years, according to the UN.
Right now, around one-third of the global population has no cover while in Africa 60% of the population is unprotected.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) will put together a plan on how this can be achieved by November.
Around $1.5bn will be needed to finance the development.
And, see, according to climate cult scientists extreme weather has gotten worse in the past 50 years, which has absolutely nothing to do with better satellite coverage, better reporting and monitoring, more people living in areas that would get “extreme” weather. We can solve this with just $1.5 billion.
The WMO proposals will be unveiled at COP27 in Egypt in November.
How many will take long fossil fueled flights? It’s in Sharm El-Sheikh, which is gorgeous vacation spot southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula on the Red Sea.
Meanwhile, big soup maker goes climahysteric
Campbell Sets Science-based Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets to Combat Climate Change
Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB) today announced new science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of its overall environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy outlined in its 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report.
“Since our founding in 1869, Campbell has been committed to making a positive impact on the communities we call home and the planet we share,” said Mark Clouse, Campbell’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are taking a holistic approach to ESG and focusing on areas where we believe we can make a meaningful difference as we unlock our full growth potential and create value for all our stakeholders.”
Campbell is committed to building a more resilient food system and has long set greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals for its own operations, starting in 2010. Campbell’s new science-based targets commit to:
Let’s be honest, they are most likely making this announcement to appease the climahysterics, and will do very little. I prefer Progresso, anyhow.

Progresso is disgusting