Once again, climate action loses in court when the powers that be attempt to jam it through improperly
Judge blocks Wolf’s Admin’s play to fight climate change
A state judge has entered an injunction that will block Gov. Tom Wolf’s second-term crusade to ramp up Pennsylvania’s role in the worldwide struggle against climate change.
Commonwealth Court Judge Michael Wojcik’s ruling prevents, for now, the state from entering the multi-state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The policy was to take effect this month.
Environmental groups decried the ruling, and Gov. Wolf’s spokeswoman, Elizabeth Rementer, said the Department of Environmental Protection will appeal Wojcik’s decision to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
“While only temporary, the court’s decision is yet another roadblock and stalling tactic from RGGI opponents,” said Jessica O’Neill, lead attorney for PennFuture, Clean Air Council, Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resources Defense Council. “The impact that RGGI will have on the health, safety and welfare of our members, our climate and our environment cannot be overstated. Simply put, RGGI will save lives, create jobs and lower Pennsylvania’s carbon footprint at a time when we need it most.
Was joining RGGI authorized by the duly elected Pennsylvania general assembly?
“The court made the right choice today in pausing implementation of RGGI,” said Sen. Gene Yaw, R-Lycoming County, “and I am optimistic that we will succeed on the merits of the case. We need to pursue climate solutions that encourage collaboration with our energy sector, not regressive and unconstitutional taxes meant to destroy it and leave us reliant on foreign oil and gas for decades to come.” (snip)
In Pennsylvania, the Legislature’s Republican majorities and coal producers have strenuously battled Wolf’s plan, arguing that the price of the credits is in actuality a tax because it will raise end-of-line electricity costs, which the state’s Constitution says can only be levied with legislative approval. It also amounts to an agreement with other states.
“These kinds of course-setting decisions are reserved for the Legislature,” the state Senate’s attorneys argued this spring, calling for the administration’s push to be halted.
And in Pennsylvania, it is also clear, the plan will not pass the Republican-led House and Senate at this time.
Warmists, though, do not care about the law, or the Constitution of Pennsylvania. They want to jam their beliefs on Everyone Else, while refusing to live the life. Kinda like how all the big shots in the Chinese and Russian communist parties advocated for equality and workers rights and stuff, then killed tens of millions, brutalized and stuck tens of millions more, impoverished them, etc, all while living high on the hog.

Sadly, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is controlled by Democrats, so . . . .
Fortunately, judges are apolitical, e.g., Supreme Court.
BTW, Commonwealth Court Judge Michael Wojcik is a Democrat.
Democratic judges rule on the law, not their political “feelings”, e.g., see Supreme Court.
That’s what they (NGOs) always claim but have yet to prove any of it.

Bwaha! Lolgf
If the “Greens” gave a damn, they’d be pushing for China & India to stop building coal-fired electrical generation facilities instead of just trying to destroy Western economies. Fuel is survival as Russia taught Europe by invading the Ukraine to get control of the gas, oil, and coal resources that would defeat the Russian stranglehold on EU fuel. Russia plans to be a parasite on European creativity and industry while they fend off Chinese claims on Siberia.
Russia plans to dominate Europe through their monopoly on fuel. The Bidens are helping in order to get their slice of the grift. The Bidens and other Democrats blocked the EastMed gas line from Israel to Europe and are slow walking munitions and weapons promised to the Ukraine. The “Elite” must be getting a nice cut from fuel sales from Russia after they maimed US fuel production. Every dollar at the fuel pump is more profit to the Democrats.