Now, if only the rest of those who would give communion would stop giving it to all Democrats who support abortion
BREAKING: San Francisco @ArchCordileone announces that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is barred from receiving Holy Communion due to her public support of abortion.
— Adam Shaw (@AdamShawNY) May 20, 2022
From the link
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is barred from receiving Holy Communion due to her pro-abortion stance — marking an escalation in a decades-long tension between the Roman Catholic Church and liberal Democratic politicians on abortion.
Cordileone has written to the California Democrat, informing her that she should not present herself for Holy Communion at Mass, and that priests will not distribute communion to her if she does present herself.
“A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others. Therefore, universal Church law provides that such persons ‘are not to be admitted to Holy Communion,'” he says in the letter.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is unambiguous on the question of abortion, both in procuring one and assisting in the practice: “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion,” the catechism says. “This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”
This is way, way overdue, and really should be applied to all those who vote for abortion and support abortion. Now, you have to wonder which priest will bust the mold and give her communion.

They will backtrack on this in a matter of days.
The left will just start screaming about the Catholic church’s GROOMING of choir boys and the pope will issue an edict declaring the church will not become involved in political affairs and that what someone says about abortion is between them and God and not for the church to decide.
You know. Got to keep those grooming Priests out of jail. He will double down on Climate Change and Wokism to the left’s glee and all will be forgiven and Nancy Pelosi will once again have the ear of GOD and know everything that God wants to be done on planet earth.
Catholics and Evangelicals have crawled into bed with the GOP.
The lovely Mrs Pelosi, like Joe Biden and the rest of the pro-prenatal infanticide Catholic Democrats decided, a long time ago, that being a Democrat was far more important to them than being Catholic.
§1415 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church specifies that “Anyone who desires to receive Christ in Eucharistic communion must be in the state of grace. Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive communion without having received absolution in the sacrament of penance.”
Beginning with §2270, the Catechism of the Catholic Church specifies that abortion is a grave sin:
The Church cannot specify secular law, but can specify what is required of a Catholic to be Catholic.
Our distinguished host quoted:
What will His Excellency, the Most Reverend Salvatore Cordileone, do if a priest within his archdiocese does distribute the Host to Mrs Pelosi if she does present herself to receive the Eucharist?
As Metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of San Francisco, the Archbishop also holds authority over the Dioceses of Honolulu, Las Vegas, Oakland, Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Jose, Santa Rosa, and Stockton. Has he directed his subordinate bishops to issue the same orders to the priests of their dioceses?
Mrs Pelosi is odious, but she is far from the only purportedly Catholic Democrat in Congress. The Archbishop’s order apparently concerned Mrs Pelosi personally, but ought to cover every Catholic Democrat in the ecclesiastical province in Congress and in the California state assembly.
Dana, I agree with and support your position. While not Catholic, I have some knowledge of the Catechisms of the Catholic Church, there is even a copy in my library. Madame Pelosi should either change her evil ways and repent or leave the Church. As should other politicians who claim to be Catholic and do not practice the tenents of the Church.
UnkleC wrote:
Mrs Pelosi and many, many other Catholics have decided that it is more important to be a Democrat than it is to be Catholic. Since being pro-abortion is wholly incompatible with being Catholic, or really a Christian of any kind, they should simply state what they already know internally, that they are Democrats, period, and stop calling themselves Catholic.
The Archbishop of Oklahoma City has praised Archbishop Cordileone for his actions, but the obvious next step is to tell the Democratic politicians within their ecclesiastical provinces, choose: be Catholic, and be pro-life, or be Democrats, and leave the Church.
Perhaps the Catholic Cult should exclude all Democratic voters from communion, since those voters support Dems and by extension, abortion.
The Cult should also examine the many women (heretics) who claim to be Catholic and who obtain abortions. In 2014, 24% of women obtaining abortions identified as Catholic.
The Catholic Church should excommunicate her, Feinstein and Joe Biden. But the Pope won’t allow that to happen because he serves the same master they serve.
Under Canon Law §1398, “A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.” That includes the abortionist, the pregnant woman, and anyone else who pays for it. Technically, it would not include the politicians who support abortion, since they are not paying for it.
And pro-birthers say this has nothing to do with religion.
Lots of catholic theologians opening here!
For the record : in 2021 catholic bishops vited overwhelmingly to support allowing communion for elected officials who support abortion rights Nov 17 2021 US Conference if Bishops 222 to 8 with 3 abstention
Nov 17 2021
Catholic Bishops approve document.
The document ststes that approval from the Vatican must be approved before refusing.
That article also says that the Pope himself stated that Joe Biden was a good catholic and thst he should continue receiving communion.
Teach thanks for posting this it allowed me to show what the vast majority 97% of American bidhops feel about denying communion to politicians.
Of course after censure by q398 repentance and a quick absolution and once again you ate ready to eat the flesh of Jesus
Why the Sturm und Drang over what the scandal-riddled Catholic “Church” thinks about anything? We get a kick out of when religiosos start discussing religious “laws” as if they are real laws, LOL.
The Catholic Cult has been abusing children for some 1200 years. Over the past 50 years many thousands of cases of child sex abuse by priests have been reported. And this Pedophile Cult is global in scope. Until recently The Cult has tried to hide or cover up their crimes. It is unclear why Catholicism attracts pedophiles and approves of pedophilia. A less powerful cult would have dissolved by now. The Cult has racked up settlements in the low billions but some dioceses have filed Chapter 11 to protect The Cult’s assets but only after hiding billions in assets. Smart move!!
It is beyond even God’s understanding why anyone would wish to be associated the Catholic Pedophile Cult. Psychologists suggest the grooming or brainwashing of youngsters by churches to feel psychological pain for NOT obeying the Cult teachings as a significant factor. Otherwise, what could possibly persuade an intelligent, moral human to support such an immoral and corrupt organization?
The Catholic Pedophile Cult’s position on Roe v. Wade is consistent with their need for a continuous source of more young victims.
If one is a member of the Catholic faith, one is a groomer. Speaker Pelosi and President Biden need to renounce the Catholic Cult as should all recovering Catholics.
And as if a millennium of child sexual abuse and its coverup isn’t bad enough, how about:
The Crusades
Inquisition, Heretics Burned at the Stake,e.g., Joan of Arc, William Tyndale
Declared John Wycliffe a heretic for Bible translation, dug up and burned his corpse
Pius XII Denying Nazi Atrocities of The Holocaust
Malleus Maleficarum and the burning of witches!!
Torture of the Knights Templar
Popes Sergius III, John XII, Benedict IX, Boniface VIII, Clement VI, Sixtus IV, Innocent VIII, Alexander VI, Julius II, Julius III
Nuns as Sex Slaves Scandal
The Catholic Cult believes contraception is intrinsically evil
Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, former archbishop of Washington DC, has been sexually assaulting teens and young seminarians since the 1970s.
Ban the Catholic Cult and Save the Children!
Pelosi doesn’t need Communion, she needs exorcism.