Have you noticed that the typical weeks long news cycle post-mass shooting did not appear in the wake of the Brooklyn subway shooting? We usually get lots and lots of pieces – op-eds, opinions, analysis, and “straight news” – in the wake of an incident from all across the country. Yet, because the shooter did not fit the Narrative, even the NY Times barely has coverage. You do have unhinged leftist Dem Rep Jamaal Bowman quietly pushing. After an initial bought of gun grabbing language, even NYC Mayor Eric Adams is responding differently
(The Root) In response to criticisms following the arrest of Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James, Mayor Eric Adams further defended his new policies on policing and gun control on NY1. “I thought Black lives matter?,” he asked, alleging many of New York’s shooters and shooting victims are Black.
Adams spoke out against the criticisms of his newest NYPD policies to fight gun violence including an increased police presence on subways and a revised plainclothes unit to patrol the streets. Adams thanked the first responders who assisted in finding James and assured new safety measures will be taken to protect the subways such as gun detection.
Of course, most of those officers, even the black ones, will want little to do with getting involved with potential black perps, because they do not want to be frivolously accused of raaaaacism or anything else. And, yes, FBI data does show that over 50% of shooters and those shot are black. Meanwhile
Poll: Voters Skeptical of Effectiveness of gun Control Laws
Americans are skeptical about gun control measures, according to a new poll.
Rasmussen reports released new polling showing that the majority of Americans do not think criminals will obey federal gun control laws. The poll comes on the heels of a mass shooting in Brooklyn and President Joe Biden’s speech on gun control earlier this week.
“In the wake of Tuesday’s mass shooting on a Brooklyn subway train, most voters don’t think more control laws will prevent such incidents,” Rasmussen said.
“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters don’t think stricter gun control laws would help prevent shootings like the one Tuesday that left 29 people injured in Brooklyn,” Rasmussen said. “Thirty-eight percent (38%) think stricter gun control laws would help prevent mass shootings, while another 11% are not sure.”
The question on the Brooklyn shooter’s gun is whether he purchased it legally or not in 2011. Among his lengthy rap sheet
(ABC6) He has nine prior arrests in New York City dating from 1992 to 1998 for offenses including possession of burglary tools, a criminal sex act and theft of service, NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig said in Wednesday news conference.
However, James had no previous felony convictions so was able to purchase a gun, according to Essig.
So, nothing legally to stop him. Was a background check performed? Unless Democrats simply want to ban firearms, you can’t stop this. James was in violation of numerous NYC and New York state firearms laws, including carrying it concealed and having magazines over 10. Wildly, he didn’t comply with those laws.

Of course they were no deaths in the NYC mass shooting. Maybe that influenced the national coverage. Americans unlike most Europeans seem to have a historical belief in that social disputes or problems can be solved with guns. They also believe that police are the best way to stop crime even though less than half murders resukt in convictions.
That subway shooter had no problem easily buying a gun.. who thinks that he should have been prevented from obtaining a gun?
The Hirsute One wrote:
Based on what? He had some arrests, but no felony convictions, so on what basis could we have legally barred him from owning a firearm? Shades of Minority Report!
Now he did have some anti-white rantings on social media; should that have been enough to bar him from owning a weapon?
Of course, he did violate gun control laws when he carried a concealed weapon into New York City, so it would seem that he wasn’t really the type to care about the legalities of owning a firearm. And I’m pretty sure that he knew he was breaking the law when he started shooting at people.
Our esteemed host wrote:
In foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia, In just this month, from April Fool’s Day through the 13th, there have been 84 shooting victims, 71 of whom are black, 11 listed as white Hispanic, and 2 listed as non-Hispanic white.
According to the 2020 census, Philly’s population are 38.3% non-Hispanic black, 34.3 non-Hispanic white, 14.9% Hispanic of any race, 8.3% Asian, and 4.3% ‘other’. The editorial board of the Inquirer say that it’s appalling that Philadelphians’ safety depends upon their race, and blame it on segregation, but curiously enough they never say that the shooting rates among blacks have to be reduced. It could be read as the city needs more white people killed!
Raleigh’s greatest blogger wrote:
Let’s face it: many of them do.
The left are showing us, almost every day, that they see our constitutional rights as a real impediment to the kind of society they want. They don’t want you to own firearms, they don’t like the Freedom of Speech or of the Press, at least not for those with whom they disagree, they don’t particularly like your freedom of religion, and sang the praises of governors who closed down churches over the panicdemic — note that “Dem” separates “Pan” and “ic” in “pandemic” — and greatly restricted people right of peaceable assembly, though they had no problem with Black Lives Matter protests, especially the “Mostly Peaceful” ones, when the rest of us were supposed to be locked down and keeping away from others. They want your private medical records made public, for you to have to carry them with you to get into public places, and for you to be required to wear a face mask to go out in public.
Rightists are simple folk. They want Christian, Caucasian males to rule America. They want “other” Americans to be eliminated. Rightists tried to destroy democracy and install a fascist as president.
Rightists in FL have banned 71% of books for public K-5.
Note that Rep is between “dec” and “id” in “decrepid”.
Some guy from St Louis wrote:
Fascist? Was it President Trump who issued executive orders, orders which turned out to be unconstitutional, according to the Supreme Court, mandating vaccinations to keep your job? Was it President Trump who issued executive orders trying to control all of our lives?
Oh, wait, that was the dummkopf from Delaware who did that! Oddly enough, the man from Missouri never called Mr Biden a fascist.
I wonder: did Mr Dowd criticize the numbskull from Nashville when he tried to overturn the 2000 election when he believed he was cheated, or was that copacetic? Alas! there was no blogging at the time, so we’ll never really know.
Should we really trust a commenter who wrote this:
The mulish Missourian wrote:
Well, we do want Christians to rule America; just think how much better off we’d be were that the case!
As I noted just above, some of the “other” Americans are doing their best to try to eliminate each other, so all we need do is sit back and watch it happen. So far, in your hometown, there have been 47 murders, 43 of the victims being black, and four white. Of the 23 suspects identified, all have been black.
Black women have abortions at roughly five times the rate of white women, and in New York City in a recent year, black women had more abortions than live births.
And yet the right is still terrified of being “replaced”. So much so that the right tried to destroy democracy and steal the presidential election.
Christians are fine except when crossed with conservative neofascism, which is today’s trend. The nuNeofascists don’t even consider liberal Christians to be Christian!
You may wish for Christians to rule America, but it’s unconstitutional. The evidence that christian rule is beneficial is missing.
Anyway, the current Supreme Court is made up of six Catholics, one Jew, one Protestant and one Catholic/Episcopalian. Christianity reigns Supreme!!
The right favors white, Christian men. And of course, white, christian men support the efforts that benefit them!! White, christian men fear losing their privileges and favoritism.
The secularist from St Louis wrote:
Actually it is quite constitutional, in that if the public elect Christians, Christians get to rule, and every President we’ve ever had has at least claimed to be Christian of some denomination.
Look back to 1950, in which virtually every elected official professed to be Christian; there were a few who were Jewish, and American Jews as elected leaders are perfectly fine. Our government was much better then, and our country ran much more smoothly. We were secure and prosperous, immigration was under control, welfare was at a bare minimum, bastardy low, and our crime rate was low. Men could support an entire family, and children were reared by their parents, not day care centers.
So 1950 were the salad days?
The actual Catholic Dana attributes the perceived superiority of 1950 to christianity.
The top marginal income tax rate was over 90%. Dems controlled the House, Senate, the Presidency and an increasingly liberal court.
DOWD once again comes out flailing, spittle flying from his mouth as he rails against white people for all the ills that is present in America.
The Racist in chief, DOWD, cannot seem to help himself from the abyss that is the deep rabbit hole of despair.
He begins with ChRightists are simple folk. They want Christian, Caucasian males to rule America.
Then he segways to: They want “other” Americans to be eliminated.
Going so far as to say that they want people to be killed and then if that is not enough he insists that:
Rightists tried to destroy democracy and install a fascist as president.
Before his insanity inside the rabbit hole of despair that is his prison and mind claims:
Rightists in FL have banned 71% of books for public K-5.
Then he falls to the ground wailing in despair that:
Note that Rep is between “dec” and “id” in “decrepid”.
I would surmise that TWO GUN SAFES DOWD should be investigated by the FBI as a potential terrorist headed for inflicting injury upon random strangers who of course by his own continuing MANIFESTO at this site claims that White People are evil.
Seek Help Dowd. Perhaps stay off social media, especially twitter which just reinforces your twisted belief that the root cause of the worlds problems is Whites and Jews. No racism in your desperate mind.
The misspeller from Missouri wrote:
Too bad for you that the spelling is “decrepit.”
Our apologies.
Apologies don’t work unless you admit to your own stupidity.

Blaming it on your imaginary friends is unacceptable.
Bwaha! Lolgf
DOWD replies: ***Our*** apologies.
Multiple personalities. He is not sure who he is when commenting nor what he is saying when he does. So to avoid confusion for himself he just says OUR. Repeatedly.
The Kentucky Catholic typed: I wonder: did Mr Dowd criticize the numbskull from Nashville when he tried to overturn the 2000 election when he believed he was cheated, or was that copacetic?
The Turd from Texas led the FL election by less 327 votes, and recounts were continuing. Mr Gore accepted the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling stopping the recounts and conceded on December 13, 2000. Mr Gore led the national popular vote by some 500,000 votes.
We were disappointed but accepted the decision. We’re not certain that Mr Gore led an effort to overturn the election since the presidency hinged on 327 votes out of 100,000,000 cast. There were lawful recounts in FL; the FL Supreme Court supported a hand recount in some counties; the U.S. Supreme ruled 5-4 to stop the recounts based on their interpretation of the law.
In the case of the Misogynist from Manhattan, every state he lost, he lost by much more the 327 votes. In fact by more than 10,000 votes, plus he lost the popular vote by some 7,000,000 votes. It’s evident that behind the scenes tRump, his Chief of Staff, GOPher Congresspersons and a collection of lawyers were trying to stop the certification of the vote. Recounts did not support the tRump cabal’s claims.
For someone to equate the 2000 and 2020 elections is at best an error, at worst a sign of deceit.
Did Mr Gore accuse the GOPhers of cheating?
tRump and his minions still insist he won the election!
tRump and his minions still insist he won the election!
No less than you and the left keep claiming that Gore won in 2000. Kerry in 2004. Clinton in 2016. Even HRC claims Trump stole the election and….and….and……
“I’m not saying it’s going to be legit. The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these reforms passed,” the president said.
Sunday morning talk show Hugo Gurdon:
“Even though Donald Trump’s questioning of the legitimacy of the election after 2020 was the worst example by a considerable margin, the Democrats have been doing it themselves,” he said. “Al Gore did it, John Edwards did it. Joe Biden did it just the other day, and now House Democrats are doing it. So this is a tradition for Democrats.”
Pelosi said I don’t have any intention of the Democrats losing.… It is absolutely essential for our democracy that we win. I fear for our democracy if the Republicans were ever to get the gavel. We can’t let that happen. Democracy is on the ballot in November.
She is even running for reelection….ergo it must be assumed that the left is going to trot out their MOST EXTENSIVE VOTER FRUAD NETWORK IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA….because surely she would not run at 82 years old knowing she is most likely going to lose the gavel.
DOWD continues to purloin idocy while ignoring the rats eating his fruit loops in his own closet.
dOwd is a product of three traits that personify the leftist narrative. First, he’s an atheist who believes the state is his supreme being. That leads him into believing whatever the state wants the state should get. So, fascism. He sounds like Mussolini. Third, he obviously has gone through decades of leftist brainwashing to the extent he no longer has free will, objective ability or seeks the truth.
He is what years of brainwashing, envy, hate, self hate and close mindedness creates. It’s no surprise. We’ve seen it all before. Look at the racialist hustlers, the BLM’ers the Antifa haters, most liberal arts college students, the Squad and all their racist and religious hate. These people are the antichrist, the ugly Americans we were told about in the 60’s and the exact clowns who don’t even deserve to live here. They hate their own people yet they stay. I guess to torture the rest of us.
In the short time I’ve commented here I have never seen dOwd support anything but more government power, less individual freedom, personal oppression of his political enemies including but not limited to censorship, fines, forfeitures and incarceration. He hasn’t rooted for executions yet, at least not out loud. Although supporting the murder of human babies in uterine could be considered that.
I have learned through observation that whatever side of an issue dOwd is on if I value my morality and my soul I had best be on the other side.
FJB, and his drug dealing son.