This is very, very silly, and shows that elected legislators really having nothing better to do than just meddle in everything. To attempt to control everything
Canada passes bill to compel local content on streaming platforms
Canada’s lower house of the parliament passed legislation on Tuesday that would bring online streaming platforms under the stewardship of the country’s broadcast regulator and compel firms like Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify to offer more local content.
The bill, brought by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, cleared the House of Commons by 208 votes to 117, with support from the opposition New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois.
The government says the legislation would ensure that online streaming services promote Canadian music and stories and support local jobs. Critics say it was rushed to a vote and concerns raised about the bill, such as the potential impact on independent content creators, were not addressed.
The devil is in the details, so, how much is “more local content”? Services like Spotify, Pandora, iHeart Radio, give you the option to listen to just about whatever you want. If I want to listen to Rush, Triumph, April Wine, Kittie (heavy metal band), or others, I can. Would The Band be Canadian enough? How much in terms of local content is made for TV shows and movies? I have no idea with this, perhaps Canadians could answer. I’m sure they have TV shows, lots of cool shows had come from Canada, like Kids In The Hall. SCTV had lots of Canadians. A lot of TV shows are actually filmed in Canada, especially Vancouver, because it’s cheaper than making them here in the States. A lot of shows on the Syfy channel are Canadian productions.
If you subscribe to Youtube TV, I’m sure they give you the local Canadian channels, right? How much content does The Government want?
Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez, who introduced the bill in February, says the changes are meant for commercial programs streamed online and would not apply to individual Canadians.
In other words, he got a burr in his buns for some reason, and wants Government to have a lot of control over streaming services, and, if it goes to far, those services will either a) charge more, or b) stop broadcasting in Canada. Government is just very silly.

An obvious question: with a population of 38 million, only 11.5% of ours, just how much Canadian content is actually available?
Statistics show Canadians to be happier, smarter, better educated, safer, nicer and more accepting of differences than USAers. Canadians live longer than USAers. The average Canadian has more wealth than the average USAer.
There are enough talented Canadians to produce more of their own content.
Dave Foley, Margot Kidder, Graham Greene, Dwayne Johnson, Christopher Plummer, Nathan Fillion, Nev Campbell, Tom Cavanaugh, Pamela Anderson, Donald Sutherland, Mark McKinney, Paul Anka, Norm McDonald, Rick Moranis, Mike Meyers, Tommy Chong, Dave Thomas, SCTV, Robert Dolman, Martin Short, Celine Dion, Eugene Levy, Dan Akroyd, Adam Beach, Raymond Burr, Lorne Greene, Will Arnett, John Candy, Jim Carrey, Kim Cattrall, Michael Cera, Phil Hartman, Margaret Atwood, Elliot Page, James Cameron, Hume Cronyn, Michael J. Fox, Brendan Fraser, Bruce Greenwood, Ryan Gosling, Evangeline Lilly, Rachel McAdams, Howie Mandel, Eric McCormack, Sandra Oh, Kathryn O’Hara, Anna Paquin, Matthew Perry, Russel Peters, Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reynolds, Seth Rogan, William Shatner, Kiefer Sutherland, Meg Tilly, Justin Bieber, Michael Buble, Kids in the Hall, Shania Twain, Paul Shaffer, Leonard Cohen, Nelly Furtado, Drake, k.d. lang, Diana Krall, Anne Murray, Avril Lavigne, Sarah McLachlan, Alanis Morissette, Leslie Nielsen, Neil Young, Jason Reitman, Lorne Michaels, Will Sasso, Cobie Smulders
Statistics show Canadians to be happier, smarter, better educated, safer, nicer and more accepting of differences than USAers. Really? Ask their truck drivers about that.
Canadians live longer than USAers. Of course they do our life expectancy is cut short by leftist ghettos teeming with black crime.
The average Canadian has more wealth than the average USAer. That’s so much bull crap it’s laughable. You need to stop taking your stats from the communist party web site.
BTW, there is no such thing as a “USAer”. We are called Americans that’s why there’s a red line under your words.
We understand how angry and insecure people like you are. You lash out to puff up your own status.
We also understand that connies like you blame Black Americans for everything, but more whites die young from opioids than Blacks die young from “ghettos teeming with black crime” you racist fascist, you.
Correction: The median wealth of Canadian adults is much higher than the median wealth of US adults. In fact, the US is 26th in median wealth per adult. Canada is 12. This is a reflection of generational poverty and the income gap between rich and poor in the US of A. I didn’t realize there was a communist party website.
We assumed USAer would trigger connies.
Rimjob back to his copy&paste nonsense.

Besides the list you copied they all became rich and famous in the U.S.
Besides that Norm McDonald died last September, dipshit.
Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife several years ago.
Try to remain relevant, dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Remember he is delicate having lost his job and corporation due to his stupidity. Hard pill to swallow.
If your government has a “Heritage Minister”, it is too large, bloated, wasteful and intrusive.
The same goes for if your police department has a band and an honor guard.
And tsriffs!! Shouldn’t I be able to buy cheap Chinese steel if I so choose?
This sort of thing is how Bob & Doug McKenzie came about. SCTV needed to come up with a couple minutes extra content when the shows were aired in Canada, because of broadcast rules on commercial/show time. The Gov said it should be Canadian content…. So someone said, let’s just talk about beer, back bacon, and hockey for two minutes. :-)
When what you produce is such crap that you have to mandate that people watch it.
They don’t need to mandate anyone watch it, as long as they pay for it anyway. Streaming services are forced to buy it and add it to their play list… and add it to their cost of doing business passed along to paying customers monthly fees.
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It is a jobs program for Canadian owned media producers to force an audience to buy their stuff. Just like those streaming services already buy cheap content from foreign libraries, content featuring Gays and blacks that no one watches. The interesting part is that all of those streaming companies have the technology to “target” me with content that I would like, based on my viewing history, yet they “recommend” the same 10 things for me in every category that they already know I am not going to watch.
The connection here is that with government subsidies and forced buying of crap content, media producers are free to produce crap. Without government supports, the producers would have to get jobs in mining, lumbering and road repair instead of being “artists”.