Yeah, soft on crime policies, soft on criminal policies, bail reform, and all the other stuff sounds great in theory, but, doesn’t work out so well in practice when it’s your own city, right, Democrats? (Link for NY Times behind firewall version here)
Democrats Face Pressure on Crime From a New Front: Their Base
(skipping the first few paragraphs for the meat)
In Democratic strongholds like Maryland, a rise in violent crime has pushed the party’s candidates to address the issue of public safety in newly urgent terms. Even before the recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, reignited the debate over gun control, day-to-day gun crimes and other acts of violence were rattling the American electorate.
Long seen as a political wedge for Republicans to use against Democrats, crime is increasingly a subject of concern within the Democratic Party and the big cities that make up much of its political base.
And from Baltimore and Atlanta in the East to San Francisco and Seattle in the West, the candidates and elected officials pushing the party to address crime more aggressively are largely people of color. Candidates are motivated not mainly by fear of Republican attacks, but rather by mounting outcry from the Black, Hispanic and Asian American communities bearing the brunt of a national crime wave.
Democrat cities like Seattle used to be pretty safe. Neighborhood Scout is a great resource, and Seattle used to be in the mid to upper 20’s, like most bigger cities. The higher the number, the safer the city. Seattle has now gone down to a 2. That’s worse than Chicago, which is a 10. Baltimore has recently gone from a 1 to a 4, with the police working hard to protect the middle class neighborhoods now.
Alarming trends have changed the political conversation. In Baltimore, the city is on track to record more than 300 homicides for the eighth straight year, along with a rise in carjackings, robberies and other serious crimes. Concerns about police misconduct in the city have not evaporated seven years after the killing of Freddie Gray in police custody ignited protests and rioting, but persistent violent crime has pushed voters’ tolerance to the breaking point.
Those developments have transformed the Democratic Party’s discourse on matters of law and order, forcing the party to balance its determination to overhaul the criminal justice system with the imperative to protect its most loyal voters from a tide of violence.
Well, that sounds like they are doing it simply for votes, rather than as their duty to protect the citizens.
On the other side of the country, Mayor Bruce Harrell of Seattle, a moderate Democrat who defeated a left-wing opponent last year, placed rising crime and a shortage of police officers at the center of his candidacy.
Harrell, who was inaugurated in January as Seattle’s second Black and first Asian American mayor, said voters of color in his city responded to a message of making the police more responsive but not “militarized or racialized” — an allusion to the heavy-handed and often discriminatory tactics favored by law-and-order mayors of the past.
Democrats, he said, need to understand that many voters cannot embrace the rest of their agenda if they do not feel safe. “Every community here demands safety,” Harrell said.
Harrell has been actually facing a lot of pushback from the loony tunes base in his quest to reform the reform, to make Seattle safe. The base is fine with the original soft on criminals reform as long as it is in Those Neighborhoods, rather than their own.
Baker has promised to declare a state of emergency in Baltimore and pour state police resources into the city. In early May, he unveiled a television commercial vowing to “stop the slaughter of young Black men” in the city and decrying what he called the state’s indifference to crime victims there.
“Because they’re Black, nobody gives a damn,” Baker says in the ad.
That would be Wes Moore, a Democrat candidate for governor in Maryland. And, he’s right: Democrats do not care about blacks in cities. The uber-white leftists think they are helping minorities with their crime policies, when they only make it worse. And, really, Dems have never cared about blacks. This is the new version of their KKK policies. They just changed tactics post Civil Rights legislation.
Anyhow, it’s a long, long piece. Will Dems finally push for law and order? Or freak out when politicians actually push for crime reduction?

Our esteemed host quoted:
Why? Because white candidates can’t say anything, or they are accused of being raaaaacist!
But it’s more than just that: black and Hispanic neighborhoods are being plagued by crime within their neighborhoods, almost all of it committed by black and Hispanic criminals.
The Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer showed us just how racist they are by lamenting that “The percentage of Black and Hispanic Philadelphians who feel unsafe in their neighborhood is double the percentage of white Philadelphians.” While they didn’t say so directly, it was clear: white Philadelphians need to fear for their safety as much as black Philadelphians do!
Of course, while the city as a whole has a very ‘diverse’ population, internally the city is one of the most segregated in America.
Those are the statistics in the city just for May of 2022. Black males were 65.49% of the shooting victims, and 77.08% of the fatal shooting victims. Black females were 11.95% of the shooting victims, and 4.17% of the fatal shooting victims. Remember: the population of the city are only 38.3% non-Hispanic black.
While the city’s shooting victims database designated which white victims were Hispanic, I saw zero black victims listed as being Hispanic.
While violent crime in the U.S. is increasing, the homicide rate is sill well below the rate of the 70s, 80s, 90s.
Mx Dana typed: While they didn’t say so directly, it was clear: white Philadelphians need to fear for their safety as much as black Philadelphians do!
Perhaps clear to the mind-reading Mx Dana. More charitably, one could imagine their intent was that steps need to be taken to reduce the danger in black neighborhoods.
Why are majority Black neighborhoods more dangerous? Any hypotheses?
DOWD shoots his gun control agenda in the foot by posting:
While violent crime in the U.S. is increasing, the homicide rate is sill well below the rate of the 70s, 80s, 90s
So if less people are being killed overall while at the same time more and more people own guns and carry guns…. does not A corelate to B?
Me thinkst it does. Heres an Idea. Leave gun control alone, stop killing unborn children and arm yourself.
Step two. Fire all these whacko communist DA’s and AG’s funded by George Soros that give people a 5 months probation for running over a mother and her dauther standing next to a doorway, and then runs away. Multiple felonies including hit and run, fleeing the scene, double attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon and he gets 5 months probation when it is on CAMERA>?
PLEASE cast out the left in 2022. PUHLEAZE
Simply because blacks commit more homicides per capita than any other group, usually killing other blacks
Blacks in US are 7x more likely to commit a violent crime or act of violence than any other race. World wide blacks are 3x more likely.
and if these black people fled the plantation and voted in BLACK REPUBLICANS who would actually try to get them a job, 401k, healthcare, retirement, vacation and a LIFE instead of more welfare and HOPELESSNESS we might actually see the number of black deaths go down.
Already Hispanics favor the GOP in every poll and a whooping 29 percent of black men and even 14 percent of black women have now turned to the GOP.
The blacks are slowly getting it. Slowly. They just need to vote themselves some black GOP reps to represent them in congress and there is a chance they avoid the Shackles JOE BIDEN put on them in the 90’s.
If you desire to shut down the flood of invaders coming across the border, just get a bunch of red MAGA hats and give them out. Next day the issue is over.
Trump sells MAGA hats for $18-$22 each, including one with QAnon decals.
It would be ironic but hardly out of character for Trump to make millions from migrants/refugees. The hats are made in Carson CA at Cali-Fame headgear by Hispanic workers!
Conservative Repubs have had decades to make life better for Black Americans, and have shown little interest.
During the Clinton 8 years homicide rates plummeted by half and have stayed that way until the last couple of years.
LOL. The GOP is gerrymandering every state to eliminate Black reps and are suppressing Black voting.
Really, J? Even the far right wing NYT admits it’s both parties doing this. It’s called research…
The Democrats lost almost no seats to gerrymandering and the GOP gained a couple while losing a couple. Both sides do it and Never let a good crisis go to waste former Obama DA Holder led the charge to gerrymander every state possible and mostly succeeded.
Apr 14, 2022 · Basically, Democrats saved themselves by resorting to a tactic they’ve previously denounced as not only unfair but downright unethical — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called gerrymandering …..this article can be found at VOX a leftist digital media.
Conservative Repubs have had decades to make life better for Black Americans, and have shown little interest.
You are CORRECT. That was until TRUMP arrived and the makeup of the GOP has changed drastically. Nowhere can you see that More than the old guard Liz CHENEY, daughter of the Former war monger Dick Cheney and the infamous saying of “Deficits Don’t Matter” now both are embraced by the left as the establishment of both Left and right fight for the way it used to be.
The way it used to be was Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and people of all color, gender and races were beholden to the tidbits thrown to them by the Corporations that are now run by leftists.
The worm has turned and it is clear why Blacks and Hispanics are turning to the GOP as the GOP of today is nothing like the one that as you say….showed no interest.
Today there is plenty of interest in helping blacks, Latino’s and people of color to achieve the American dream. It is the progressive left that wants that dream crushed to save a few molecules of CO2.
We agree that corporations and wealthy with their Congressional enablers are bleeding the working class dry. The disparity between rich and poor is skyrocketing.
We hope you are right that Conservatives have come to their senses and recognize that minorities are Americans too, and will legislate accordingly.