Who are the nutjobs who do not approve of protecting kids in schools from being indoctrinated with insane stuff? Which parents do not think they should be notified when their kids are being taught stuff they shouldn’t, like adult sexual topics? Which parents want their kids to be told “don’t tell your parents”?
Poll: North Carolinians Support Passage of Parents’ Bill of Rights
A majority of likely North Carolina voters support passing a Parents’ Bill of Rights in the state, according a new poll released on Thursday.
The survey asked respondents:
This year twenty-six states have introduced bills to expand parental rights in schools. Such legislation typically reaffirms parental access to curriculum and classroom materials and often authorizes academic and financial transparency requirements for the school. In addition, these bills make parents the primary decision-makers regarding their child’s health and medical decisions and provide parents with opt-out options regarding controversial surveys or age-inappropriate classroom materials. Would you support or oppose the passage of a Parents’ Bill of Rights in North Carolina?
Out of 600 likely general election voters, 57 percent say they “support a Parents’ Bill of Rights for North Carolina,” including 47.3 percent who strongly support and 9.7 percent who somewhat support. Twenty-four percent oppose the idea, including 10.2 percent who somewhat oppose and 14.2 percent who strongly oppose. The Civitas poll was conducted by Cyngal from May 20-21 with a margin of error of ±3.95 percent.
The survey was conducted a few days before North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill which would create a “Parents’ Bill of Rights” and bar instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity from curriculums for students in kindergarten through third grade.
Really, they should be asking these questions directly to parents, especially those who have kids in grade school. And K-3. See what they think. Do they want their kids taught by wackjobs?
Why? How about just teaching subjects? What does this have to do with a proper education? Why are kids exposed to this? It wastes valuable time.
“There’s no attempt to squelch folks from talking about things,” Berger said, according to WRAL-TV. “There is a specific prohibition on it being part of a curriculum in kindergarten through third grade.”
The insane stuff has no place in the curriculum.
The Biden administration announced in May that K-12 schools must allow boys into girls' bathrooms in order to qualify for federal funds used to pay for school lunches.
https://t.co/7RIYtAkSnM— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) May 27, 2022
Is this what you wanted when you voted Biden, Republican #NeverTrumpers? It’s time for states to pull back power.

Kids are being ‘groomed’ to find out that little david has two moms.
Elementary school kids and their teachers need to invest that time in practicing active shooter drills, trauma first aid and contacting police.
Are you dumbasses familiar with the internet? Do you think kids today are as stupid and hateful as you are? Not yet, but they will be pretty angry after a few years of worrying each and every day if they are going to get massacred.
We get it. Wingers hate and fear anyone ‘different’. Wingers hate anyone that doesn’t think how they do.
The survey participants self-identified as conservative over liberal by 2:1. That said, they also supported abortion rights AND even more gun control!! Teach must have missed that part.
Elementary school kids and their teachers need to invest that time in practicing active shooter drills, trauma first aid and contacting police.
Pretty much every word in your post is full of shit.
You do realize this was a mostly Hispanic town (72.7 percent) that voted for a Republican to represent them in congress. Do you suppose the BOY who killed all these kids…A HISPANIC voted Republican or leans republican? Is that what you think.
Bejing Biden now enjoys support among Hispanics by a whopping 26 percent. I could run for president in 2024 and WIN. The left worships one thing. Accusing the Right of being Murderers while it is Blacks in Detroit and Pittsburg and LA etc….That gun each other down….Cities with STRICT GUN CONTROLS.
You are an angry person. You come here and spew anger. You are either a fuking CHINA BOT or a CHINA AGENT paid to spread your vile anger to further incite people to be pissed every waking day of the week.
Poverty in Uvalde was 15 percent a 109 percent increase year over year….THANKS, BEIJING BIDEN.
This is what you offer. POVERTY. Gotta make it higher so desperate people vote for Democrats again.
Insane. You are most definitely a BOT or a PAID AGIATATOR. No one with a single brain cell can spew what you do daily and belive what you say.
Mr Corner wrote:
Assuming by that you meant Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, cities in the Keystone State may not adopt gun control laws stricter than what the state has passed.
I lived in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, for 15 years, and during my time there, Carbon County went eight straight years without a homicide. Under the same gun control laws as Philadelphia, where most people had firearms in the home, eight years without a murder.
Adjusting for population, we should have had 11 in 2013, Philly’s lowest homicide number in decades, and more in other years. I don’t remember a single year in which there was more than one.
We get it. DOWD hates and fears anyone ‘different’. DOWD hates anyone that doesn’t think how they do.
Are you dumbasses familiar with the internet? YOU MEAN THE INTERNET CREATED BY THE LEFTIST GORE to groom people into right think?
Do you think kids today are as stupid and hateful as you are? IT WAS TWO KIDS IN THE LAST TWO SHOOTINGS SO YEAH ME THINKS THE INTERNET IS FUKING WITH KIDS MINDS.
Not yet, but they will be pretty angry after a few years of worrying each and every day if they are going to get massacred. THANKS TO THE INTERNET CREATED BY LEFTISTS< RUN BY LEFTIST ORGANIZATIONS AND A MAINSTREAM MEDIA WHO CONTINUES TO PUSH LIES AND DISINFORMATION…..yeah…kids are probably pretty angry with being LIED TO BY ADULTS and now…those kids' jobs are being replaced by computers thanks to the stupidity of the left who thinks flipping burgers should be a full-time job with benefits, a 401k and retirement.
Anyone else notice that every issue now is an extreme left issue ? No room for any crossover issues, middle ground issues or non-partisan issues. Just the hard left and everyone else.
What about the hard right that wants to ban all abortions, ban any discussion of non-white, non-straight, non-Christian, non-male dominance, ban books they don’t like, and EXPAND gun ownership to Make American Safe Again?
In the survey that Mx Teach cited, a largely conservative cohort, while supporting the poorly explained Parents Bill of Rights, also supports greater gun control, and access to abortion. It sounds as if far-right politicos are outside the norm.
Parents who don’t like public education (which is not intended to support parental beliefs, but rather to educate American CITIZENS) please home school or sent your children to a private school.
Parents who don’t like public education (which is not intended to support parental beliefs, but rather to educate American CITIZENS) please home school or sent your children to a private school.
NO, if the left doesn’t like the way the right is trying to restore sanity to schools then the LEFT CAN HOMESCHOOL THEIR KIDS.
Oh, that’s right. The left doesn’t have any daddy to help out which means they have to pay the US government to brainwash their kids into believing they are worthless pieces of shit if they are any color or race but black.
NO, the right is going to school, taking back their education, and making ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE TO THEM. The left can homeschool. Then you can groom your own kid with RIGHT THINK.
“I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our home, to ride out the storm, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
We hope you are right that we can outlive the menace of right-wing tyranny.
Yes, all that right wing tyranny we have. Let’s see. The left wing has the presidency, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, almost every fukin lawyer and judge who ever graduated a commie law school, all the employees of the fed and state governments, all the teachers, the media save a few that have escaped yet are always condemned for not being “conservative”, medicine and the big pharma, almost every billionaire and most millionaires, all social media and their censorship ability, the news media including TV and newspapers, all the kneeling anti American sports teams and divisions, their players and their management, movies TV and even advertising, all of academia and now K-12 too and finally they managed to anti-white the military and have them hating their country too.
But the “right wing” poses a “menace” to you? Are you a professional crybaby pussy or do you just play one on the internet?
FJB and all you crybabies.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Actually, public education is supposed to support parental beliefs, helping to socialize students into the general American culture as well as teaching reading, writing and Arithmetic. One thing it is not supposed to do is support belief systems different from the general American culture.
The last hymn at Mass today was America the Beautiful, being as tomorrow is Memorial Day. Like most parishioners, I didn’t need the hymnal, because I remembered the lyrics, as they were taught to us in elementary school. All American kids were taught patriotic songs, among other things, designed to support the American culture in the 1950s and 60s.
Now the woke want to teach some forms of counter-culture, of hatred of others, and a super-secular if it feels good, do it (im)morality. Every non-retarded kid who enters schools can tell the difference between boys and girls, but our public education system is trying, in some places, to educate that out of them.
I think what Professor Hale is saying is that it seems like every major problem is a leftist generated problem.
Your usual reactionary and highly emotional dial to eleventeen response:
“What about the hard right that wants to ban all abortions (and the hard left wants all abortions legal up to and INCLUDING at birth and on top of it make them free), ban any discussion of non-white, non-straight, non-Christian, non-male dominance (you mean like the hard left constantly frames every social problem in terms of anti-white, anti-straight, anti Christian, only females count any more?) ban books they don’t like, (like the hard left insists on banning the Bible? Or perhaps like the hard left bans /blocks/doxes Christians/conservatives or anyone with a “non approved opinion from the major social media platforms/TV and the fake news?)and EXPAND gun ownership to Make American Safe Again?”(where has it been suggested that gun ownership which is a RIGHT be EXPANDED? It’s all we can do to stop the disinformation about guns and the misinformation about those who break the law with them put out by lying hard lefters).
Stop prevaricating. And lying too.
So how many democrat donors have been indicted for child rape/sodomy or trafficking since the great Jeffery Epstein and his groomer Maxwell were murdered/incarcerated? None? Why don’t you and your fellow leftist baby killing groomers pigs demand some action on that? Too many democrat presidents, politicians, donors and celebrities to even think about justice for the children who are victims of hard left democrat perversion. Just fall back to your ususl position: corruption and different laws for special democrats.
FJB and all you groomers, baby killers and rapists.
That should get your panties in a bunch ya little bitch.
Fuck Joe Biden types: the hard left wants all abortions legal up to and INCLUDING at birth and on top of it make them free
Well, no. Normal people want Roe v. Wade as is. Free contraception would reduce abortions.
Wingers and the firearms industry have saturated America with 400,000,000 guns, including lately, the especially lethal .223 assault weapons. Dead kids are a small price to pay for our 2nd Amendment FREEDOM!!
The reactionary Supreme Court makes guns even more available. State GOPhers won’t be satisfied until every American is carrying.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
The public schools hand out contraceptives like Hallowe’en candy. For adults, contraceptives are extremely low cost. IF someone doesn’t use them, then he’s just plain stupid.