If you didn’t see this in the news no one would have seen it, since it occurred at a WNBA game
Topless Abortion Rights Protesters Storm Court At New York Liberty WNBA Game
Topless advocates for abortion rights stormed the court Tuesday during the New York Liberty-Minnesota Lynx WNBA game at Barclays Center in Brooklyn to protest the possible repeal of Roe v. Wade. They had messages like “Hell no!” and “My Body, My Choice” written on their torsos.
Other protesters in the stands held signs that read, “Overturn Roe? Hell no!” and “Abortion on demand & without apology.”
Security eventually ushered out the activists, who later were photographed outside the arena. The women apparently represented Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, which has staged protests at Dodger Stadium and at televangelist Joel Osteen’s church recently.
“This was the audience we wanted,” the group wrote in a tweet, apparently referring to the women-friendly crowd at the game. (I had to see the photo, so, you do too)
You mean an audience of like minded baby killers in NYC? All average 1,757 of them?
This wasn't to protest the game or players, but to call on YOU to #RiseUp4AbortionRights NOW!
Yes we know most people here support #abortionrights. NOW SAVE THEM! GET OFF THE SIDELINES & INTO THE STREETS! Bring society 2 a halt. Stop the Supreme Court from Overturning #RoeVWade! pic.twitter.com/zXN896ZeQV
— Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights (@riseup4abortion) June 8, 2022
So, a bunch of fatties and what looks like old folks ruining the game for everyone? Probably not a lot of concessions sold afterwards, a bunch of upset stomachs. Think I’m kidding? Check this tweet. (If I was a loony lefty I’d give you a trigger warning)
And locally
(WRAL) Activists called on Raleigh City Council to expand abortion protections. The group of abortion-rights advocates made the plea on Tuesday night during City Council’s meeting.
Over half-a-dozen people shared a list of protections they want put in place. Advocates asked City Council for buffer zones, a noise ordinance and zoning measures that allow crisis pregnancy centers to be located across the street from the clinic.
“We demand you put a buffer zone around reproductive care clinics so anti-abortion protestors won’t interfere with patient care,” an abortion-rights advocate said.
But, (City attorney Robin) Tatum said some of the requests by activists are First Amendment rights and will fall out of the city’s jurisdiction.
“A lot of times people are asking you to regulate are protected by the First Amendment … that are not consistent with the Constitution,” said Tatum.
Damned 1st Amendment interfering with killing a baby because women had irresponsible, unprotected sex.

Attention whores gonna whore for attention.
Professional activists need to earn their checks.
It’s the WNBA.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Funny how the women who will never have to concern themselves with an abortion are the ones complaining the most.
Misogynists like porter david should peruse rape statistics sometime.
Rapists aren’t that discriminating.
The vast majority of abortions are abortions of convenience, not the result of rape, incest, or the mother’s life being in danger. I suspect most Americans would be fine with those exceptions (particularly if you can beef up the screening of rape accusations that are nothing more than night-after regrets.)
Given the wide availability of birth control, no abortions of convenience should be legal.
But if you are going to make them legal, then there should be no legal mechanism for holding the father financially liable when the mother gets to make the decision to keep a baby. Men should not get whipsawed by allowing women to be the sole decisionmaker for or against abortion. Women need to held responsible for the result of sex just as much as men are.
Do you favor allowing abortions in cases of rape, incest or threats to the life of the potential mother? What is your reasoning since you feel a fertilized egg is a ‘person’? Can one really compromise on a life and death issue?
It’s interesting that you charge that women often falsely accuse men of rape.
RC typed: But if you are going to make them legal, then there should be no legal mechanism for holding the father financially liable when the mother gets to make the decision to keep a baby.
It’s even more interesting that you wish to absolve men of all responsibility if a woman chooses ‘life’ over abortion. That would sure encourage abortions!
More lefty nutjob crazyiess, a lefty whackjob was arrested this a.m. attempting to assassinate Justice

Kavanaugh at his home. Reports are coming in, so stay tuned to a reliable source. Kavanaugh was unharmed. This was based on the whacko’s objection to the leaked ‘Roe v. Wade’ decision.
Just another liberal with a gun who thinks the law doesn’t apply to him because of his “righteous” crusade.
Funny he was willing to murder a man who wants to save babies.
Square that circle.
He is a lefty after all.

Preachy Teachy ejaculated: Damned 1st Amendment interfering with killing a baby because women had irresponsible, unprotected sex.
Not even Preachy Teachy believes his own BS that abortion is killing a baby. Take up arms and stop the killing! If you can save just one life wouldn’t it be worth it? When the leftists take over and start murdering “defective” 1 and 2 yr olds I’ll join him in attacking the facility and killing the perpetrators. Like those teachers in Uvalde, why aren’t you willing to die to keep those “babies” from being “murdered”?
For every woman having irresponsible, unprotected sex there is a man having irresponsible, unprotected sex. The woman ends up responsible for her actions, the man, not so much. Let’s put DNA sequences of all men on file so we can track the sperm donor and/or rapist. That would make the donor a bit more responsible if he thought he’d be supporting a child for a couple of decades. And maybe rapists would start using condoms!!
Guess some people are just trying to subvert democracy.
What do you bet that the same people who think their right to have an abortion should NOT be subject to democratic approval or disapproval?
But what do you bet that these same people are also thinking that your Second Amendment rights should be subject to their approval or disapproval?
And abortions kill far more people than firearms. And yes, unborn babies are still babies. Lie to yourself with language all you want, but you know it’s true. Abortion activists should at least be honest about what it is they want to do, instead of hiding behind nonsense definitions designed only to assuage their guilt for the hideous act they want to endorse.
The Left has never been big on consistency, but they make up for it with going all in on hypocrisy.
RC typed: What do you bet that the same people who think their right to have an abortion should NOT be subject to democratic approval or disapproval?
A large majority of Americans favor access to legal abortions, with limits. Five unelected Catholic justices are prepared to vote that Roe v. Wade was “bad law”. We guess a five to four vote is democratic in a sense.
A simple majority of Congress would enshrine the rights from Roe v. Wade as law. We guess that is democratic in a sense, but is not an option in America.
We get that the pro-birth minority feels fertilized eggs are babies, children and persons, but there are so many inconsistencies in their feelings that the have difficulty making a coherent argument other than, “All abortions are murder and must be stopped by the state!”.
Do you feel that IUDs and morning after pills are acceptable compromises for killing babies, or should they be banned?
Since so many anti-abortionists feel that this is a state’s rights issue, do you oppose state laws that punish a woman for traveling to a nearby state to obtain a legal abortion there, or do you favor a federal abortion ban?
Want to discuss?