June 27, 2022 – 7:15 am
It’s always so nice when people who took long fossil fueled travel, quite often on private jets, then in fossil fueled limos, staying in expensive hotels, eating high end food, tells the peons how they can live Commonwealth ends summit with call for action on climate change, trade The newly-expanded Commonwealth made broad commitments on […]
June 27, 2022 – 7:00 am
Abortion supporters are still just not taking the loss well. Instead of coming out with rational, reasonable argument, they just want to through out Hot Takes, like AOC on Meet the Press: "What I believe that the president and the Democratic Party needs to come to terms with is that this is not just a […]
June 26, 2022 – 6:31 pm
I’m pretty sure that the people of Ukraine have actual real world worries, but, to the climate cultists at places like the NY Times that’s secondary to dealing with the climate scam Ukraine War’s Latest Victim? The Fight Against Climate Change. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine seemed like an unexpected opportunity for environmentalists, who had struggled […]
June 26, 2022 – 1:00 pm
…is the colors of rising carbon pollution temperatures, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on day 2 dawning on post-Roe America. It’s fishing week.
June 26, 2022 – 9:48 am
Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Roe is gone. This pinup is by Baron Von Lind, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 IOTW Report notes D.C. declared worst run […]
June 26, 2022 – 7:00 am
This is the same Vatican led by a Pope who seems more concerned with climate crisis (scam) than most other things, and seems to want to avoid pushing pro-life. First it was, in relationship to denying Nancy Pelosi communion (Newsweek) However, Pope Francis, who is head of the Catholic Church, has previously urged bishops to tread […]
June 25, 2022 – 1:00 pm
…is the need to live in tall buildings due to carbon pollution driven sea rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on the massacre at Woke Netflix. Double shot to clear the folder below the fold, check out Gen Z Conservative, with a post […]
June 25, 2022 – 10:30 am
I have an idea for this Students Ask Greenwich Selectmen To Declare Climate Change Emergency GREENWICH, CT — In an effort to demand action on climate change both locally and at the state level, a group of residents went before the Greenwich Board of Selectmen this week to ask the town to adopt a resolution […]
June 25, 2022 – 10:30 am
Again, the primary cause of all the economic trouble is China fooling around with coronaviruses, with an assist from Fauci and the NIH. Then, along come Joe Biden, who’s not only done little to mitigate the economic issues, but, worked to damage certain areas of the economy Consumer sentiment falls to record low in June […]
June 25, 2022 – 7:15 am
They should have asked me. It would start with requiring all state government operations to stop using fossil fuels. For the first year this would apply to all elected state officials, their staffs, and appointed positions. And they cannot turn the heat up higher than 65 or the AC below 82. After that, we’ll start […]