Well, I’d love to go with the Wall Street Journal piece
A Financier Tells Some Climate-Change Truths
And for doing so, Stuart Kirk was suspended by HSBC.HSBC executive Stuart Kirk gave a presentation at an investor conference last week, taking banking regulators to task for overbaking the financial risk of climate change. What was he thinking? As punishment for his heresy, the British bank has sent him to re-education camp.
But, the rest is behind a paywall. So
(NY Post) British banking giant HSBC has suspended a top executive who argued during a recent public presentation that the financial risks of climate change were overblown and exaggerated by central bank officials and other policymakers.
The suspended employee, Stuart Kirk, is global head of responsible investment at HSBC’s asset management division. He made the remarks during a presentation titled, “Why investors need not worry about climate risk.”
Kirk stated his view that warnings about climate change have “become so hyberbolic that no one really knows how to get anyone’s attention at all.”
“I wouldn’t normally mind that. Twenty-five years in the finance industry, there’s always some nutjob telling me about the end of the world,” Kirk said. “I’ve dealt with gold bugs my entire financial career, the roof’s going to cave down, Y2K. Does anyone remember Y2K, anyone old enough? The lifts didn’t stop.” (snip)
But sources familiar with the presentation’s planning told the outlet that its “theme and content” were “agreed internally” before the event took place.
It’s dangerous to tell the truth these days, if it goes against the Approved Doctrine.
Kirk had acknowledged that his stance that climate chance was not an existential financial risk would be taken as “heresy” among policymakers.
His speech began with a slide declaring that “unsubstantiated, shrill, partisan, self-serving, apocalyptic warnings are ALWAYS wrong.” The slide included commentary from the Bank of England, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and others who have warned that climate change poses a major risk to global economies.

When leftists are in charge Truth takes a back seat. Case in point:
Bwaha! Lolgf
Our esteemed host wrote:
Your favorite commenter subscribes to The Wall Street Journal!
Here’s the rest of the editorial:
Unfortunately, the banking industry is full of “go along to get along” types. Ask any psychologist, once you’ve “gone along” with the flock for a couple of decades, almost no one will admit that they’ve been wrong. This explains why while most leftists harbor conservative core values, they simply cannot admit that they are in fact, conservative. Those that do very often cite their public school and college indoctrination as the source of their leftist facade and the potential loss of friends/employment opportunities as a stumbling block to “coming out” as conservative. Many left-of-center moderates are watching in horror as their leaders and former peers are in full sprint to communism. This would have been political suicide just a few years ago. JFK would be labelled a right-wing nut job and couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in a blue area today. FDR would be publicly stoned! This is intentional.
The climate change crisis is the economic crisis is the race relations crisis is the health care crisis is the water crisis is the food crisis and so on. It’s a vapor trail of emergencies manufactured by whom? The left.
Stuart Kirk is lucky that he can just retire, he may have to. He certainly won’t be able to get another position (laterally at least) in the financial industry and if he tries to start his own firm chances are roughly 100% that the “shit letters” will go out (he will be blackballed) before he has a chance to lease office space.
It’s a shame that there is no literal cliff for the lemmings to jump off of. Humankind is truly fucked. Fortunately, I’m too old to make it to SHTF but I feel bad for my kids.
That’s the great thing about being retired: I can’t get fired for telling the truth! For today’s left, the truth will set you free . . . from your job. Why? Because they fear the truth.
You might not be able to get fired Dana but you sure as hell can get doxxed. And soon they will be able to censor your speech, freeze your assets, confiscate your guns, cut off your Social Security and Medicare, deny you a driver license and invalidate your credid and debit cards. At least if the leftists like Dowd have any say. You see you constitute a clear and present danger to the powers that be i.e. the leftists. You must comply.
HSBC is a corporation and can discipline their employees as they see fit. Their objectives are to make profit and money for investors.
Mr. Kirk has the right to his opinions, but that hardly makes his opinions “the truth”. He doesn’t deny that the Earth is warming, only that humans can adapt and that’s the way for investors to take advantage of global warming for profit. He feels that banks can make more money investing in adaptation than investing in the transition to “green energy”. Financial institutions will make their own decisions on how to invest.
Mr Kirk predicts that GDP growth will outstrip global warming impacts and humanity will find ways to adapt! He doesn’t expand on what the adaptation investments would be but gov’t building seawalls, moving cities inland, mass migrations, water allocation, air conditioning support, walls/fences/guards to limit immigration, agriculture, food production, public health (disease outbreaks), drought/flooding amelioration, We’ll see!
“Humanity will find ways to adapt”. Adapt to what? All those scenarios spit out from a computer program? Scary…