And was it spent properly? Oh, wait, that’s not a question that is being asked. Nor “what does this really have to do with COVID relief?” Some questions that could certainly be asked with state and federal money across the nation
Wake County gave $20 million in COVID-19 relief funds to nonprofits. Who got the most?
Thava Mahadevan runs a small farm where he grows food for poor and homeless people with mental challenges.
He can feed more of them now, because Wake County is giving his group — XDS Inc. — $150,000 in COVID-19 relief funds.
“And our goal now is to expand what we have learned here as part of our Heat and Eat meal program into Wake County,” Mahadevan said.
Kelly Nivison wasn’t so lucky.
She asked the county for just $2,000 for her orchestral group, the Raleigh Camerata, but her request was denied.
“It was a little bit of a letdown,” she said.
They were among the winners and the losers in the county’s “Elevate Wake” program that handed out $20 million in federal relief funds to nonprofits who had to apply for it.
While that’s admirable, what do either have to do with COVID relief? Looks more just like handing out taxpayer cash to private groups because they can. Out of the 4 pages of recipients, very few seem to have anything to do with COVID.
Raleigh-Wake County Dental Society Community Dental Health Program Inc. (DBA Wake Smiles) received $70k for a dental clinic renovation. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. (Raleigh Alumnae Chapter) received $35K for the Southeast Raleigh Community Health Truck Rodeo. Southeastern Wake Adult Day Center got $371K for Advancing Treasured Thyme, whatever the hell that is. The African American Cultural Festival of Raleigh and Wake County got $400K for African American Cultural Festival Capacity Building and Sustainability PRoject. What do any of these have to do with COVID? New Bethel Christian Church got $200K for Food Pantry Expansion. Let them spend their own money.
The Boys and Girls Club of Wake County is getting $2 million to move its Brentwood Club to Fox Road in Raleigh, and will upgrade its HVAC systems and purchase new buses.
Dorothea Dix Park is getting $1 million to repair its walkways and make its restrooms ADA-compliant.
Does that have anything to do with COVID?
Roylance says there are safeguards to make sure the money is spent properly, and Dillon says the county partnered with the Triangle Council of Governments to help distribute and monitor the funds.
“So when an organization gets the funding, they have to come back and report on everything that that is agreed to, and there’ll be individual contracts with each agency or each nonprofit that ensures that the public funds are spent for the purposes that they they applied for,” Dillon said.
Did ABC11 here in Raleigh bother asking to see records about monitoring to make sure the money is being used as intended? Not that it has much to do with COVID.

A whole lot of money going to friends, family and supporters. We call it democommie corruption. They call it more inflation. Handing out bucks to “vote for us we gave you shit”.
The dem corruption is infecting every part of America. The dems have made leaving America a very attractive idea.
FJB the jerkoff “president”
I liked this one:
You mean ‘they’ spent COVID-19 funds to burn more fossil fuels?
It takes a lot of effort to give away 3 TRILLION dollars. In fact, it isn’t humanly possible. Most of that money got parked to be spent years later. This is why inflation wasn’t instant back when the COVID relief bill first released the money. A lot of that STILL has not gone into circulation.
Here are the federal Covid relief bills enacted: $3.2 trillion in 2020, $1.9 trillion in 2021
Thanks for listing the stupid expenditure of money, what is your point?
Most of the stupid expenditures were signed by Donald J. Trump.
And the rest were signed by jerkoff joe and his merry band of commie thugs. So what? Trump faced an actual(?) pandemic by the time jerkoff joe arrived on the scene the main appropriations were done he was just paying off his billionaire jerkoff donors, bundlers and fellow travelers on the Epstein express.
FJB and his jerkoff followers.
Rimjob, who fancies himself an economist, whines that it was Trump’s fault.
Thanks dumbass for showing everyone how really stupid you are.

Bwaha! Lolgf