Requiring masks on planes, buses, trains, etc, is so important in slowing the spread of Wuhan Flu that the Brandon DOJ waited since April 18th, when the judge killed the mandate
Justice Department asks U.S. appeals court to allow transit mask mandate
The Justice Department on Tuesday called on a federal appeals court to reinstate the national mask mandate for public transit and airplanes after a U.S. district judge found the requirements to be unlawful in April.
In a brief filed with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Biden administration argued the January 2021 order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requiring travelers to wear masks on public transportation and in transit hubs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 “falls easily” within the agency’s statutory authority.
“Taking preventative measures is part of the CDC’s core mission. It is embodied in the name of the agency — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” Justice Department lawyers told the 11th Circuit in their filing. “It makes no sense to suggest that the agency would not incorporate preventative measures in the actions it undertakes.”
The findings in the CDC’s mask mandate, they argued, “provide ample support for the agency’s determination that there was good cause to make the order effective without delay.”
Such good cause that they waited over a month to file it. The initial finding from the judge in April determined that the CDC did not have the statutory authority to impose the mandates
The Biden administration officially appealed the decision from U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in April after the CDC said the transit mask requirement “remains necessary for public health.”
It does? For whom? There are almost no mask mandates left anywhere. Technically, Biden’s EO on wearing masks in federal buildings still stands, though, that has apparently been eased. Biden doesn’t seem to wear his mask inside that often. Nor do his people. Does he wear one on Air Force One or Marine One? He doesn’t seem to wear one when he’s giving wackadoodle speeches inside buildings with lots of people he doesn’t know.
The Justice Department, though, criticized Mizelle’s decision and accused the district court judge of adopting a “cramped reading of a statute aimed at preventing the spread of communicable disease.” The Biden administration also argued she erred in voiding the mask mandate nationwide and instead should have granted relief only to the five individuals who challenged the requirement.
“Article III and traditional principles of equity dictate that any remedy must be limited to redressing plaintiffs’ particular injuries,” the Justice Department argued. “Principles of comity and judicial restraint confirm that the district court should not have preempted the recent ruling by another judge upholding the CDC’s transportation mask order or the similar cases pending within other circuits.”
Same administration and CDC want to force everyone to comply, even when they are in little to no danger based on study after study after study. Remember when Biden said you could get your life back after getting the vaccine? Then told everyone, regardless of vax status, to wear a mask?

Our esteemed host wrote:
At our local post office, where we have to go to get our mail since the postal service contract employee will not drive down our road, there used to be a sign, which I ignored anyway, that masks were required. That sign is gone, and has been gone for a while now.
The acting director of the CDC testified before the Senate, in January, that they expected that almost everyone would eventually contract the virus. Dr Fauxi said, around the same time, that virtually everyone would contract the virus. This was when the original
XiOmicron variant was going around, before the supposedly more contagious BA.2 variant was a concern.If we’re all going to contract the virus, might as well do so now, and get it over with, before another, possibly more virulent variant emerges. If natural immunity has any effect, it can be strengthened by having been exposed to, and recovered from, the vuris previously.