Back during the Bush years, the Triangle area leaders were looking to build a light rail system that would run from the east side of Raleigh way up Capital Blvd, down through downtown, over to Cary, then up deep into Durham. That was killed off, primarily because they realized how few would actually ride it. And now
Proposed 43-mile commuter line from Durham would cost up to $3.2 billion, GoTriangle leaders say
GoTriangle leaders told WRAL News on Thursday that they are considering a new proposal for a 43-mile commuter rail line, to run from Durham to either Garner or Clayton, with a cost of between $2.8 billion and $3.2 billion.
The first step, a two-year feasibility study, would cost $9 million, according to the plan.
“There is a need to have a strong transit service in the Triangle region to supplement the roads we have, because congestion is just going to grow,” said GoTriangle CEO Chuck Lattuca.
Whoa, whoa, what’s that about $9 million for a study? Really? This is how government pisses away taxpayer money. Should a study really cost $9 million? What makes it cost that? What do they need to know that costs $9 million? How is that possible? It’s pretty simple: what’s the route, what types of cars are to be used, how many are needed, how often it would run, where are the stops, and, oh, yeah, how many people will actually take it? And don’t forget, how much money will it lose annually? Still shouldn’t cost $9 million. Durham could do a lot with that money, especially with skyrocketing crime, and having always been a dangerous city
The new proposal for commuter rail comes after the failed Durham-Orange Light Rail project cost taxpayers $157 million. Lattuca said if surrounding communities approve the new proposed commuter line, the project would have more stringent oversight compared to the failed line.
We’re supposed to trust them with the money? I really do not care if the leftist lunatics in Durham County want to piss away their taxpayer money. I do care if this affects Wake County, which is where Garner is. Clayton is just south of that in Johnson County. I live in Wake. The route would run through Wake, meaning my taxes could be affected.
The proposal does not include plans for rail service to Raleigh-Durham International Airport, despite the popularity of such connections in other cities. There are plans for a bus connection to RDU.
Well, that’s a massive fail. If it had any speed, I’d consider it rather than parking at the airport.
GoTriangle estimates 10,000 to 18,000 people would ride a commuter rail each day, depending on the cost of service.
OK, they already have an estimate, which is a pretty wide one. In reality, you’d probably cut the daily riders by half. Unless it bring people close to their jobs, particularly in the Research Triangle Park, people would ignore it.
If communities approve the project, the full service could be up and running by 2033 to 2035. The shorter starter service from Raleigh to Garner could start a few years sooner.
A good plan which would make it easy for people to travel would be great. You know we won’t get it, and it is not easy, because things are really, really spread out because of the way Southern cities grow out from the center and mix land use between housing, shopping, and so forth.

Our esteemed host wrote:
Well, at least the voters rejected super woke Damon Chetson in the Democratic primary for Wake County District Attorney, but is Lorrin Freeman really tough enough?
It needs to be close to people’s homes as well: who wants to walk a mile or so to the train station, in all sorts of Southern weather, from their homes? It’s supposed to get to 89º F in Raleigh today.
Study after study show that busses on existing roads are a far more efficient, economical, and flexible way to move more passengers than by any sort of rail. But Lefties have their fetishes with rail and never cared about how much other people’s money they spend to get it.
You took the words off my keyboard. Bus transit is the answer for these situations, rail NEVER is. Buses are far more flexible in scheduling and routing as well as being able actually to move more people than rail in urban/suburban situations. Not to mention cheaper. Of course, there are no fat contracts for planners, consultants, engineers, and rail contractors that come with fat contributions for politicians.

Rail transit is a scam.