It’s just another in a long line of deluded hot takes
Biden pledges climate action despite ‘devastating’ Supreme Court ruling
President Biden on Thursday pledged to carry on with climate action despite a Supreme Court ruling that restricted how his administration can respond to worsening global warming.
The president called the ruling curbing the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) power “devastating” but said his administration would continue to look for ways to mitigate global warming.
“The Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia vs. EPA is another devastating decision that aims to take our country backwards,” he said in a statement.
“While this decision risks damaging our nation’s ability to keep our air clean and combat climate change, I will not relent in using my lawful authorities to protect public health and tackle the climate crisis,” he added.
Biden said the administration will keep using “lawful executive authority including the EPA’s legally-upheld authorities” to promote clean air and prevent climate change from worsening.
And he will continue to see many of these knocked down by the courts, including the Supreme Court, because Congress did not specifically delegate the authority to create big rules/regulations, which is what the WV vs EPA ruling is about. You want this? Try and convince Congress to pass legislation. Better yet, start yourself. No more fossil fueled trips. He just got back from Europe yesterday and now is going to fly to Camp David. Most of the big wigs pushing this stuff the hardest are the biggest hypocrites
EPA Administrator Michael Regan similarly said in a statement Thursday that he was “committed to using the full scope of EPA’s authorities to protect communities and reduce the pollution that is driving climate change.”
You can blame a lot of this on Congress, for failing to write specific, targeted, detailed legislation, which gives the Executive Branch way too much leeway to do as they will. Democrat and Republican legislation. Stop giving this latitude.
Justice Kagan warns parts of East Coast could be 'swallowed by the ocean' in dissent in EPA case
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 30, 2022
Nation of Law, not Nation of Men. Dumbest justice on the court.

For some reason Kagan won’t tell us which parts of the East Coast could be “swallowed up”.

Bwaha! Lolgf
[…] Pirates Cove has his legendary Sunday Sorta Blogless Pin Up post. AND also President Mumbles Climate Scamming Scam […]
Teach: Dumbest justice on the court.
LOL. Not while Bret “LePetomane” Kavanaugh is around.
Oh, my-a Supreme Court Justice said that? Dumber than I thought. Wonder what she bases her opinion on? SCOTUS says the EPA is over-stepping it’s bounds, so the next logical conclusion is “parts of the East coast ‘could’ be swallowed by the ocean!”. It’s gonna happen that quick, folks-forget the half inch or inch per decade or whatever it’s been for the last 20,000 years, it’ll all be over with one swallow…
While I’m not going to question the justice’s intellect, one only needs to look at the moron that appointed her.

That the East coast will be swallowed up by the ocean is not a fact, based on law.
Supreme court justices are meant to interpret the law not speculate on scientific or societal issues.
The very fact Kagan made such an outlandish statement not based on LAW shows just how partisan she is. Secondly, she is a coward for pandering to those who would march on her house and harass her family over interpreting the law.
The SCOTUS continues to shoot down OBAMA and BIDEN and EVEN SOME TRUMPIAN POLICY because it is not the president’s duty to LEGISLATE. That is what SCOTUS CONTINUES TO TELL THE DEMOCRATS RIGHT NOW IN CASES THEY ARE LOSING>
MAKE A LAW….let the House and Senate Pass a Law regulating CO2 emissions and then TASK THE EPA with doing what it is intended to do………….BE the ENFORCER OF THE LAW PASSED CONSTITUTIONALLY BY CONGRESS.
unfortunately for the left, they got so used to winning with a packed leftist court for nearly 100 years that now that it is no longer aligned with the flawed living document philosophy they cannot cope with losing.
Too bad. Get a life. Roll up your sleeves and build bigger warehouses to fill out more ballots and stuff more boxes. We all know that the Democrats cheat to win elections and KEEP BLACK PEOPLE STUFFED IN GHETTOS. WE know that Hispanics already here in the USA are opposed to open borders but the LEFT JUST KEEPS THE SPIGOT OPEN because they have lost those Hispanics already here so they need millions of more illegals to shove on the PLANTATION until those too see the light and flee the shackles of slavery the LEFT offers in turn for a vote.
Anyone who actually believes the 2020 election was “stolen” will believe anything.
Dear Elwood:
If it walks like a duck….swims like a duck…..quacks like a duck….
It’s a duck.
Mr. Lewis,
Ducks are real. We can see and hear them. It’s a fact that ducks exist.
The “stolen election” is a tale, a fantasy, a lie, created as the basis to overturn the legitimate election of 2020.
If one actually believes the 2020 election was “stolen”, one will believe anything.
The burden of proof is on those who claim the elections weren’t stolen. If you want election results to be honored, you need to show the process wasn’t tampered with. None of you have done that, and the evidence for widespread fraud keeps growing.
This issue isn’t going away, as much as you would like it to. It isn’t going away just because you incels keep repeating the “big lie” that they weren’t. Sucks to be you, because acting like Goebbels isn’t going to work for you this time.
joe anon: The burden of proof is on those who claim the elections weren’t stolen.
So outrageous claims do not need to be supported, but must be refuted with evidence. Interesting.
The burden of proof is on joe anon to prove he’s never sucked a dick.
joe anon,
Please prove that Don tRump Sr has NEVER raped a girl or woman.
Oh my! Rimjob in a tizzy. Must be his way of celebrating July 4th.
The burden is on you to prove that you didn’t serially assrape your prepubescent grandson.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Cumbreath must prove he has NOT fellated dogs.
Rather than prosecutors having to prove a defendant “did it”, should American courts force defendants to prove they “didn’t do it”? That would change things wouldn’t it? Would cocksucking bags of shit like DonJon tRump abuse that power, LOL?
And the twat continues to revel in her lack of legal knowledge.
Bwaha! Lolgf
There are no qualifications to be a Supreme Court justice!! The Constitution is mute.
Justice Kagan graduated from Harvard Law, clerked for Supreme Court justices, is a former US Solicitor General, law professor and former Dean of Harvard Law. She was nominated by President Obama and was confirmed by a 63-37 Senate vote.
Clarence Thomas and Amy Barrett are less qualified than Justice Kagan.
Rimjob: There are no qualifications to be a Supreme Court justice!
And Elena Kagan certainly proves that.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Have any other Supreme Court justices never been judges before their appointment to the Court?
Chief Justices
John Jay
John Marshall
Salmon Chase
Earl Warren
William Rehnquist
+ 4 more
Assoc Justices
Felix Frankfurter
William Douglas
Lewis Powell
Byron White
Louis Brandeis
Elena Kagan
+ 24 more
Justice Clarence Thomas, often included in the “Five Worst Supreme Court Justices” with Taney and Field, WAS a judge before he was confirmed.
Another weak response from Rimjob.

But aren’t they all?
He tries so hard but fails miserably.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf

Part of the east coast is swallowed by the ocean and disappears twice a day. It’s called the tides.
But that isn’t what she was talking about, proving that she is a gullible fool using her irrational fears to interpret and rationalize bad law. That is not what SCOTUS justices are supposed to do.
Justice Clarence Thomas suggested that the right to mixed-“race” marriage, same-sex marriage, unapproved sexual activities and contraception should be reexamined. His wife Ginni took part in a coup attempt. That is not what SCOTUS justices are supposed to do.
Justice Kagan mentioned that the seas are rising, which is true.