The new scaremongering report the U.N. has been teasing has been released, and same old same old cult
‘It’s now or never’ on climate change action, official warns
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report warns that 2010-2019 average annual global greenhouse gas emissions were at their highest levels in human history and urgent action is needed.
The report released Monday said emissions need to be reduced in all sectors and countries should seek to wean themselves off fossil fuels — including industry and the transportation sector.
“It’s now or never, if we want to limit global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F),” said Jim Skea, IPCC Working Group III co-chairperson. “Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, it will be impossible.”
Let’s start with the U.N. and all the big wigs taking long fossil fueled trips, often in private jets, as well as Warmists everywhere. Lead the way! Show us how easy it is for you to change your life. Otherwise, you’re Doomsaying is foolish and hypocritical.
Factbox: Key takeaways from the IPCC report on climate change mitigation
The world has not yet managed to reduce its emissions output, hitting about 59 gigatonnes in 2019 when changes in land use are taken into account. That’s a 12% jump from global 2010 emissions of 52.5 gigatonnes, or an average increase of 1.3% each year during the last decade.
Well, that’s weird. 30+ years of spreading awareness and doomy prognostications, yet, even most Warmists won’t reduce their own emissions output.
Only immediate, ambitious climate action will keep global temperatures from rising 1.5 degrees Celsius beyond the pre-industrial average, the report says. Beyond that threshold, the world would be courting extreme climate change with severe impacts on people, wildlife and ecosystems, scientists say.
Again, let’s see you cut back in your own lives.
The report also weighs in on how market and regulatory tools can help stimulate innovation and technological competition, two strategies for boosting incentives to cut emissions. For example, removing fossil fuel subsidies and introducing carbon pricing would direct more investment toward renewable solutions.
In the agriculture sector, growing crops within forests and managing livestock more sustainably would help improve land productivity and resilience to climate impacts such as heat or drought.
No, no, this is totally about science, not Authoritarian politics.

ummm… you can’t grow food within a forest. Crops don’t get sunlight under a forest canopy. That’s why nothing grows under a forest right now as it is. This is idioticly insane!!
And, every livestock manager manages their livestock sustainably or they would be out of business real quick, having run out of livestock to breed and sell.
And livestock and agronomy do not mix. The livestock would eat all of your food stock. Granted it would feed your livestock, but now you have no food to sell to the public.