The next step will certainly be a lawsuit
GOP attorneys general push back against SEC climate change disclosure initiative
Two dozen GOP attorneys general wrote to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday claiming a proposed rule would promote “policy preferences far afield of the Commission’s market-focused domain.”
“This effort reflects agency mission creep of the worst kind,” the attorneys general wrote in their letter objecting to the rule.
The SEC rule in question, known as “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,” would force publicly traded companies to disclose how climate change could threaten their businesses and their own contributions to global warming.
“The administration has tried and failed to impose regulation directly, and it now appears content to use back-door financial regulatory actions to implement its political will. But it is up to lawmakers to decide major policy questions like these, not unelected agency administrators,” the Wednesday letter added.
The attorneys general, led by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, further alleged that, if the rule was finalized, they “expect the Commission will use it as a precedent for asserting many new powers in extra-statutory ways.”
“Freed from any pretense of constraint, the Commission can work to mold the market to its will,” they also said.
The letter was signed by GOP attorneys general from states including West Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Wyoming and others.
This is backdoor legislation, which is not authorized by the duly elected Legislative Branch. And it needs to be stopped. Federal agencies need to be reigned in on their over-reach, thinking they can just do whatever the hell they want whenever they want.

The pause during lockdown created by the pandemic resulted in a 7% decrease in global emissions in 2020. The UN states that we need a decrease of 7.6% every year until 2030 to avoid climate and ecological disasters. This means we need to maintain the same decrease every year as if we were living in lockdown.
The challenge is that as we emerge from the pandemic the pressure to go back to ‘Business As Usual’ will intensify. But people don’t want to go back. Only 23%* of the UK public believe following lockdown, advertising should encourage people to consume, shop and fly like before lockdown. 77%* believe it is the industry’s responsibility to encourage people to behave more sustainably like during lockdown.
This is an entire webpage dedicated to the Great Reset. Just so you know. Biden and the left’s intransigence about more drilling, more oil, more stuff is simply working in lockstep with the worlds power brokers who want the world economic order to collapse.
You see it does not affect them and they are beyond the reach of the voting public, but they can of course make the choices for you based upon their perception of what is best for you.
Remember Build Back Better IS/WAS the slogan for the World Economic Forum. It was/is the slogan for Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau. These people are dedicating their lives to destroying the United States Economy.
Destroying your 401k, your retirement. Blackrock now owns nearly all or part of the MSM including Fox News. This is the same multitrillion-dollar corporation that is buying homes hitting the market at a staggering rate and keeping them out of your hands so that you as an individual are no longer capable of becoming a land owner. Ever. Again.
This is what they do in third-world countries. It is third-worldish.
Nov 24, 2021, · BlackRock—the owner of FOX News, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and J&J—is predicted to cross $10 trillion in managed assets by end of 2021. Take your money out of this insideous 666 corporation and put it in more responsible investments.
Commenter: BlackRock — the owner of FOX News, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and J&J
Any evidence to support this?
Not surprisingly, supply/demand also applies to the housing market. Pent up demand from the millennials is driving up home prices and rents, and interest rates are looow. One answer is to increase supply – build more houses and rental units – and that is happening.
But conspiracies abound!
Any evidence to support this?
Check out their SEC filing. Lots of evidence to show that they hold large positions in the companies I listed.
Enough of a position to tell the companies what to do and what not to do.
They own 31 million shares of Boeing
524 Million shares of Microsoft.
149 million shares of Facebook.
AS for the Communist DOWD who is all in favor of a ginormous corporation destroying the American dream. He calls this a conspiracy.
NO…EVEN the WEF announces it as part of their plan for the great reset.
If the average American is pushed out of the housing market, and most of the available housing is owned by investment groups and corporations, you become beholden to them as your landlord. This fulfills part of the Great Reset’s “new normal” dictum — the part where you will own nothing and be happy. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s part of WEF’s 2030 agenda.
Dear Elwood:
You wrote, “…..and interest rates are looow.”
Not anymore, they just passed the 5.8% mark on their weigh to 10 and above.
Inflation is a bitch and Biden is its daddy.
Facts Matter
Of course capitalists.should be regulated
Blackrock is too big
In the 1980s under Reagan the tax burden was shifted from businesses to citizens.
Trump gave a 2 trillion dollar tax break to corporations like Blackrock Did thst trickle down on you? It didn’t on me.
No Hairy.
As being very old I remember that as the biggest tax cut I ever got.
Blackrock hold minority shares of all those stocks, so they certainly do not “own” FOX, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Apple, Meta etc
By your criterion Blackrock “owns” Alphabet, Amazon, Tesla, VISA, JP Morgan, Exxon, Home Depot, Pepsi, Coke, Chevron, Disney, WalMart, Conoco, Halliburton, Raytheon, Philip Morris, McDonalds, Boeing, Duke Energy, GM and over 1,000 other companies.
So yeah, conspiracy.
It shouldn’t be news that these massive investment firms are expert at making money for themselves. They would argue that they INVEST in companies helping them to succeed. Others of us argue they are exploiting the productivity of inventors and workers and should be regulated.
It’s claimed: most of the available housing is owned by investment groups and corporations, you become beholden to them as your landlord
That’s not to ignore that investment corporations have FOUND another way to gouge money out of working folks. Note: AFTER ALL, THIS IS THEIR RAISON D’ETRE! Remember the housing bubble of 2007, Credit Default Swaps, subprime loans…
Anyway, the world is a’changin’. Parasitic investment companies such as Blackrock are not the vehicle of a”Great Reset”, but the target.
Its precious to watch DOWD defend a gigantic corporation buying up everything in site.
Its hilarious that the man who spent most of his life trash talking corporations, now defends them.
The worm has turned and the party of the Blacks, Hispanics and Minorities only has corpations on their side now as the GOP jumps that sinking ship and has become the party of the middle class.
It is so sweet to see you defending a 10 trillion dollar corporation. When Musk bought 9.3 percent of twitter, Vanguard increased their stake to 10 percent. Why do you think that is Dowd?
The Democratic party are trying to burn down America.
On July 4th of 2022 the foundation of this country will begin crumbling as everyone takes to the road, Or TRIES. And it is the 3rd largest day in America for the purchase of food.
This will be when the shortages really start piling up. As that guy EST said. The only one winning the sanctions on Russia is Russia and China cuz the rest of the world is buying shit from China and Russia without missing a beat.
The democrats work for China. They are traitorous bastards with one goal. The Demise of the USA.