It’s a lot easier for CNN to demonize firearms and scary looking rifles than to cover how bad Joe Biden’s economy is doing
U.S. Army definition of an "assault weapon":
"A selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power."
The only things that define an assault rifle are rate of fire and cartridge size.
CNN just made the rest up.
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) May 31, 2022
So, literally the only difference between the top and bottom is the pistol grip in CNN’s world. Both can cause the exact same damage.
It also sounds exactly like a handgun. You know, like the security guards have in the lobby of CNN’s offices. If liberals want to run on gun grabbing, go for it. The campaigns of Republicans, along with the groups that run ads, need to not take the bait, and, instead, focus on economic issues.

Mx Teach runs his doctored pictures comparing a hunting rifle and a AR-15 style rifle ‘arguing’ that “literally the only difference between the top and bottom is the pistol grip”.
Other differences, weight, length, flash suppressor, magazine, barrel shroud…
Why does Teach think that so many more of the expensive .223 AR-15 style rifles are sold than .223 hunting rifles? Why do mass shooters overwhelmingly choose the AR-15 over the hunting rifle? Why does the military choose the assault weapon version (but with selective auto fire). Why are are there no bolt action AR-15 style rifles? Why are almost all .223 hunting rifles accurate bolt actions?
No Jeff. They are basically the same weapon in that you aim center mass and they will kill. Now, if you took all guns, you would not fix crazy. You would still have killers. All that talking about guns would do is reward nuts like yourself.
One can tell Rimjob is confused because he keeps asking so many dumb questions.

Bwaha! Lolgf
No david porter, you nut, you are wrong for the reasons stated. Why don’t militaries around the globe use hunting rifles instead of the AR-15 platform but with selective auto.
Why does the US have five to ten times the homicide rate of any other advanced nation?
Send a teenager into elementary school with a knife or a baseball bat intent on killing and the odds are less favorable for the killer. A knife is a lot cheaper and easier to obtain and to hide yet we hear of few mass knifings.
There are numerous reasons for military use of weapons, mostly corruption as with LBJ and the m16.
If you subtract out the black population violence, we are the most peaceful nation on earth.
You comment is juvenile and ridiculous like all your other thoughts.
Elwood said: “Why does the US have five to ten times the homicide rate of any other advanced nation?”
Please supply a link. The homicide rate, (per 100,000 I guess), is no where near the top.
There are any number of links. The United States rate of intentional homicide is reported in the 5-6 homicides/100,000 range.
Every other advanced nation, e.g., Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, UK… you get the idea… have homicide rates many fold lower than ours.
As a black man would you like me to explain why the US has a higher homicide rate? I’m not even a college guy like you Mr. Dowd but I know that not having as they say a homogeneous population has a lot to do with it. The overwhelming number of murders committed in the US are done by about 4% of the population who are black males between 15 and 45. If we removed all my people from the US and placed them in Canada who then would have the highest murder rate? Any guess?
I am completely aware that black youth commits the vast majority of all crime in America not just murders. Stop blaming guns and start placing the blame where it belongs on the people who created the ghetto system in cities to harvest votes. To the party that has done its very best over the last 60+ years to remove God and fathers from the lives of young black boys. To the very same people who prance around with body guards armed to the teeth and say we should not be able to defend ourselves. To those liberals that believe school choice and a good education is for white kids only. To the same liberals who obey BLM like obedient little children when they demand Defund the Police or no cash bail or start whining about to many blacks in jail and let them out.
Stop going through life with your eyes covered. You are part of the problem until you take control of your party and start demanding blacks be responsible for their actions not excused for them and demand the same level of civil and social responsibility from black people you demand from everyone else.
As long as the liberals tolerate fools like Waters and the dozens of black excuse makers that derive their living from squeezing the life out of the black community America will have the highest crime rate in the first world.
Also Mr. Dowd, no nation ever got freer by taking guns away from their citizens. Any government that tells you that is lying. I was taught that America was based on liberty and freedom for the individual. With that comes responsibility and it’s time for you to make people responsible for their own actions and stop blaming the rest of us for the actions of evil criminals. We are not criminals.
Poverty is the mother of crime — Marcus Aurelius (121-180AD), Emperor of the Roman Empire.
Why do you think young Black American males commit more crimes than any other demographic?
If you’re arguing that America has not been a good environment for Black men and women over the past… forever, I agree with you.
In 2019:
Hispanic poverty rate – 15.7%
Black poverty rate – 18.8%
White poverty rate – 7.3%
We see the same disparities in unemployment rates, graduation rates, death by police, home ownership, wealth, healthcare outcomes, income, life expectancy, etc etc and so forth.
We’ve all heard the term “white flight”. This phenomenon explains how most, but not all, “black majority” US cities formed. Your implication is that Democrats somehow engineered the formation of black majority cities. How did Democrats force white Americans to flee to the suburbs, leaving Black Americans on “the plantation” as white conservatives describe black majority cities?
Few Dems advocate taking all guns away from citizens. Our Supreme Court has ruled clearly, repeatedly and recently that the 2nd Amendment grants the right of Americans to keep and bear arms. But are you really advocating that Americans should be able to have any firearm they wish? That there should be no limits on the type of weapon or who should possess them?
Is it unreasonable to wish to keep semi-auto rifles such as the AR-15s out of the hands of known criminals, teenagers and the insane? Of course not. Gun nuts deny it, but AR-15 style rifles are different from other rifles, and by more than just appearances. It is reasonable, and not necessarily communist, to limit the availability of the AR-15 style rifles that are used for almost all mass shootings. How about raising the age of possession to 21? Unreasonable?
Finally, shouldn’t we ALL, including Black Americans, be made responsible for our actions? But, don’t blame people for things done TO them.
Dowd: “Other differences, weight, length, flash suppressor, magazine, barrel shroud…”
None of which enhance the killing ability of the weapon itself. They just make it look cooler.
Dowd: “Why do mass shooters overwhelmingly choose the AR-15 over the hunting rifle?”
According to the FBI “mass shooters” choose hand guns “overwhelmingly”. The FBiu stated out of 17,813 homicides in 2017 only 455 were from rifles and of those only 4% were AR-15’s. Any rifle which is semi auto and .223 cal is now being touted as “AR-15 “style” . They are not. Just because a rifle is black it doesn’t mean it’s deadlier.
Dowd: “Why are are there no bolt action AR-15 style rifles? Why are almost all .223 hunting rifles accurate bolt actions?”
Because THE DEFFINITION of an AR-15 is semi auto not bolt action, stupid. The reason there are more “accurate” (bullshit) rifles used for hunting is because like everything else in America we have a choice. I know choice is a four letter word to authoritarians but facts is facts. You can go hunting with a 9mm Marlin Camp Carine if you want or a Ruger Mini 14 both fine rifles but neither are AR’s. Why are youse guys so fixated on the ArmaLite? We know why. Because if you can get away with demonizing one semi auto you can get away with the rest. Then the bolt actions, Then the lever actions etcc., etc.
But you will never face the fact that you society as planned creat3es these killers, not ArmaLite, not Colt, not Winchester. The warped Godless bastards running and ruining all our institutions do.
Don’t bother, facts only confuse Elwood.

Lefties all get their panties wadded at the sight of the scary gun.
UnkleC should try supplying some facts!!
L.G. – “Other differences, weight, length, flash suppressor, magazine, barrel shroud…”
None of which enhance the killing ability of the weapon itself. They just make it look cooler.
Nope. Why do militaries (in the business of killing humans) insist on those functions?
Are militaries just interested in looking cool, or do they see some desirable function in these rifles? Why not a nice wooden stock semi-auto with a 5 round magazine?
The .223 REM was originally developed as a combat cartridge. The cartridge and rifle were developed as one unit by Fairchild Industries, Remington Arms, and several engineers working toward a goal developed by U.S. Continental Army Command (CONARC). Early development work began in 1957. A project to create a small-calibre, high-velocity (SCHV) firearm was created.
Requirements from CONARC for the rifle and ammunition:
.22 caliber
Bullet exceeding supersonic speed at 500 yards
Rifle weight of 6 lbs
Magazine capacity of 20 rounds
Select fire for both semi-automatic and fully automatic use
Penetration of US steel helmet through one side at 500 yards
Penetration of .135-inch steel plate at 500 yards
Accuracy and ballistics equal to M2 ball ammunition (.30-06 Springfield) out to 500 yards
Wounding ability equal to M1 carbine
Little Gun feels the US and NATO militaries are fooled by “cool” looking weapons rather than evaluating function.
Really? Do you also feel the millions of American AR-15 owners bought them for their “cool” looks?
According to wingers, the AR-15 is no different than the Ruger Mini-14 .223. But why don’t mass shooters choose the Mini-14? Why don’t the militaries? Is it because mass shooters and soldiers are trying to kill people?
We will not win this argument by parsing the various definitions of “assault rifle”. The fact is that the left will never be happy until they have a monopoly on force and guns in the hands of private citizens undermines that monopoly. Every communist revolution needs this step to maintain power. Since we know their goal is complete disarmament there is no point on the part of citizens to give any compromise on anything. Nothing. Not “assault weapons” not “weapons of war”, not even rocket launchers and explosives. Let’s start the reasonable discussion on arms with repealing the NFA and disbanding the BATFE.
The most important human right is the right of self preservation. A right without the means to accomplish it is no right at all. We don’t need to ask why the Left is so against human rights. They have a long history of crushing them. You can’t kill 100 million people overnight (but only because real communism hasn’t been tried yet). Dead school children are just the “eggs” you need to break to make an omelets. The left doesn’t care how many die along the way if it advances their agenda because they also don’t care how many they will kill after their agenda is passed.
Every other advanced nation on this Earth does a better job of enforcing the right of self-preservation than does the United States. Our ‘more guns, less crime’ mantra does not stand even the lowest bar of scrutiny.
Teenagers and twenty somethings are all armed to protect themselves from other armed teens and twenties. In practice, anyone can purchase an assault weapon – an AR-15 style semi-auto rifle designed to kill people – lots of people. American rightists are sacrificing our kids for an imagined right to bear weapons of war.
Perhaps, as the right feels, Americans are just inherently violent. After all, America was borne out of the genocide of the natives found here. Now we’re the only nation on Earth with more guns than residents! “More Guns, Less Crime!”, they cry.
Winger projection asserts that Dem/Com/lefties have a master plan to enslave the nation by eliminating the right to keep and bear arms. In fact, wingers want to use their weapons to dominate normal Americans, even to the point of assassinating politicians who stand in their way. “Hang Mike Pence!”
America has more guns than people, so the Dem/com plan is not working well, is it?
Dead school kids are a small price to pay for the right to protect school kids from bad guys. Brave little kids are sacrificing their lives to support your right to brandish an assault weapon. If you could be so brave…
Wrong again, dipshit.

As if Rimjob really cares.
Bwaha! Lolgf
No, every nation does not do better. Talking about guns does nothing except to let scum like Biden off the hook for the misery he causes. Why not address the real issue—crazy. Except they would clearly be looking at you.
davie porter,
Our homicide rate is much higher than any other advanced nation. You blame Black Americans. Are there no Blacks in other advanced nations?
How’s that “More Guns, Less Crime” plan working out?
Speaking of crazy… does America have more crazies than other advanced nations? If so, why?
Piss off, davie.
And as European society is forced to become brown, violence is greatly rising.
Close your mind and eyes all you desire, you will not alter the truth.
porter dave,
You seem obsessed with non-white people. Is this part of your strategy to prove you’re not a white nationalist, LOL?
El Salvador has few Blacks but has the highest homicide rate on Earth.
The crime rates in European nations are lower than in the United States.
Commenter typed: the Left is so against human rights
Women’s suffrage
Blacks’ right to vote
Opposes death penalty
Minimum wage
Universal healthcare
Public education
Labor unions
Pay equity
Clean air, clean water
Immigration reform
Gun reform
Same-sex marriage
Reproductive freedom
Social Security
Freedom to protest
Police reform
progressive taxes
Every policy or law supporting individuals comes from the left/Dems.
In Winger World the wealthy would rule with the acquiescence of the straight, caucasian, christian, conservative working class, satisfied/bought off with the oppression of non-straight, non-caucasian, non-christian, non-conservative Americans.
Today, liberals/Dems are asking for right-wing/GOPher support in finding ways to reduce the carnage in America’s schools, hospitals, stores, streets, churches and homes. “More guns, Less crime!” is not working.
One requirement for the development of the .223 cartridge was:
Penetration of US steel helmet through one side at 500 yards
Penetrates an Army helmet at over a quarter mile. Cool. Imagine what it does to a 4th grader’s head at 20 feet!
Now commenters are calling for the reactionary Supreme Court to OK bazookas and rocket launchers because 2nd Amendment. Wingers need military grade equipment to kill leftist politicians and soldiers. Wolverines!!
Imagine a life that is so pointless that you spend time formulating a meaningless list like this to have an elementary school discussion. Grow up Jeff.
All I know david7134 is that if all these supposed policies or laws supporting individuals comes from the left/dems we would have a perfect society. Sadly they are still the party of slavery, ghettos, Jim Crow, hate and divisiveness, homosexual predations, lax law enforcement, no borders, economic fallacies galore and most importantly they stole a national election, installed an illegitimate moron as “president” and refuse to look at the evidence. IOW, they corrupted the Republic and erased the Constitution and are still at it. Sad little pathetic garbage turning the greatest and freest republic in history into a shit hole like their crime/poverty ridden blue cities and proud of it.
We need a civil war. Now more than ever.
FJB and the traitors who support him and his criminal son.
My theory is that you could not get a civil war going until people are distressed secondary to the economy. It’s coming.
Fuck Joe Biden,
How do you and porter dave hope to start the civil war?
Can you get a nuke from North Korea or Russia, blow up DC and install DonJon as Emperor?
Can you guys coordinate mass shootings nationwide, murdering Dems in cities and statehouses to eliminate political opposition? Raid media headquarters and universities forcing the libs out and taking over all media?
Will you be able to get the US military on your side?
Will you save the Constitution or form a new nation?
Six dumbass meaningless questions from Rimjob.

Almost as bad as *President SpongeBob McShitpants “praying” on television a few minutes ago.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Ahh, The Dowd: “How do you and porter dave hope to start the civil war?”
Please point out where stated we hope to start the civil war?
Then Dowd finishes off with his usual plethora of objectively ridiculous questions. So once again no sane debate. No reasonable attempt at compromise. Not a word about anything other than divisive rhetoric and blind accusations. And we’re supposed to talk to these people? How exactly can you talk to someone who is both unreasonable and who considers you an enemy?
Plus, he left out
secret police
re-education camps
work camps
Death camps
Forced marches
Forced sterilization
Forced prostitution
and human trafficking.
Typical communist. Takes credit for stuff conservatives votes for in the majority and forgets all the atrocities his kind produce in every country where his kind prevails.
I just wish that fckhead they call a president would forget “Build Back Better” and just put it back the way he found it. Mean Tweets and all.
Nazi commenter accuses American Dems of gulags, secret police, work camps etc…
“Atrocities” in such countries as Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Israel, Japan etc?
Fuck off, liar.
Rimjob, tough guy with a keyboard.

So scary.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I just wish that fckhead they call a president would forget “Build Back Better” and just put it back the way he found it. Mean Tweets and all.