I saying, it’s a cult that attributes everything to their cult beliefs
The average per century is 6-8 inches per century. Hawaii is at around 6 inches. A Holocene warm period should be over 12 per century. Data is more important than fearmongering https://t.co/rOMm2R7hlL
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 19, 2022
Pretty wild video, right? Hawaii is known for big waves, and as Joe Bastardi tweets
Did you even look at what caused this? these are known as southern swells, often the product of multiple waves that come together from distances far away. Former hurricane may have also helped.Mariners know full well about rogue waves. this person apparently does not
No, they don’t
That’s from my link in the tweet. Do you see anything Doomy? .51 feet is right about 6 inches, right? The average sea level rise over the past 8,000 years is 6-8 inches per century. Meaning a war period should be much higher to offset the low to negative sea rise of a cool period. There’s also no acceleration. So, of course we get
- Time: Rising Sea Levels Contributed to Towering Waves Recently Recorded In Hawaii
- Hawaii Tribune-Herald: ‘Historic’ swell: Waves swamp Hulihe‘e Palace wedding, overtop townhomes
- Spectrum News: Hawaii waves swamp homes, weddings during ‘historic’ swell
- Hawaii Public Radio: Waves swamp local homes, weddings during ‘historic’ south swell
They all link this to climate crisis doom. Barstool Sports gets the Stupid Award for writing “The “other factors”, according to scientists, is climate change but you can’t say that on the internet because people will get their panties in a bunch.” Some of us do have a problem with cults pushing their insanity, yes.

Ya. I’m pretty sure that, other than Jesus Christ, wealth is the most reliable way of being saved. Wealthy people have a LOT more options in life than other people. Mobility is just one of them.
UK shatters all time high temp record
40.2 at Heathrow breaks old(?) Record of 38.7 set long ago in 2019.
Caused by what, John?
In case you don’t know, it is hot outside. I am sure you are referring to global warming secondary to humans. But that is not happening. And we do not need to explain the phenomenon. What we do know is ridding ourselves of cars, energy, food, shelter, comfort, our wealth will do nothing. Climate change is real. It has been going on steadily since the glaciers melted and will continue until the glaciers reform, then start the process over. In fact, we are close to another ice age despite the heat, if you take the time to review previous climate history. You are being led by the nose to accept the one and only solution acceptable to our brave leaders which is global communism. That will not happen.
No. It shattered the KNOWN/RECORDED high temperature.
No one knows what the real high was.