And you know that “a step forward” means “we get this through, then something else, then something else, and pretty soon we have made it really, really difficult for law abiding citizen to own and carry firearms”
Liberal gun control groups back bipartisan Senate bill despite modest provisions
The bipartisan gun bill on track to pass the Senate before the July 4 recess doesn’t go nearly as far as many liberal gun control groups would like, but they’re supporting it anyway, saying it’s an important step to reduce shootings.
“This package is not perfect. It doesn’t go as far as we would like. But it is an incredibly meaningful step forward,” Christian Heyne, Brady United vice president for policy, said in an interview with Fox News Digital. “A month ago, I would have said that a package like this would have been impossible.”
“We know that this bill is going to save lives” said Robin Lloyd, managing director of Giffords, another gun control group. She told Fox News Digital the bill is a “historic moment in bipartisan cooperation on the issue of gun safety.”
Of course, it mostly fails to address the reality that most shootings are committed by people not lawfully allowed to have a gun. Again, I do agree with the section on being able to look at the juvenile criminal records of the young folks, especially those who just turned 18, to see if there is a reason to deny a permit.
Lloyd lauded the $750 million in federal funding proposed for red flag laws. That money can also be used for other types of interventions aimed at the same goal, including drug courts and mental health courts.
Huh what? Sounds like it’s pretty much going to be wide open usage, rather than targeted.
“This bipartisan legislation meets the most important test: It will save lives,” Everytown for Gun Safety President John Feinblatt said. “The bill text lives up to the framework released last week, and we now move one big step closer to breaking the 26-year logjam that has blocked congressional action to protect Americans from gun violence.”
“Our grassroots army has been demanding action from the Senate for nearly a decade, and today we’re one step closer to making history and ultimately saving lives,” Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts added.
Question: how many lives? Can they quantify this? Because there needs to be a measurement of success, not just throwing out a big bill for the hell of it that won’t make much of a difference but will interfere with the Constitutional Right of law abiding citizens.
Because a plurality of those polled think the red flag laws will be abused
Poll: Most Independents, Republicans Believe Red Flag Laws Would Be Abused by the Government
Most independent and Republican voters believe that the government would ultimately abuse “red flag” laws, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Wednesday found.
The survey asked, “Do you believe that the ‘red flag’ gun control laws designed to temporarily take guns away from individuals has the potential to be abused by local authorities and government officials to disarm their political opponents and/or citizens who disagree with them?”
Overall, a plurality of voters, 46.7 percent, believe that “red flag” gun control laws, which essentially allow for a petition to temporarily remove firearms from a person of interest, could be abused. Another 22.5 percent are unsure, and 30.8 percent do not believe it could be abused.
72.2% of Republicans believe red flag laws will be abused. 52.2% of Independents see the possibility of abuse, and another 24.3% are unsure. They won’t be when it starts happening. Obviously, Democrat belief of abuse is low, 16.4%, because they want the red flag laws snagging guns away from citizens with no due process. Right now, only 19 states have red flag laws, and they’re all reliably Democrat except Virginia, which is more purple
(Newsweek) According to data from Everytown for Gun Safety, as of April of 2021, at least 19 states and Washington, D.C. had “red flag” gun laws. The states are: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.
How many of the remaining 31 will pass them? Certainly, almost none of the states Trump won in 2020 will pass one. The Democrat gov of NC might try, but, not with the GOP in control of the General Assembly. Even though Biden won (sic) Georgia and Arizona, little chance. Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania? Very doubtful. The only ones with a decent possibility are New Hampshire and Maine. No others will do it, because there are laws on the books that provide constitutional due process, required by the federal and state constitutions. They may, and they should, update the laws to encompass domestic abusers and those who make serious threats in full.
And when none of this really works, the liberal gun grabbing groups will demand more laws at the federal level. Heck, they probably won’t wait to see if the law makes a difference. Look, more evidence
Senator Amy Klobuchar responded, “We have worked on this for decades. And after Parkland, I sat across from Donald Trump at the White House, along with a number of senators, he said he was going to do something about background checks. I still have the piece of paper, eight times, nine times, he said it…nothing happened. After Sandy Hook, nothing happened. And when you talk to the families who have been working on this for so long, they understand how difficult this has been, how disappointing this has been. So, to start with something that’s going to save lives, even if a particular provision wouldn’t have saved their own babies’ lives, that is an act of love and generosity of spirit that you hear from the families of those that have lost loved ones. That’s why we’re moving ahead. And I think it actually paves the way in the future to look at some of these other provisions. But if you do nothing and you just go home, then we’ve got nothing. And that’s why it’s so important to pass this bill on a bipartisan basis.”
Yeah, the bill is a gateway bill.

The Supremes just ruled 6-3 in favor of the Constitution on the pending New York 2nd Amendment case.

As this ‘gateway bill’ works it’s way through, hopefully failing miserably, there appears to be a glimmer of hope for sanity and the rule of law.
The $750 mil for the unconstitutional taking of a person’s property is probably funding for the inevitable challenges.
As usual when the left starts sucking the blood out of the former republic now kakocracy mostly the lawyers make money.
You know those “red flag” laws will be abused. If they must do it, they need to put some serious safeguards on it. Like the guns must be inventoried and stored by a bonded storage company, not associated with the police or government. The complainent should have to post a bond, which is forfeited if the charge proves false.
Ideally, the Supremes will toss the whole thing.