See, none of this will affect him or the upper upper middle class or rich folks, just the poor and (shrinking) middle class
Joe Biden Plans to Take ‘Millions of Cars Off the Road’ to Reduce Oil Consumption
President Joe Biden on Wednesday again promoted his infrastructure dreams of taking people out of their gas-powered vehicles and putting them on trains and other forms of public transit.
“We’re investing almost $100 billion in public transit and rail, for all the studies show that it will take millions of cars off the road and significantly reduce pollution if there’s a serious transportation system available,” he said.
So, if I want to go to Wrightsville Beach, how will that work? Take a bus? It takes me a bit over 2 hours to get their in my car. There’s no train going down I-40, and there’s still a bunch of road to get from Wilmington to Wrightsville. I can take Amtrak to NJ (and, I may do that for Christmas, if air flight costs skyrocket), still requires I get picked up for a just over 1 hour trip to the parents house.
The president spoke about public transit during his speech on high gas prices Wednesday, promoting it as a potential solution.
Biden frequently talks about trains, since he has a deep love for them after traveling aboard the Amtrak commuter train to Delaware. (snip)
During the event, he admitted he was envious of China’s high-speed trains and wanted more of them in America.
“If you can get in a train and go from here to Washington much faster than you can go in an automobile, you take a train,” he said.
A train from Raleigh to Trenton takes well over 10 hours. Even if I hit stupid traffic in northern Va and up to Baltimore, still takes me, at most, 9 hours. And how often does he take the train now? What’s the over/under he takes a fossil fueled helicopter flight to Delaware Friday?
All this for a scam issue.

The goal is not to move people from private vehicles to public transportation. The goal is to end private travel completely.
You Kulaks don’t to be traveling, period.
We live in rural Alaska. Will the Administration be setting up a commuter train from our front door to the grocery store, 30 miles away?
OMG !! This is so frightening
Worse than when Target went to your gender identity use policy 5 years ago.
Teach there are 276 million cars registered in the USA
How many millions would he have to remove for it to be a problem for you?
Biden always used to commute from DC to his home by Amtrak The Secret Service will not allow that.
Neither will they allow any POTUS to choose the type of car he travels in.
Yes it is all so true Sleepy Joe is FORCING the oil companies to make obscene profits in order to……. force them out of business.
Why would the oil industry want to build more refineries? From their perspective things have NEVER been better. Profits are always high during shortages. Capitalism loves profits. The accumulation and concentration if capital is what it is all about.
Sleepy Joe is already a lame duck POTUS because of his age.
Wrightsville Beach??? Don’t try to pretend you going there happens frequently. Realky when was the last time you surfed?
You fear is that Sleepy Joe is going to stop you from going to Wrightsville?. Teach how old will you bed when his fiendish plan is completed ? 60? 65? Doesn’t Wrightsville have a geezer age limit for speedo wearers?
Johnny-what about the profits at Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Meta Platforms, Amazon and Bank of America, all who have higher profits than Exxon? Aren’t they “obscene profits”, too? Or are you just a hypocrite? Why should millions of cars be forced off the roads? Do you have any evidence that they should be? Of course you don’t…
Don’t forget the millions going to the Hollywood bunch and sports.
Having ridden some of the high speed trains in China, I’m not envious. While they might work with some authoritarian lefties, I don’t think they would go over big in the USA. A line stop takes 3 or 4 minutes from 200+ Kph and if you don’t make it on or off, tough. Not to mention that they are expensive, locals usually take the slow train. It was pleasant and scenic, generally a bit better than a chicom airline ride, rather like a basic economy airline in the free world.

Passenger rail is a 19th century technology being touted by hucksters and shysters as modern and efficient. The infrastructure is expensive and requires substantial maintenance. Ever notice how well some places ‘maintain’ their roads? The design and construction is good money for gummint contractors and thusly, politicians get lots of kick back contributions from them. Show us one passenger rail system that is built and operates without massive cost over runs subsidies. Freight rail makes a profit since bulk commodities they move best aren’t particularly time sensitive and don’t complain. Safety, time, comfort, cost, and convenience are things people desire and consider.
Our very gracious host wrote:
My darling bride — of 43 years, 1 month and 4 days — and her family used to go to Wrightsville Beach when she was a little kid. When she was four or six or something like that, she lost her toy bucket somewhere on Wrightsville Beach, and has never gotten over it, so, next time you’re down there, please, look for it.
We prefer Kure Beach or Carolina Beach, a bit less crowded and less commercialized than Wrightsville. We were also at Oak Island Beach in May, after having dropped SSG Pico at the Knightdale Army Reserve Center as she was getting ready to deploy to the sandbox. Oak Island is nice.
When we lived in Virginia, last century, we’d take frequent trips to the Outer Banks, primarily Pea Island but a few times down to Okracoke.
Our distinguished host quoted:
This assumes that Americans want trains and other forms of public transportation. But Americans have created a society and lifestyle to which the personal car is central: it’s door-to-door from home to work, from home to the grocery store, and from home to friends’ homes. How many people want to leave their homes early, in all kinds of weather, to walk a quarter mile to the bus stop, to wait for their ride to the bus stop closest to where they work, which might be half a mile away?
The New York City subway system works, because the public streets are so f(ornicating) crowded, but primarily because the public are used to it. In a densely crowded city like that, it can work, but once you start to get outside the cities, public transportation begins to fail.
Yes, the NYC subway is one of the very few that regularly carries a significant number of passengers. It does ‘work’, still, it loses lots of money and has other significant issues. I haven’t ridden it in years, it was rather like a movie scene the last time we did. NY is x*#x*! to drive in, tried it, no thanks.

You brought up the Outer Banks, one of my favorite places in the world.
The Washington Metro carries a fair number of passengers as well, but unlike NYC, they charge by the length of travel, and can get a bit pricey. The Metro was still expanding, heading out to the airport last time I was there, but that part is above ground.
The DC Metro does carry a lot of passengers, particularly peak periods and tourists. When we rode it, it was fresh and a pretty good ride. The distance pricing can be a pain, but so is parking in DC. From what I’m reading, the Metro is suffering from deferred maintenance, typical for big cities. Haven’t been to DC in several years.

A good general source of information on planning, public transit, and similar is a Blog called ‘The Antiplanner’ operated by a gentleman named Randall O’Toole. He has cred, and now semi-retired, maintains the site part time as he finds material. Archives as well.
And if 100 people refuse to park theirs? Think a local police department can force them?
The Mad Celt wrote:
100 people? Yup, a local police department can force them. It’s when it gets to 10,000,000 or 100,000,000 that the problem arises.
Actually, it’s sort of amusing to play “let’s take the train” games. I’m in Montana and have actually taken trains across multiple states. Our local station once saw twelve passenger trains daily. Of course that has as much relevance today as the fact that Buffalo Bill and Calamity Jane regularly used the station.
Say I wanted to travel from here to Salt Lake City, roughly an 8-9 hour drive, but I wanted to take the train. The closest train station is a four hour drive in the opposite direction, or 13 hours from SLC. I hop on the train at 3:04 in the afternoon and arrive is SLC 60 hours later at 3:05 in the morning, having changed trains in both Portland and Sacramento.
You’ll notice that driving to and from the train station in Havre, Montana takes as long as driving to SLC directly.
Sign me up.