If only you had agreed to give up you money, freedom, and life choices to the climate cult this wouldn’t happened. Because elephants never attacked humans ever
Elephants Are Attacking Humans As Climate Change Pushes Them to the Brink
Elephants are known for being gentle giants. But climate change is beginning to take its toll, with attacks on humans increasing as global temperatures rise.
In India, 500 people are thought to be killed by elephants every year, mainly in crop-raiding incidents. In 2021, India Today reported that 3,310 people had died from elephant attacks in the last 7 years. As incidents like this increase, so has retaliation from villagers. In 2001, 60 elephants were found dead across North East India and Sumatra as crop poisoning became a popular form of retaliation.
In parts of Africa, elephants are increasingly entering farmlands in search of food and water, particularly during harvesting seasons. In 2018, a herd of 28 elephants destroyed 18 homesteads and fences, in Namibia village, Otjorute. Another notable incident in 2021 saw a group of elephants invading farms in Ngaremara, Northern Kenya. At the time, farmers threatened to kill the elephants, before animal welfare groups intervened.
Sounds more like people are encroaching on the elephants terrain, and elephants not putting up with this.
Elephants are known for their gentle nature, but they can become aggressive when they feel harassed, vulnerable or threatened. And climate change appears to be creating these conditions more and more frequently.
Niki Rust, an environmental social scientist specializing in human and wildlife conflict, told Newsweek that elephants do become more aggressive when temperatures increase—and last year saw some of the most extreme heatwaves across the globe, particularly in their native countries.
So, studies were done, checking the veracity of the claim? Oh, right, no, this is a doomsday cult, hence, they will jump right into blaming anthropogenic climate change. This whole piece is anecdotal, offers zero scientific proof. But, they do not care, because there are enough mushy headed climate cultists to caterwaul about the plight of the elephants.

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