…is an area turning to desert because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on the global surface temperature having cooled .5C since 2016.

…is an area turning to desert because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on the global surface temperature having cooled .5C since 2016.
“….. the global surface temperature having cooled .5C since 2016……”
But…but….but…. you don’t understand…..
The STUDIES show…..
Dear James and Teach and JL,
Why do you think the Trickster (Pierre Gosselin) selected the interval since 2016? Let me explain the Trickster’s trick.
Remember the great “pause”, where selecting an interval walking backwards from a low to the El Nino year 1998.
You look for a current temperature low, and then you walk back to a high temperature (usually an El Nino year!). Bingo, 2016 was an El Nino year where the Pacific west of SA overturned and released stored heat into the atmosphere! 2016 was one of the warmest years in measured history. Why do you think the Earth has warmed since 2014?
You guys can see for yourself by Googling “temperature trend calculator”.
So in other words the the globe has cooled since 2016, as said. Thank you. It’s also cooled since certain times earlier in the Holocene. Wonder how Gosselin did that trick?
And just like after the Great Pause that ended global warming once before, the Earth continues to warm. The Sun is still shining, the CO2 is increasing and importantly, heat content of the oceans is increasing.
Where is that heat hiding? In the oceans which cover 2/3rds of the planet. Heat content is different than temperature, don’t you know. Water is an interesting molecule in it absorbs energy without heating up rapidly. It’s called the high specific heat capacity. It takes more energy to heat water than other substances! That’s why an El Nino, the rapid warming of the southern Pacific surface, heats up the atmosphere so much. See 1998 and 2016 for El Ninos.
Did you know the Earth warmed 0.11C between 2018 and 2020!
And of course Gosselin had nothing to do with selecting the interval, it was from woodfortrees.org. But that’s what happens when one can’t refute the message, they go after the messenger. Don know if the link will work https://twitter.com/tomwhatsoeverb/status/1533805567281610752?s=21&t=pf17hS9UyPKptw5BC7E6yw
Funny-did you know it cooled from 2020 to 2022-as of where we are in June, now?
It seems by carefully selecting your intervals you can show warming or cooling!!
That’s why the actual scientists average over 30 years. Since 1992 it has warmed 0.23 ± 0.06 °C/decade or 0.69 °C in 30 yrs!
From 2016 to 2022 it has cooled -0.146 ± 0.611 °C/decade, or -0.09 °C/ for 6 years.
From 2018 to 2022 there has been no change, 0.014 ± 0.962 °C/decade, or warming a paltry 0.006 over 4 years.
Do you find it suspicious that the cooling depends on choosing 2016, the warmest year measured to start your anal-ysis?
From 2021 to 2022 it warmed 1.445 ± 3.667 °C/decade or 0.145 °C/ for the year!
The mean for 6 databases for 1992 to now is .212 °C/decade or .63 °C for 30 years.
But according to you and Gosselin it’s cooled since 2016 but warmed since 2018, LOL. Good work.
Are you sure that Gosselin got the info from woodfortrees? If so, Gosselin didn’t pay attention to the caveats.
Googling, Binging or Wiki’ing does one no good if they want the truth. The only thing the internet search engines give you is a LEFTIST Perspective.
Google is almost exclusively a leftist organization controlled by communist China. Bill Gates the founder of BING ala Microsoft has a far left agenda and most certainly a climate Nazi and in Gates case a man who believes there are too many people on the good planet earth.
This is the power of RIGHT and WRONG THINK. The internet is the controlling mechanism that makes sure that the little kiddies are terrified by the Global Warming Nazi’s. Wether it is actually warming, cooling or treading water makes no difference.
The power is not in what we actually have but WHAT THEY THINK WE HAVE.
IF they THINK we have the truth then we can fear monger them into submission. RIGHT THINK is important.
Just as the 911 commission solution to 1/6 is ending the electoral college and federalizing elections. BUT FIRST they must make the case that EVIL resides on the other side, the other point of view, the other people that do not have RIGHT THINK.
Dowd is the master of RIGHT THINK. Never wavering, here day after day posting a 100./200 times per day. As per his handlers inustructions. Destroy America from within and what better tool than the INTERNET?????
Absolutely perfect!!!!!! Excellent choice as always and as always brightens my day!!!!
Still looks awesome! The article was good too.