These cultists better think twice about doing it in Republican run areas
Climate activists expand tire-slashing operation beyond NYC. Here are the cities they’ve hit
The U.K. climate group whose members deflated tires on an estimated 40 vehicles in New York City last month recently announced similar actions in cities nationwide.
The Tyre Extinguishers, which encourages activists to deflate tires of parked sports utility vehicles (SUV) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, said it has already spread to Chicago and the San Francisco area this month. Individuals affiliated with the group have deflated the tires of 20 SUVs in Chicago, another 20 SUVs in Scranton, Pa., and 12 SUVs near San Francisco this month, according to the group.
“It can happen anywhere, anytime,” a spokesperson for the group told Fox News Digital in an email. “If you’re reading this and you own an SUV, scrap it before we get to it.”
The spokesperson previously told Fox News Digital that the group expected to “expand massively” across the U.S. in the coming weeks.
This is a wonderful way to get shot. By the way, since they are claiming to do this across the country, that would make it federal. Where’s the DOJ? And, yes, Scranton does lean very much Democrat
On the site, the group provides tips for activists to quickly deflate tires and a leaflet that can be printed and left on targeted vehicles windshields. The document asks the victim to not “take it personally” that their tires were deflated.
Don’t take it personally when you get punch and knocked out. Or hit with a baseball bat or something.
The Tyre Extinguishers don’t exclude electric vehicles (EV) from their actions, explaining such cars also have a major carbon footprint.
The group’s spokesperson forwarded Fox News Digital an email from an EV owner located in San Francisco, complaining their vehicle was targeted and demanding compensation.
“Are you people verifying whether the cars you’re slashing are electric vehicles or not? Or are you just targetting ALL SUVs?” the person wrote.
“Freaking geniuses,” they continued. “How do I get compensated for this?”
Of course, if the vehicle owner catches one of the nutters and beats them up the vehicle owner will be in trouble and the nutters will be lauded.

It needs to become an “Extreme Shoot, Shovel, Shutup” contest.
Tell ’em to come on up and try it here in the Mat-Su.
I see lead poisoning becoming a thing for climate cultists.
Civil disobedience is a thing but then there’s this, which is destruction of property or vandalism in some states.
In Virginia, for instance, destruction of property over $1,000 is a class 6 felony; this can get you a prison sentence of 1 to 5 years and a fine up to $2,500. Plus, most courts will require restitution for the amount of loss to the victim. A flatbed tow to the tire store and 4 new typical SUV tires can easily be over a grand in many cases.
In addition, felony convictions come with a whole bunch of other fun repercussions like no more 2nd amendment or voting for you and good luck with that career you were planning or mortgage you were looking at. Will you be getting a divorce in the future maybe? Well forget custody of your kids.
But look at the bright side, your carbon footprint will be pretty small while you’re serving your prison sentence. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time dumbasses.
That’s a pretty small group if they can only manage 20-40 cars hit. That can be done by just one guy on a weekend. How do these people even get any attention by news media? The local youth gangs tag more property than that every single day.
The people doing this are just on a path to more extreme destruction.
Sad to say but they need to be captured with extreme prejudice.
Not only are they breaking the law, but they’re monumental idiots….
[…] Pirates Cove tells us that climate thus are deflating the tires of cars because CLIMATE JUSTICE or some such BS […]
Actually the tires are not “slashed” that would be extremely noisy as anyone who has ever been in a tire shop should know
Instead a lentil bean is put under the valve stem cap
Teach would yku kill a person who did that to your car? What about a kid keying the point?
An American right winger is always ready to kill a delinquent to teach them a lesson.
Pro Tip: When shooting the teenager next to your car be sure not to hit your car with the AR-15 fusillade. The .223 does a real job on autos.
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