…is a wonderful E-bike, which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post wondering why people would say that Disney is grooming kids.

…is a wonderful E-bike, which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post wondering why people would say that Disney is grooming kids.
Thanks for the linky…
She can ride my bike anytime she wants to.
I went over to see what wass going on over in Bunkerville with Disney
Posters wefe also equating Disnry with the occult Satanism depictedin. …….. HarryPotter?????
These are probably the same people who saw Satan’s Hand behind Sabrina the Teen Age Witch and Bewitcthed
The wonderful thing is there is no censorship of comments at B-ville!
I clicked over to Bunkerville and found it to be an interesting blog. I added it to my daily hit list right after The Pirates Cove. I tend to like free speech blogs.
Thanks! Much appreciated.
That thoroughly anti-freedom, anti-national Pandemic Treaty the UN is trying to sneak on every nation on earth is frightening. That’s the thing with leftists, nothing is voluntary and everything must be complied with by everybody. Every idea, law, policy and mandate is one-size-fits-all. Period. The only exceptions are themselves. Nothing ever pertains to them.
Thanks for showing this new insidious fascist creation by the UN. I have not seen it mentioned anywhere.