…is an evil bad weather cloud from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on more info on the South Street gunfight.
Totally forgot to set it up today, was out for the day.

…is an evil bad weather cloud from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on more info on the South Street gunfight.
Totally forgot to set it up today, was out for the day.
The left is attempting an insurrection by trying to assassinate Supreme Court justices. This attempt on Kavanaugh’s life is a blatant attack on the very Constitution and the Democracy of the United States. These crazies must be stopped. They incite each other and murder good people even as they pay queers to attack our children, doctors to murder babies in utero and burn cities. We are in a state of Civil War and to ignore the enemy is to encourage the enemy.
Don’t give up your guns.
FJB, God Bless America
What? You want to restrict Mr Roske’s 2nd Amendment right to bear arms?? Roske turned himself in before doing anything! He didn’t even try to break into Kavanaugh’s house or scream “Hang Bret Kavanaugh!”
Kavanaugh should have a single lockable door in and out of his house (per Ted Cruz) and a resource officer with a sidearm.
Or maybe put two US marshals in front of all schools!
Again you lie. Now I understand how LG Brandon feels. I said NOTHING about restricting this potential assassins rights at all, did I? Even at the brink of assassinations encouraged by Sen. Chuck Schumer you feel the need to lie. You are pathetic, LG Brandon is right.
Sorry Mr. Dowd but the crazy biden supporter and pro prenatal killer shouldn’t even have been at Kav’s house, IT’S ILLEGAL to protest at a SC justices house or office. None of those illegal protestors who have been there for a month should be free. They should all be in jail with the Jan 6 people if we have actual justice. But we don’t under Democrats.
What the hell does “Kavanaugh should have a single lockable door in and out of his house (per Ted Cruz) and a resource officer with a sidearm” got to do with it? And what does putting US Marshalls in front of schools have to do with it? All you do is duck and weave because you refuse even to say the guy was wrong. You can’t even defend a SC judge you don’t agree with that’s how corrupt you’ve become.
Now, now, CarolAnn, calm down. You’re being hysterical.
Threats against politicians are all too common. Remember the other day when Trump supporter Douglas K. Uhde kidnapped a judge, zip-tied and executed him? He had a “hit” list in his car with Gov Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI), Gov Tony Evers (D-WI) and Sen RINO McConnell (R-KY). Fortunately, Uhde died in the hospital from a ‘self-inflicted’ gunshot.
President Obama received hundreds of threats including being sent ricin-laced letters. Several Americans are in prison for their parts in the plots.
In Kavanaugh’s case, it was a US 2nd Amendment supporting citizen walking down the street with a legal firearm in his bag. He walked away and called the cops and said he was afraid he’d harm others and himself. Good for him! Thank goodness the law prevented him (in violation of the 2nd Amendment!) from having a bazooka, missile launcher or grenades.
Why do you insist that government elites should have greater protections than schoolchildren?
But a threat against a pro-birther judge and you’re ready for civil war?? You’re being hysterical.
Carol Ann,
He is just a nut job that likes to get people upset. He is trying to drive you away.
I’m asking everyone to send their thoughts and prayers to the Kavanaugh family for their recent trouble.
But isn’t it too soon to start discussing how to keep this from happening again? Give the Kavanaugh family time to process the almost tragedy.
Nice. I was starting to think that the WNBA-post was our “If All You See” today.
Chesa Boudine, spawn of terrorists, has been aborted from the SF district attorney’s office by a recall margin of 3 to 2.
Not because he was terrorists’ son but because he didn’t do the job.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Rimjob and Johnnie, the Buddhist stoner, concur.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Careful pups, Jeff might think you are not committing correctly.
porter david,
While we agree that ‘committing’ would do drowningpuppies some good, is that the word you really wanted? This isn’t the first time.
What did I tell you about kindle? Can’t remember can you. But it gets to you.
I found the word that describes some of your action….Moral narcissism.
Other than that you are 4+ crazy.
Oh my!
Brandon’s in a race with himself.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Lauren Boebert: Take your kids to CHURCH, not drag bars!
Ralph C: Number of children sexually abused by clergy of the Catholic CHURCH between 1950-2020: 216,000
Number of children sexually abused at drag shows during the same time period: 0
First of all the comparison is a non sequitur. You always lie. Your logic is always a failure. And your morality is stuck on bankrupt.
Since there is no “gay gene” every gay kid was groomed by a gay in one way or another to become a filthy queer the queer priests that sexually abused little children included. What you’re looking for is an excuse to diddle little kids. You won’t get one here. We’re straight, mostly Christian and moral people unlike the democrat elites we don’t go around looking for excuses to hurt other people.
Elwood D: Number of children sexually abused by faggots and perverts turning them queers 100% actual number unknown but in the millions.
Parents: take your kids to church even ass holes like Dowd know that’s a far better environment than gay bars at any age for any moral person.
Trolls will troll Dowd but you needn’t sound like a fool while doing so and defending faggots grooming innocent children makes you sound like a royal fool.
FJB and F all the fags and their groomers.
We’re just reporting what Boebert and Ralph C. typed. Pretty funny.
Drag shows seem to be grooming no one, but the Catholic Church and Southern Baptists seem to have been caught grooming 100s of thousands, if not millions!!
There is more concrete evidence that some men like to dress as women than that gods, demons, miracles, angels, heaven and hell exist!!
The vast majority of child sexual abuse results from men (usually family or acquaintances) abusing underage girls. Yet, you focus exclusively on men wearing dresses grooming boys???
We get it. Conservative christians hate LGBTQ individuals and support discriminating against them. Maybe the hatred is cultural, maybe the hatred is religious. But it’s still bigoted and hateful.
Back when you were regularly irresponsibly impregnating teenage girls how did you get them to agree to sex? Grooming?
We advocate keeping children out of church AND bars!
We oppose men grooming young girls for illegal sexual contacts. Do you think Preachy Teachy’s photos of semi-nude teen girls sends the wrong message?
Dowd, I’m gonna attempt to address this comment full of non sequiturs, lies, exaggerations and just plain bullshit. I may not have time to address everything because I’m taking my boat out in an hour.
“Drag shows seem to be grooming no one, but the Catholic Church and Southern Baptists seem to have been caught grooming 100s of thousands, if not millions!!”
Drag shows ARE grooming since there is no other reason to have a child at a drag show but to groom him/her. Just like there is no other reason to have children at a bar that to expose them to drinking. You go on to condemn the all Southern Baptists and the entire Catholic Church for the actions of an unstable element of faggots within their churches. It was neither of those two churches which groomed anyone, it was the faggots and perverts allowed into those churches that did that. Get your facts straight.
“There is more concrete evidence that some men like to dress as women than that gods, demons, miracles, angels, heaven and hell exist!!”
That statement is irrelevant, non sequitur, and plain stupid. It has nothing to do with the conversation and only reflects you own prejudices, bigotry and closed mindedness. Proves bad faith in the discussion.
“The vast majority of child sexual abuse results from men (usually family or acquaintances) abusing underage girls. Yet, you focus exclusively on men wearing dresses grooming boys???”
Again irrelevant unless in your leftist obsession with “equality” you now want to pass a law forcing more men to abuse underage boys? The discussion was about men wearing dresses and grooming boys I STICK TO THE TOPIC.
“We get it. Conservative christians hate LGBTQ individuals and support discriminating against them. Maybe the hatred is cultural, maybe the hatred is religious. But it’s still bigoted and hateful.”
You don’t “get it” and you never do nor will you. You know nothing about conservative Christians or you would not use the term hate relating to other human by them. Thy hate no one. They hate the things some people do, the sin but they pity the sinner himself. You OTOH hat everyone and it shows. The only bigot here is Y-O-U!
“Back when you were regularly irresponsibly impregnating teenage girls how did you get them to agree to sex? Grooming?”
Now you as the commie you are revert to the personal. It is expected from a slime like you. I was, as you know never irresponsibly impregnating anyone. It was they who lied to me as I previously explained but you just want to blame me. It must be some weakness you leftists have that you can’t discuss or argue without getting personal. But to answer you I get girls to agree to sex by being a 6’2″ handsome, well built man with style and class. I treat them well and am a fantastic fuck. That’s why they all try to marry me. How do you do it, pay offs, bribes dating the blind?
“We advocate keeping children out of church AND bars!”
No you don’t, just church. You’re afraid they might be taught there is something higher than your fascist government.
“We oppose men grooming young girls for illegal sexual contacts.”
Do you? Why? If it’s okay for faggots to groom young boys why is it any different for straights to groom young girls.
“Do you think Preachy Teachy’s photos of semi-nude teen girls sends the wrong message?”
First I believe the young ladies in Teache’s photos are of age and second they are no more “semi nude” than the beach at Miami, less probably. I don’t think he’s sending a “message” rather I think he’s entertaining his commenters as adults.
Now I’m taking a hot young chick out on my boat for a few hours then take her to dinner.
Lying Groomer,
The Catholic Church and SBC FACILITATED the grooming and abuse by covering it up AND moving offenders from church to church.
You have zero responsibility for impregnating two young girls? It’s all their fault for trying to trick you into marriage? LOL.
Please use contraception with the young girl. And check her ID.
Another lie from the kiddie diddler.
Bringing his total to ~12 for just for today.

Bwaha! Lolgf
drowningpuppy typed: Another lie…
Actually drowningpuppies is relying on another piece of disinformation from the right-wing Washington Examiner.
Here’s what every other news source on Earth was reporting:
Point to where it says Roske turned himself in.

Another lie from the kiddie diddler.
Bwaha! Lolgf
He walked a block from the justice’s home and called 911 and waited for the police.
It was in bold above.
We accept your apology. Now, go and sin no more.
Keep trying, Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
You want to keep going with your lies.

Bwaha! Lolgf