The call was scheduled to be at 830am, before he took the weekend off, heading to Delaware at 11:55am, a trip that would include a fossil fueled helicopter than many fossil fueled SUVs
Biden hosts climate meeting amid high gas price pressure
President Joe Biden, who has recently been focused on boosting oil production to reduce rising gas costs, will turn his attention to climate change on Friday when he convenes a virtual meeting of some of the world’s biggest economies.
Among the participants will be China, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and the European Union. Also present will be Egypt, which is hosting the next United Nations summit on climate change, and the U.N. secretary general, António Guterres.
The conference is known as the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, and it began under President Barack Obama in 2009.
The White House said the meeting is a “continuation of the president’s efforts to use all levers to tackle the global climate crisis.” Senior administration officials, who were not authorized to comment publicly before the event, said Biden would use the opportunity to prod his counterparts to adopt additional efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Oh, the types of efforts that drive up the cost of gasoline and food?
Among the priorities are slashing methane leaks and getting more zero-emission vehicles on the roads.
Yet, Biden doesn’t use any himself. His massive convoy of vehicles are all fossil fueled. With a recession looming, only hardcore climate cultists care about this stuff. And the ones pushing this the hardest always seem to be the biggest hypocrites.
Separately, Politico writes this morning
President JOE BIDEN is hitting the road this summer, racking up miles on multiple stops in Europe and the Middle East — plus, presumably, the occasional sojourn to his beachfront home in Delaware.
Occasional? It’s almost every single weekend.
Fresh Demand for U.S. and E.U. to Transfer Wealth Through ‘Climate Reparations’
A call for a host of taxes on the U.S. and European nations designed to transfer wealth to economies confronting “the cost of drought, floods and superstorms made worse by rising temperatures” was renewed Wednesday at a U.N. climate conference in Germany.
If heeded, the so-called “loss and damage” demand will see prosperous, successful countries on the hook for billions of dollars for decades or even centuries to come.
No. Piss off.

Biden is right, it is a scam. It was a scam to install him in office. Then it was a scam to start the destruction of the USA in all areas without the Congress stopping it by impeaching Biden and his Admin. No one in America is in a good place except the Dems and UNIPARTY that set this up.
Biden would have preferred tge train but of course the Secret Service decides [on whst type of vehicles must be used just as when you beloved Dear Leader Trump was POTUS.
And now average monthly car payment is over 700 dollars per month. You can buy a tesla for thst much.
new refineries are like coal powered electric plants,no one will finance one knowing that in USA gasoline use is not expected yo go up because of increases in mpg and more EVs.
Lol Teach do you still remember the stink of NJ’s refers when driving I 95? I sure do
And of course the heightened cancer risk going along with it.
Louiianas petroleum chemical plants are one reason it has the 2nd highest cancer rates in the USA
Really who would want a refinery next door to their house.
Bwaha! Lolgf
When I was in school the common answer was “You can’t break even.”

Everything is Biden’s fault.
He was supposed to heal us, bring us all together, and send shivers up our legs after the Uncouth Donald Trump…
However, the tribute fell flat for many observers after president BIDEN said Susz had “dropped dead.”
We are loved all over the world now that Biden is in the White House.
Leaders in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) declined to take phone calls with President Joe Biden as the attack on Ukraine intensified. “There was some expectation of a phone call, but it didn’t happen,” a U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal regarding a call between Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. “It was part of turning on the spigot [of Saudi oil].”
Trump got Saudia Arabia and Russia to end their oil war which was driving prices into the danger zone as far as watching every corporation go belly up.
The threat to upend a 75-year strategic alliance, which has not been previously reported, was central to the U.S. pressure campaign that led to a landmark global deal to slash oil supply as demand collapsed in the coronavirus pandemic – scoring a diplomatic victory for the White House.
Trump delivered the message to the crown prince 10 days before the announcement of production cuts.
Leaders answered the phone when Donald Called. They tell the Butler they are taking a nap when Joe calls.
By the way. Saudia Arabia just threw the USA out of the Middle east by climbing in Bed with China and RUSSIA………..hip,hip, hooray for DIAPER DON BIDEN and the HUGGIE BRIGADE.
BIDEN IS A BAD NIGHTMARE. Everything of course IS HIS FAULT!! The buck stops with the president.
It will take at least a generation, and maybe more, for us to recover from the damage this POS of a man has done.
“It’s outrageous what the war in Ukraine is causing,” Biden began THEN HE GIVES UKRAINE 45 billion in aid and WEAPONS TO KEEP THE WAR GOING His keeper, Susan Rice, Obama’s inside woman who runs the white house on the sly, wants to destroy the USA, and Diaper Don Biden and his band of Huggies promptly complies while the GOP blows their MIC groomers like a rat ringing a bell for another treat.
I have found that everyone wants to be in a war who has never even been in the military.
It will take at least a generation, and maybe more, for us to recover from the damage this POS of a man has done.