I’m not sure why so many groomers are upset they’re called groomers
Groomers gonna groom https://t.co/wX2O3rOUmw
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) June 9, 2022
(WRAL) Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community were angry and hurt after Apex Mayor Jacques Gilbert announced Monday that Drag Queen Story Hour would be removed from the Apex Pride Festival this weekend.
Some people accused Gilbert of allowing a “vocal minority,” who are unlikely to attend Pride regardless, of dictating how the LGBTQIA+ community should celebrate Pride.
Drag Queen Story Hour released a statement, saying, “It’s unfortunate and saddening to find out individuals communicated threatening messages to Town of Apex officials because of [our[ inclusion at Apex Pride.” On Thursday, Equality NC stepped in, announcing that Drag Queen Story Hour would return to Apex Pride.
“Equality NC is proud to announce that our organization will sponsor The Apex Pride Festival,” Equality NC said in a statement. “We are also celebrating that this will restore Drag Story Hour to the program, and ensure that our community members in Apex have every right to gather and celebrate.”
These people are nuts and groomers. The Apex police department should be present, and arrest anyone there who is exposing themselves to children or teaching them adult sexual topics.
Bay Area Camp Suddenly Closes After Staffers Quit Over Swastika Scandal
A California camp known for being socially and environmentally conscious was abruptly canceled for the entire summer after several staff members quit due to alleged structural racism.
Now, 900 or so campers will have to find an alternative way to spend their summer break.
“This is the first time in our history that we canceled all Camp programming,” a letter to the Hidden Villa community read Wednesday. “Staffing for Camp has been a challenge over the past several years. In anticipation, we significantly invested in outreach, but still struggled with meeting programmatic needs.” (snip)
Hidden Villa—which is home to a camp, hiking trails, and farm—once belonged to Frank and Josephine Duveneck, according to the camp’s statement. On the couple’s honeymoon to Asia in 1913, they brought back and hung artistic tiles with lotuses and Buddhist symbols, including the swastika, which was later appropriated by the Nazi Party after the first World War to represent white supremacy.
So, it’s been there since 1913, and is a Buddhist symbol, not the Nazi one?
“It was brought to the community’s attention that the Buddhist symbols were experienced differently and some individuals experienced harm from their presence on the building. A process to address the issue was identified with Staff and Board,” the letter, which was posted on the camp’s website, read.
Oh, good grief. I hope these people never travel to areas with high concentrations of Buddhists. Do you think the people in those countries will care if the soft Wokers are all sorts of butthurt? Seriously, “experienced differently”? “Experienced harm”? The camp did take down the symbol, but, a ton of the workers quit. Because they’re fragile little dumplings.
The Los Altos Town Crier reported that camp director Philip James, who is Black, quit because of alleged institutional racism and also took issue with the swastikas.
Camp assistant director Mimi Elias, who is a queer person of color, told the newspaper, “Every day I had to go to my place of residence and had to look at swastikas and walk beneath them.” She also resigned.
How long did they work there, with these Buddhist symbols? They took the job with them there. Yet, suddenly there’s “institutional racism?” Seriously, you continue reading the story and you suddenly have all these people crying about this and that and some other stuff which they are Offended over, despite being a socially and environmentally conscious camp that’s been like that for almost a 100 years. Why? Because when SJWs get butthurt they’ll turn an anthill in Mt. Everest…..oh, wait, SJWs do not want to go there, lots of Buddhists. And Hindus, who also use the symbol.

Who knew Johnnie, the Buddhist stoner, was a closet Nazi?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Boomer Groomer doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘groomer’.
But then Teach doesn’t know the meaning of a lot of words.
Imagine the Butthurt of the ignernt exposed to that horrible Southern Flag!
This apartment building stands on Lyndhurst Place, at the intersection with Rose Street, in lexington, Kentucky.
It predates the Nazis, of course, and the swastika is ‘backwards,’ at least as far as the Nazis are concerned.
When I was a student at the University of Kentucky, I lived on Lyndhurst, though not in this building. This is a definite older student apartments neighborhood, and I’m surprised that the Special Snowflakes™ haven’t demanded that the building be torn down.
Also in Lexington, on West High Street, just up from the intersection with South Limestone Street, is this historical marker:
It’s mounted on this building, rather than on a pole from the sidewalk:
When we lived there, that brick building was painted white, and the open door led to the Jefferson Davis Inn, which was actually a restaurant and bar. Though hardly major beer drinkers, Mrs Pico and I dined there several times.
Alas the JDI went out of business sometime after we moved away at the end of 1984. It reopened in another location a few years later, but failed again, sometime around 2013. It was more of a younger patron type place, but the original JDI is closer to downtown than the student areas.