I have an idea for this
Students Ask Greenwich Selectmen To Declare Climate Change Emergency
GREENWICH, CT — In an effort to demand action on climate change both locally and at the state level, a group of residents went before the Greenwich Board of Selectmen this week to ask the town to adopt a resolution that would declare a climate change emergency.
Brought forth by the Greenwich Environmental Advocacy Group, the declaration would provide a foundation for the town to develop future priorities, policies, plans, budgets and actions related to climate change.
Looks like an astroturfed group backed by big money
The resolution calls for the town and department heads, committees and commissions to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and “advocate for coordinated climate action at the municipal, regional, state and federal levels to restore a safe and sustainable climate for all living beings on earth.”
The board did not vote on the resolution since this was a first-read of the agenda item. They are expected to circle back in two weeks.
Isabelle Harper, a graduating senior at Greenwich High School, presented the item to the selectmen.
“In the coming decades, scientists have predicted increasingly destructive models of how the global climate is going to change if we continue with the status quo,” Harper said. “This future is a scary future for people my age, and that is why we need to fight for our lives to stop suffocating ourselves from our own pollution. This is an emergency for us; our entire generation’s future hangs in the balance of decisions like this one we’re asking you to make.”
The kiddies have been indoctrinated into the doomy Cult of Climastrology. The board should determine that those calling for action should be the first to practice it. No more fossil fueled school buses. No driving their own fossil fueled vehicles to school. No fossil fueled vehicles dropping the kiddies off will be allowed anywhere close to schools. No meat allowed at school. No charging smartphones at school, because that uses electricity. No AC at school, and heat shall be kept no higher than 65. That would be a good start, see how the kids like it.
A draft of the resolution can be found on the town website.
It starts on page 41, and is just very silly.

Probably a lot of electric users will opt for green power from renewables. It used to cost about an extra 30 cents per day but since fossil fuel costs have skyrocketed that may have changed
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