The original death merchant judge had to know his BS ruling would crash quickly
Texas can enforce 1925 abortion ban, state Supreme Court says
Texas can enforce its abortion ban from 1925, the state Supreme Court ruled late Friday evening, a decision that exposes abortion providers to lawsuits and financial penalties if they continue to perform the procedure.
The court overruled a district judge in Houston, who on Tuesday had temporarily blocked the state’s old abortion law from going into effect. That law made performing an abortion, by any method, punishable by two to 10 years in prison.
Friday’s decision does not permit prosecutors to bring criminal cases against abortion providers, but it exposes anyone who assists in the procurement of an abortion to fines and lawsuits.
The federal Supreme Court on June 24 overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 case that asserted that access to abortion is protected under the constitution. The Texas Legislature last year passed a “trigger law” that would automatically ban abortion from the moment of fertilization 30 days after a judgment from the Supreme Court, which typically comes about a month after the initial opinion.
The death merchants will try anything to continue to kill the unborn, instead of recommending that people use contraception and have responsible sex
Abortion rights groups filed a lawsuit Monday in hopes of extending the period the procedure remains legal in Texas. They argued the 1925 ban was effectively repealed when the Supreme Court rendered its decision in Roe v. Wade, and thus cannot be enforced now.
“These laws are confusing, unnecessary, and cruel,” Marc Hearron, Senior Counsel at the Center for Reproductive Rights, which is not part of the lawsuit, said in a statement. “Texas’s trigger ban is not scheduled to take effect for another two months, if not longer. This law from nearly one hundred years ago is banning essential health care prematurely, despite clearly being long repealed.”
Since the Legislature never repealed its pre-Roe statute banning abortion, however, some conservative lawmakers and legal scholars argued abortion again became illegal in Texas the moment the Supreme Court announced its ruling.
These insane people thinking killing a fetus is health care. Not for the fetus. And almost 90% of abortions are elective, because people are irresponsible.
A hearing is scheduled on July 12 to decide on a more permanent restraining order. The case will eventually be heard on its merits, though effectively the trigger law set to take effect in about two months will ensure abortion is banned in Texas regardless of whether the 1925 law is enforced.
So, it doesn’t matter, but, you know the death merchants will judge shop to find one to end the trigger law, then they’ll lose at the Texas Supreme Court, then they’ll try to file in federal court, and eventually be smacked down because the Supreme Court ruled.

Abortion is NOT healthcare. It is Murder
Abortion is not Murder, or even murder, which is the killing of a person.
Would you deny an early term abortion for a 10 year old rape victim?
Would killing the embryo she carries be murder? First degree, since it’s certainly intentional.
Is the embryo in her uterus more important than the little girl’s life?
Do your fucking job Garland.

Bwaha! Lolgf
States have rights. This should be left up to the states. It’s clear the law is unConstitutional (see First Amendment). Should the Supreme Court be able to decide if members of the Supreme Court get special privileges?
Maybe Rimjob can point to where the law has been adjudicated as unconstitutional.

Go ahead. Please show everyone your incredible ignorance.
Bwaha! Lolgf
One key word is peaceful assembly. The people around the judges homes are anything but. You have gone on about types of speech, we have educated you on this subject over the years, surly you can not have forgotten your lesions.
As the people on January 6, 2021, peaceably assembled to petition the government for a redress of grievances. They might have gotten a bit carried away, but that’s all.
Yes, quite peaceful except for the broken doors, windows and attacks on Capitol police.
Raise your hand if you think Rimjob is a hypocrite.

Bwaha! Lolgf
He is so dumb he is not even a good troll.
porter david,
Maybe I’m just surly because I forgot my lesions.
Why won’t the media ask of all Texas men have their vasectomies? That will cut the actual abortion rate rather than hiding them under a ban.
Hello, mifepristone and misoprostol. Also, Texas women are flocking to New Mexico for abortions. You haven’t stopped abortions, you’ve just moved them.
So states can regulate some rights but not others.
Why won’t the media ask if all Texas men have their vasectomies and for that matter why aren’t they asking why all women aren’t sterilized? How about just he women who have abortions get sterilized? Why not just make murder legal instead of hiding all the murders under a ban?
Seems New Mexico had to add several new bus and train schedules to accommodate all those women just flocking to get abortions. Thousands of them, no millions!
Your brilliant statement about just moving but not stopping abortions shows the same short sighted , narrow minded contempt for the will of the people as does you following stupid statement about regulating some rights but not others. You really, really hate it when people voice their will in democratic ways instead of blindly obeying your fascist dictates and personal demands about how they should vote.
Why don’t fools like you just move to N. Korea where the laws and atmosphere are much more to your liking instead of inflicting your personal hate for freedom on us here?
“The people” are pro-choice. If you think this attack on rights is going to go down easily, you are wrong. The system had evolved to where the abortion rate was plummeting. Late term abortions, except to save the mother, or to remove a dead or dying fetus, are almost non-existent.
Murder is the killing of a person without justification or excuse. Zygotes, embryos and fetuses are not considered persons in the US.
No one is forcing women to have abortions but conservatives ARE forcing women to give birth. Conservatives support rights for zygotes but not women (or ten year old Ohio girls).
A Texas woman who desperately wanted a baby, after miscarrying 3 times and surviving cervical cancer again conceived and had a scan at 16 weeks gestation…
Based on Texas law she could not safely obtain an abortion in her home state.
What do you feel Ms DeSpain should have done? Please read her story in her own words… it’s heartbreaking and unfair. Please do not contact her to call her a murderer or monster… she has suffered enough.
These draconian laws are causing real problems for real American women.
Under Roe v Wade, almost all abortions were performed by 12 weeks gestation; with half by taking mifepristone and misoprostol pills at home.
Mx Teach and other misogynists mock women for getting pregnant, implying they are harlots, whores and jezebels for having sexual relations, ignorant of the fact that ALL forms of contraception have failure rates. While understanding that Mx Teach is unmarried and as a good conservative Christian does not have sexual relations, is he vasectomized just in case he runs across a devilish jezebel who bedazzles him? Better safe than daddy.
But why are you still so angry? You, tRump, states’ rights and the SCROTUS won!! You are saving hundreds of thousands of “babies” every year, aren’t you? So why so angry? Is it because the right-wing fascist takeover of the US is not yet complete?
The observation that forced-births in individual states means many, many women will find a nearby state for abortions is just a fact. Sorry if that makes you even more angry. Perhaps if wingers take the House, Senate and WH by 2024 you guys can ban ALL abortions, period. What other freedoms are on your radar? Same-sex marriage? Mixed-race marriage? Extramarital sex? Contraception?
We understand that many American conservatives have deep emotional responses to the abortion issue, being the raison d’etre of the winger movement for decades.
You will need to transfer your preternatural anger and hatred to a new issue, like CRT, LGBTQs, gun grabbers etc. Teach will let you know. There is a winger push to monitor what underpaid public school teachers say in class. It will be hard to control what everyone does or says, though.