The hell you say!
Prominent Pro-Abortion Group Appears To Be Front For Radical Revolutionary Communists
A prominent pro-abortion activist group downplaying its association with the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) shares significant infrastructure and leadership with the radical outfit’s other offshoot groups, a Daily Caller analysis has found.
Although RiseUp4AbortionRights seems like most other pro-abortion groups at first glance, other pro-abortion activists released a statement in late June asserting that RiseUp is a front for a “pyramid scheme” and cult of personality. The Daily Caller’s examination of the organization’s leaders, online presence, and fundraising platforms lend credence to the claim that RiseUp is an offshoot front group for the RCP.
“Support for communism in the U.S. is incredibly low, so one way for these individuals to jump-start is to ride the coattails of something that has much more acceptability” in mainstream discussion of current political events, Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, told the Daily Caller.
Yes, they do, much like they glommed on to the environmental and climate doom agenda, transforming them to extreme radicals
RiseUp shares leadership with the RCP and several of its related organizations. Sunsara Taylor is a prominent RCP spokeswoman and a co-founder of RiseUp. Taylor founded RiseUp in January 2022 to protest for “abortion on demand and without apology.” An earlier pro-abortion group Taylor founded, Stop Patriarchy, used the same slogan and also attracted scrutiny from other pro-abortion activist organizations, the Austin Chronicle reported in 2014. Stop Patriarchy has not posted any new tweets to its Twitter feed since 2020, but the organization’s website features more recent footage of an interview in which Taylor discusses the consequences of the Dobbs decision.
Taylor also founded The World Can’t Wait, Inc., (TWCW) alongside another RCP devotee in 2006 to oppose the Bush administration, particularly its policies in the Middle East.
TWCW was a super extreme group of unhinged radicals. I remember her attempting to debate with Bill O’Reilly, who took it easy, rare for Bill. Laura Ingraham did not. She made no attempt to coddle the petulant child.
Another leading RiseUp activist, Sam Goldman, is a prominent spokeswoman for Refuse Fascism. In a Jan. 2022 episode of the Refuse Fascism podcast featured on the organization’s website, Goldman stated that she has “been busy helping launch RiseUp4AbortionRights.”
There are lots and lots of links.
The RCP centers on Avakian’s revolutionary ideology, which RCP materials refer to as “new communism.” Critics, including those who signed the June statement against RiseUp, have claimed that the RCP is a Maoist group that elevates Avakian and his teachings as messianic. The late June statement from pro-abortion groups opposed to RiseUp asserted that the RCP established RiseUp as a front to divert funds and people towards the growth of its ideology rather than earnestly supporting the pro-abortion cause.
The group is one of the most visible, with lunatics like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hillary Clinton, Mark Ruffalo, and others backing them. This who the Democrats are backing, radical communists.

Oh, the lefties always travel together, because leftism is actually a narrow path, and its adherents despise any variation from the Official Path. Look how they’re trying to bludgeon their own, hammering at J K Rowling and a few others, leftists all, who have the temerity, the unmitigated gall, to not accept ‘trans women’ as real women.
So Mx Teach is apoplectic that a “pro-choice org” roundly criticized by other pro-choice organizations is a sign of a coming communist apocalypse? Did Mx Teach miss the part that RiseUp is being roundly criticized by all the other pro-choice groups, who view RiseUp as a front?
Mx Teach: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hillary Clinton, Mark Ruffalo… backing them
Does Mx Teach have evidence that these 3 back RiseUp?
That’s like saying that Mx Teach and con-menters back the Boogaloo Bois and the Patriot Front.
You’re all a bunch of fukin communists. You know it, we know i so just admit it. No one but a communist would support the mass murder of pre natal children, the lie that a man can be a woman or give birth or celebrate every commie idea that comes along. Not to mention refusing to audit the stolen election, supporting kangaroo trials and commie show trials, holding people in jail illegally, etcetera, etcetera. Only commies.