It’s actually surprising, I would have thought it would be cost
Electric car survey finds this as the biggest reason preventing people from buying them
A survey of U.S. adults has found that the logistics of where and when they would be able to charge an electric car is the largest barrier preventing them from owning such vehicles.
The revelation emerged in a recent poll of around 8,000 people conducted by Consumer Reports, in which a combined 36% said they would “definitely” or “seriously consider” choosing an electric-only vehicle as their next auto purchase.
When asked about the top concerns preventing them from making the jump from gas to electric, 61% cited charging logistics, followed by 55% saying the number of miles the vehicle can go per charge and 52% saying the costs of buying and maintaining an electric-only vehicle.
The U.S. Department of Energy reports that there are currently around 49,000 public charging stations across the country.
There are around 145,000 gas stations around the country, and they generally only take a few minutes for you to fill up and be on your way.
Interestingly, only 36% are really interested in buying one
“The survey shows that there is clear interest among Americans in reducing costs for transportation and lowering their environmental impact,” said Quinta Warren, Consumer Reports’ associate director of sustainability policy. “It underscores some key concerns, but fortunately, many of these barriers to owning a battery-electric vehicle EV can be addressed through experience and education.”
Right, right, experience and education. Not price, charging logistics, range anxiety, cost to purchase.
Meanwhile, this is a bummer (hopefully the tweet will show)
Well, that's a bummer. I'd be rotating different metal songs every day
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 13, 2022

Thats only because logistics hits home before they even look into the price. If logistics were solved, then they wouldnt be bought due to price.
We won’t bring up how they sometimes spontaneously combust.
When we were shopping for a new ride last fall, range and charging were the issues that concerned us most with EV’s. There are gas stations everywhere, except maybe Ca. Price is always a factor, but in this case not the deciding one. We make occasional long trips (1k + miles) and would often be exceeding an EV’s range once or twice per day. When you factor in waiting to get to a charger and then charging time, easily over an hour can be wasted ‘refueling’. Sorry, no Tesla or Mach E for us.

For some the logistical part of EV’s work out.
I do have some skepticism that most people look at the logistics first. IIRC when discussing “alternate fuel vehicles” (I am broadening the definition to include EVs), it has always been most people are looking to save money overall. That’s when the high initial and ongoing maintenance costs show AFVs to be a poor choice in most instances. The fact you can’t find a lot of charging stations around is just icing on that particular cake.
And, granted, I am paranoid, but I have to wonder if this is some kind of back-door approach to justifying Da Gubmint install or force companies to install a bunch of charging stations so Greenies can charge up for free. Just sayin’.
Thing is, I’m better positioned than most to buy a plug-in electric: I have a good garage/shop, with separate-from-my-house, 200-amp service electric power, and now that our last business in the Keystone State is complete, I have no anticipated reason to take my F-150 on a drive which would exceed the mileage range on an F-150 Lightning.
But the F-150 Lightning isn’t a work truck. With a super-sized cab, the truck bed on the thing is only 5½ feet long. That means it is undoubtably great for hauling groceries and beer, but that’s about it. It’s a fancy-smancy ‘truck’ for guys who think driving a truck shows how manly they are, but I drive a truck because it is a work truck. Mine’s kind of beat up after 181,987 miles, with dings, scratches, and even a cut in the tailgate where I miscalculated a cut with my circular saw. Oops!
If someone gave me an F-150 Lightning, I wouldn’t turn it down. But as for spending $50,000 to $60,000 on one? Thanks, but no thanks!
When EVs have a similar range as gas/diesel vehicles, when they can be “refilled” as quickly as gas/diesel vehicles and when the infrastructure to do so is as readily available as current gas stations then and ONLY then will EVs be a viable replacement for gas/diesel vehicles…..and NOT BEFORE THAT.
Adding to Dan’s comment, when we have an electrical grid infrastructure that can sustain the additional load from a shift to EV’s. Currently, replacing reliable FF generation with unreliable ‘green’ generation is not engendering a lot of confidence.

So Dana the reasons thst you don’t want to buy a 60k Lightning are basically the same as the reasons you don’t want to psy the same price for a fossil fueled 150?
They both stzrt out at the same price 40k
However many Americans are buying 60k trucks BUT not as “work” trucks
There is a huge and very profitable market for pick ups that sre not a daily work truck.
But 25% of all lightnings are being sold as basic 40k fleet work trucks whose fleet owners KNOW that their total ownership costs over 5 years will be lower than burning fossil fuels
Percent of new US sold cars that are fully EV now at about 5% But that increases every year. More EVs than hybrids are sold in the USA
It took 10 years before peoe went from the first smartphones that were considered “rare” to everyone having one
Once things reach a tipping point (5%?) The increase snowballs
Dana remember the green hippie mantra
Reuse ( don’t buy new)
Repurpose. (Keep it as a stand by truck)
Recycle ( when it loses all useful life)