…is a horrible manicured lawn that uses too much water for the 1%ers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on the unhinged Extinction Rebellion blocking the wrong truck.
It’s golfing week!

…is a horrible manicured lawn that uses too much water for the 1%ers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on the unhinged Extinction Rebellion blocking the wrong truck.
It’s golfing week!
That’s hilarious. Recall all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from leftist commies everywhere when Canadian truckers blocked roads and bridges? I guess all those concerns about the poor and helpless being harmed go out the window when leftist commies do the same. Kinda like burning down a city is a peaceful protest but protesting at the Capitol is an insurrection.
If it weren’t for their double standard leftist commies would have no standards at all.
FJB and his commie leftist followers.