…is horrible carbon pollution driven cloud cover, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on the Marine Corps going Woke for pride month.

…is horrible carbon pollution driven cloud cover, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on the Marine Corps going Woke for pride month.
So Elon Musk and ex-girlfriend Amber Heard reportedly had embryos prepared from her eggs and Musk’s sperm, and stored. Musk later wanted the embryos destroyed.
Heard subsequently “had’ a baby but it was suspected via a surrogate.
In states where abortion is completely banned, would the destruction of the stored embryos be murder?
Perhaps we need to ban in vitro fertilization? (Spare the ‘rod’, spoil the child!)
Something tells me that her carbon footprint is pretty big.
One huge red flag.
Biden wants to end the 72-hour rule for background checks.
Backstory. The Feds have 72 hours to complete a background check or else you get your gun. So if they take 73 hours the gun is yours.
What Biden and the left want to do is rid the US government of this LAW. When or if that happens it now could take 6 months, 6 years, or 6 decades to get a background check. They are overworked, short-staffed, or a myriad of reasons why they cannot complete the background check in a timely manner.
It is a war of words. Litigation to turn a seemingly benign rule into an iron clad Denial of Americans the right to purchase and own firearms.
Fight this with all that you are 2A people of the USA. Communists are coming for your guns and they will not stop until they are stopped.
Face it, Brandon and the dems don’t have anything to run on in November. They could give a shit about 2nd Amendment. All the whining and outrage is to distract from the lousy job this administration and dem lead Congress has done for America and Americans.

Bwaha! Lolgf
They are so bad it is as if they are intentionally trying to destroy the country. But our fellow citizens are so stupid they can’t see it.
President Biden can’t change the requirement on his own. Why not make it 7 days by law.
You seem to be advocating American violence.
Nonsense. Waiting periods have never been shown to reduce violence.
The longer the wait, the more someone who may need to protect themselves will be put at risk. Many cases of domestic violence prove this. A TRO is only a piece of paper. It doesn’t keep irate former spouses/boy/girlfriends, stalkers, crazy people away.
You seem to be advocating violence against the innocent.
They’ve worked for 2 decades in Hawaii.
In Ames, IA on Thursday a disgruntled stalker bought a 9mm pistol and ONE HOUR later killed two women then himself.
Anyway, this is where we are as a nation – it’s now our culture. Mass shootings are here to stay and as humans we’ll just have to learn to adapt. On Dec 14, 2012, a 20 yr old walked into the Sandy Hook elementary school and killed 20 children and 6 adults. As a nation we did a collective nothing. Well, we bought millions more guns just like the one that had killed 20 kids.
More guns, less crime. Forced motherhood. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Ever widening income inequality. Violence. White nationalism. Critical Race Theory! Grooming! Crumbling infrastructure. National debt. Minority rule.
So… “I think my husband is trying to kill me. I need a pistol to keep him away, and I need it now”.
Yikes! Boomflation continues! Nearly 400,000 new jobs added last month and the unemployment rate stands at 3.6%. This promises that the fed will raise interest rates to squelch the economy.
Oh my!
Confederate flags are banned from Country Music Association country music festival in Nashville Jun 9-12.
Woke censorship.
Not that we didn’t already know these folks are nuts, but could this be the beginning of “shade equity”? I mean, all the other tough stuff has been taken care of… https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/06/02/california-reparations-report-demands-tree-planting-in-black-neighborhoods-for-shade-equity/
Ten States with Greatest Rate (per capita) of Firearms Deaths:
41 Tennessee
42 South Carolina
43 Arkansas
44 New Mexico
45 Alaska
46 Alabama
47 Missouri
48 Wyoming
49 Louisiana
Worst! – Mississippi (28.6/100K)
You are over 8 times more likely to die of a gunshot in Mississippi than in Hawaii.
Ten States with Lowest Rate of Firearms Deaths
Best! – Hawaii (3.4/100K)
2 Massachusetts
3 New Jersey
4 Rhode Island
5 New York
6 Connecticut
7 California
8 Minnesota
9 New Hampshire
10 Nebraska
9 out of 10 most dangerous are Red States
9 out of 10 least dangerous are Blue States
And Hawaii (a group of islands which is really, really hard to drive to from Texas) has just about the most restrictive firearms laws in the nation.
Must register handguns and long guns, background checks for even private sales, red flag law, permit required for open carry (but not issued), permit required for concealed carry (but not issued!), no more than 10 round magazines, must be 21 to purchase, must report lost stolen destroyed firearm within 24 hr… I’m surprised some redneck hasn’t sued and taken Hawaii all the way to the Supreme Court!
Byran Uyesugi, a gun collector, walked into his workplace, a Xerox office in Honolulu and used one of his 25 weapons to kill 7 co-workers. Uyesugi had previously undergone psychiatric treatment for anger issues. The massacre occurred in 1999 and was the last fatal mass shooting in Hawaii. Shit. On the mainland we can’t go 23 days without a fatal mass shooting, much less 23 years!
Per capita is always an idiotic way of looking at things.
Murders by GUNS.
California Number one
Texas Number two.
Illinois Number three.
Wyoming had 12 murders by guns.
Alaska had 22.
Mississippi had 193 Murders. The other 7 states on your list had: 441, 566, 470, 235, 87, 593,202
In fact, Mississippi-Tennesse your top 10 for the most gunshots PER CAPITA had a grand total of ~2700 gun murders compared to:
~2600 gun murders by California and Illinois alone. Both states with heavy gun controls.
It is all relevant. Wyoming and Alaska have an extreme amount of hunting in their state and each year people are shot in both states while hunting. This is not violence nor is it murder.
As for advocating violence. Uh. No Elwood. I advocate for throwing out the left at the polls. I advocate for people standing up for their 2A rights. I advocate for people to peacefully assemble to redress their grievances.
Est claims normalizing data against population is idiotic. Now that’s idiotic!
You’re arguing for context or nuance! Good point.
Bill Maher opines that America may now be just too fucking stupid to continue. He just might be right. Alternative facts, you all!!
Dead hunters in Wyoming and Alaska are still dead. BTW, how many hunters were shot and killed in Wyoming or Alaska?
Without a good argument against the highly intelligent and often annoying(because he is almost always right which is annoying in itself) EST, you turn to Bill Maher, a comedian to prove that you have the upper hand in using statistics to prove your point.
Per capita is a way of showing something in comparison to another something. In your case. State A vs state B. What you fail to point out in your PER CAPITA argument IS IN FACT THE NUANCES OF THE THING IN DISCUSSION. In other words, the state’s big cities are filled with desperate poor turning to drugs and crime to mow each other down. Nuances do matter. Sorry.
Dead hunters in Wyoming and Alaska are still dead. BTW, how many hunters were shot and killed in Wyoming or Alaska?
So now, you are advocating for no more hunting?
By the way, Dowd since people here knows you. BE assuaged that the FEDS will COME FOR YOUR GUNS The moment RED FLAG LAWS arrive. That DOWD has threatened violence against people on the Internet. Just go to the Pirates cove and look at his rantings. Dowd can most certainly respond by claiming the same against those here if he can prove who they are. Then of course the FEDS can tie up inordinate amounts of resources trying to track down a few people on the internet, letting the real lunatics escape who are writing manifestos before they go kill people.
Okay Case closed….No guns for you Dowd. And if you get them back the next rant lands you another call to your police and another confiscation.
That’s the beauty of Red Flag laws. Out of spite people can turn in everyone and the system gets overwhelmed and the real killers go free long enough to do their killing cause the cops are busy going after YOU over and over because I can only assume that you are seriously only a windbag with no real desire to shoot up Republicans.
See your entire position is rooted in someone who thinks they will not be affected by the laws you pine for daily. No one is unaffected by laws that seriously undermine the 2A.
If it reduces the slaughter of children I’ll gladly turn in my guns. How about you?
I’ve invited con-menters here to contact the local authorities but so far no dice! Do you want the telephone number of the county police here?
I didn’t advocate an end to hunting, deer boy. Hunters are not the problem, you silly goose. You quail at the idea.
Commenter adds, strangely: In other words, the state’s big cities are filled with desperate poor turning to drugs and crime to mow each other down
Do you really think that supports you and EST’s argument? Only a couple of the most dangerous states have large cities, MO (St Louis, KC) and LA (New Orleans), but the safest states are loaded with large cities. It sounds as if rural areas are more dangerous than urban areas!
Facts matter!
Finally a compromise on gun sales…
Only one firearms clinic per 10 million state residents (states with fewer than 10 million residents will have a single clinic).
A 3 day waiting period. Day 1. The person seeking the firearm must attend a 4 hour counseling session at the firearms clinic – the session will include a firearms scientist, weapons expert, the purchaser’s local sheriff or proxy, a psychologist, and the purchaser’s significant other. The approval must be unanimous with a passed thorough background check. If all goes well, the purchaser must return to the firearms clinic day 4 to pick up the weapon. The purchaser must demonstrate proficiency and safety knowledge with the weapon itself.
Here is an idea for you DOWD.
Finally a compromise on ABORTIONS…
Only one ABORTION clinic per 10 million state residents (states with fewer than 10 million residents will have a single clinic).
A 3 day waiting period. Day 1. The person seeking the ABORTION must attend a 4 hour counseling session at the firearms clinic – the session will include an Abortion scientist, Newspaper reporter to report the woman’s desire to have an abortion and who the father is/was, the women’s local sheriff or proxy, a psychologist, and the Woman’s significant other. The approval must be unanimous with a passed thorough background check. If all goes well, the woman must return to the abortion clinic day 4 to butcher her baby. The woman must demonstrate proficiency and safety knowledge about birth control itself.
there I fixed that for you.
We thought you would clever enough to notice that I was mocking abortion laws in red states.
For example, Texas:
Mr. Dowd stated “If it reduces the slaughter of children I’ll gladly turn in my guns. How about you?” Unless he’s planning on shooting up a school with your guns please state how that would save ONE life besides reduce the “slaughter”.
But the obvious statement is that you really don’t believe taking your guns away will save a life so why would you want our guns taken away? Why would you want the guns of so many innocent Americans taken away when you just pointed out that taking them away will not “stop the slaughter”?
You do realize more unarmed people are murdered by their governments than by criminals or even their neighbors.
Also, that whole “Per capita” tirade you went on is nonsense. That’s an old “lying statistics” ploy used by dishonest people to obtain their objective. Honesty require total numbers not those broken up by population. How about you do a list of the most murders committed by red or blue cities? Or by race? Or by party affiliation? Hell, most of these killers are democrats. Most of the bloodiest cities are long term democrat run cities. And almost 90% of people imprisoned are democrats. Conservatives, faithful Christians and Republicans rarely commit violent crimes but when they do you sure are right on the case in an instant. And so are we and that’s the real difference between us. We have no desire to hide the warts you people erase them.
Just like that ridiculous rigged jury last week in the Sussman trial despite overwhelming evidence a DC jury packed 100% with democrats, 4 Clinton campaign workers, and a Obama appointed judge with a strictly partisan history you leftists cheered like you won Indy. The die was cast dudes there was no way that creep could get convicted just like there’s no way I wouldn’t be under the same conditions. And this time you didn’t even need to play the race card.
Carol Ann,
Of course, if America had no guns, mass shootings and other gun deaths would drop to zero. As I’ve said many times it won’t happen.
The American winger population is willing to let children be slaughtered and Black kids kill Black kids as long as wingers get to keep their AR-15s. Dead kids and dead Black Americans are a small price to pay for a heavily armed populace waiting to murder bad politicians and take over the government because tyranny! You want normal Americans to fear your craziness.
The government kills more people than people with guns??? Certainly that’s not true in America.
Actually most murders are committed by Christian men.
Rigged jury? LOL. How did that happen? Every Dem should be in prison, but no Republican should.
As Abraham Luffberg said while being pushed into a train car in Germany in 1941 “I don’t care what anybody says if it reduces the slaughter of children I’ll gladly turn in my guns. How about you?” He was never seen nor heard from again.
Asshole. Disarming law abiding citizens to stop evil criminals is not the answer. Long prison sentences and executing criminals is. Fukin dope.